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Taylor Jul 2013
your arms
are only two of the branches
that fall and collapse on me
your eyelashes,
as long as dinosaur bones,
traced the flesh of my shoulder
as your face met mine
this ***** heart that i have,
pumped like a running race horse
trying to cross the finish line
powered by the electricity in your eyes
your fingers, delicate twigs
on the edge of breaking
right through my skin
the canary sings love songs atop your high rise
i climb up and sing along,
"i love you"
Taylor Jul 2013
my legs are shaking with pride
                             or is it fear
that the roots have clasped onto
                  buckled at the belt
i am tied to my own apprehension
                    chainsawing my way through myself
is the best way to reach the core
Taylor Apr 2013
Lay my heart beside the sea
            I'll convulse silently
I then fell off the tree
            Blacked my eye, scraped my knee
The currents were wild-
        they ran free like a child.
From the door, to the rocks-
          they stumbled at the docks.
When at last I got up-
       from the sand and the muck-
I collapsed, once again, from the tide and the wind.

And finally I did see, the shore looking at me- laughing gallantly,
the shore said to me,
"Do not stumble again, you're too weak, you're too thin, don't you shake, for, you see? You are free, you are free"
Taylor Apr 2013
I miss you because I've never met you like the
                                                   meet the crease of your lips.
Taylor Mar 2013
your heart tasted like honey,

                 then i swallowed it instead
and the only thing that it left me
                                                           was a memory- ruby red

now it has turned bitter

                       lodged inside my throat

I need to get it out I guess

                or maybe I'll just gloat

                                                 I washed it down with water,
laughing as I did,
                        it felt like a tentacle that once was on a squid

it sleeps beside my organs

      beating casually

I'm hoping that it will, one day, incessantly love me
Taylor Feb 2013
I like your heart,
                            and how it patters
                       with its rhythmic thump thump thump
                               how I could sit and talk for hours
                         Telling everyone I love

                                                               I like your legs draped right across mine
                                                                                         for a second: one or two
                                                                   I think about you: almost, often
                                                                                Maybe I'll write these lines anew

                                      Open a book and light a fire
                                                 As you outline my hipbones
                                        Rip the paper from it's sockets
                                                                       The appendage left alone

                                                                                                         *It will covet flesh and bone
Taylor Dec 2012
you were all thumbs
stumbling into the doorway
glossy eyes
glowing like emeralds
hands tracing the door handle
wishing i could taste your chapped lips
your extremities come closer to me
rain falls on the exterior
of my heart
I shake,
*I yearn for you
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