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 Jan 2013 T
Luke Morphew- Hedges
I find your looks hypnotic,
The way you stand and stare,
I love the way you shake your locks,
Of long and silky hair.

I find your smile enchanting,
Your sly yet innocent grin,
It makes me want to caress and stroke,
Your smooth and supple skin.

I find you so enthralling,
I love your distinctive smell,
Of christmas day and roses,
You hold me in your spell
What I wish I had said, 
When it would have meant the most.
When we were lying there together.
So raw, so close.

If I would have just let my soul speak true, 
I wouldn't feel so terrible, 
Sleeping alone. 
I wanted to tell you,
The missing words in my mouth.
I fought and I fought,
But they just wouldn't come out.

For richer or for poor,
In sickness and in health.
You are the one.
Never anyone else.

I miss you already,
I want you even more.
These feelings are pressing,
Breaking me down to the core.

I love you. 
Oh, I love you, I do.
The missing I love you,
Way past due.
Passion deep and passion true,
My heart, my soul, 
Will be filled with you.
Bonkers? BONKERS?! Bonkers you say?!
I'll be completely wonkers for it is written upon my grave.
Until the moon turns to sun and the bearded woman shaves
Bonkers and wonkers until my final day.

Loud? LOUD?! Loud you say?!
I'll be forever loud for being quiet is a shame.
To whisper is to keep secrets and secrets shouldn't be said!
If not loud, then silence! Silent like the dead. 

Stay loud, and bonkers, and wonkers, and silent
Be afraid to be public and amusingly private
Stay creepy, and hushed, and awkward, and such
I promise you'll like it.
Very, very much.
 Jan 2013 T
Samantha Van Sickle
I love how you never cared
about me
I love how you completely moved on
without me
I love how you got my hopes up
about us
I love how you created new memories
without us

I hate how you always talked
about me
I hate how you always did things
without me
I hate how I believed in everything
about us
and how you are perfectly fine
without us.
I found this one on my laptop today. Guess I forgot to upload it. I haven't uploaded anything in a while so, I'm glad I am now.
 Jan 2013 T
Ashley Marie Warrer
I am the damsel
and you are my white knight
these woods are pitch black
except for the moon's beam
and the dancing of our flashlights.

It seems as if for hours
we've been searching,
maybe even years
but you and I are finally here
and we are running...

Until we find a place to collapse,
here in the dark
and I think that place
is here in your arms.

Our fingers are buried deep in the moss,
our toes dangle in the reflection of stars
and if we try,
our lips could ignite,
sending sparks up into the sky
floating like little fireflies.
Copywrite Ashley Marie 7/17/10
 Jan 2013 T
 Jan 2013 T
what i once thought
i thought i knew
nothing could change how i felt about you
i never believed what i saw
but now my eyes have been bled raw
and i see you for all you really are
cant forgive, a stupid mistake
you say you loved, but i say it was faked
if those feelings were so true
then i wouldn't be here, angry at you
an act of compassion, i could never get
every time i slipped, you made me regret it
another fault, another straw in the stack
and finally we've broken the young camel's back
 Jan 2013 T
Sam Islo
 Jan 2013 T
Sam Islo
isn't it cray, how life must take
when you're late you're on time and when you're early you're late
isn't it so hard to differentiate?
even if losing the world will keep moving
how would it be if fate was a mistake
be wise when you choose, be swift in your shoes
but light on your feet always
we will go go go until we reach a dream
when our spirits are fickle and thoughts are extreme
we will search high and low until we find what it means
sincerely Eachothers, and forever free
 Jan 2013 T
It seems as though,
You've let go.
I sit here and wonder why
Can't I?

It's not that I want you back,
Because, really, I can live without that,
But then I smell your scent, or hear a song,
And it takes me back to when nothing felt this wrong.

This time there isn't a she
Just that fact that it isn't me.
You didn't need a temporary distraction,
You just divided me out of your fraction.

But freedom is ringing,
And free time keeps screaming,
I don't really have much to do,
Now that I'm living without you.

It's not that you were the best I could have in my life,
Because when you left, I found in my back, a knife.
It's just that I remember everything I did for you,
And the sweet taste of times when you did things for me too.

You helped me find the strength to accept the death of my mother,
You kept me calmed down, when I found out that I had a brother.
When my ***** holder went to jail, you held me that night,
When my Dad died, I needed you, but you weren't in sight.
But then you were, but you weren't mine.

I know that I'll find someone that will make me able to feel,
And God made another of me to love you more than I ever will,
But I can't help taking a stroll down memory lane,
Even if it results in momentary pain.

My mouth doesn't speak your name anymore,
But still, from pen, I find that it pours.
You were the first person to make me feel good,
To make me feel beautiful and important and understood.

You made me feel ****, you made me feel smart.
You made me feel ways, I didn't think I could with my heart.
You were the first to make me feel alive, like I was enough
You were the first to make me feel love.

After you left I didn't know what to do,
Except turn all of my hatred towards you.
And the girls that came after me.
And the person that I could never be.

In ten years, I will love someone new.
Get married, and have a baby or two.
We'll live together and dance in the moon,
But I will still remember you.

And how we spent our teenage years, right from the start,
In Summer heat, and Winter nights, and Fall and Spring under the stars.
You've changed me in all the ways a person should be changed,
And showed me things in my life that I should rearrange.

Not only did I love you,
But I loved the person you made me into.
And I felt that when you left me alone,
The good part of me would have followed you home.

And as I question what I need to do, I glance up above,
And realize that I need to start a new chapter in this terrible thing called love.
But this one might be the hardest one, I've ever had to write,
Because I have to love myself before I can love anyone right.

I've put down the razor for good,
The way that I should.
And I've found better things to do,
Then to sit around and wait for you.

I'm adding new habits to an old personality,
Because I want to be the best person that I can be.
You've casted the outline to the person I need,
But the things you didn't do, doesn't help me.

Out of 7 billion people,
You're still not the person for me.
But I can learn to expect things like that
On my road to recovery.
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