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 Jun 2013 Tay Lor
Danielle K
No matter what I do, or who I am surrounded by,
I am still somewhat alone.
Alone in my mind, alone in my soul.

Solitude is not so bad.
It's when you are by your lonesome that you
can truly reflect.

You think about could haves
and should haves, regrets and mistakes. But you also
think back to your happiest days--the ones you forgot
to write about in your journal.

I walk down the empty sidewalks,hands deep in my
winter jacket's pockets, and sit
by myself at a park bench.

Yes, I am a lone flower who has yet to blossom.
 May 2013 Tay Lor
 May 2013 Tay Lor
i am broken glass shards
spread out across the
tiles on your
kitchen floor do not
step on me

i am empty plastic water bottles
crinkled up
with lost white twisting tops
do not step on me i am
cars speeding down your little neighborhood's one lane road i am
accidents on highways
slow down as you pass me

i am bug bites and zip ties
swollen joints and peach fuzz bruises - orange and green and purple, beautiful
soft and
i am cracks as deep as the lines on your face and on your soul
i am picky eaters and temper tantrums
don't stare
we are attracted to blue flames and the sounds of
keyboards clicking
in the dark
 May 2013 Tay Lor
Do you care?
 May 2013 Tay Lor
I needed your help.
I had come to depend upon you.

I am thinking about you,
but do you care?
Just a little something I found. :)

— The End —