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Bryan Feb 23
The worst they could say is no.

Every time.

For decades.

The worst.
Bryan Oct 2024
Ever always inches extra
Left to fill the space between.
The insulation, buffer, membrane;
Left to separate the means.

Never are there minutes extra
Left to end our favorite dreams.
The light of day will always come
To chase away the sweetest things.

Nadir as ever, even space
Curled around in gravid skiens,
Ensures the best of universes
Remain for us to be unseen.

Ever always inches extra:
Not enough to reach it seems.
Reality itself dictates
That reaching is the final scene.

But still i try.

I still strive to quantify
But by making feelings, words,
Half the meaning seems to die.

How could I, mortal eye,
Who sees but lets these feelings lie,
Accomplish justified description
Of an infinite divide?

If I filled every single book
With every star in every sky
And every word of every poem
Was a world where we could hide,
And every one of them
Were lit by their own lights
It would still not be enough
To match the stars inside your eyes.

Ever always inches extra:
The ones between you and me.
There is space in which to go
And find out what there is to see;
To travel out amongst the stars
Inches from infinity.

Just take a step.

A couple inches.

I want to see the galaxy.
Bryan Oct 2024
The ground
Is coming fast now.
I can see it
Looming over me.

Maybe if it hits hard enough
I'll be buried
And I can stay there.
Bryan Oct 2024
This can't be Earth because I'm falling way faster than that.
Bryan Sep 2024
How low do you go
Before you hit the bottom Rock?
Are you pressed? Are you pushed?
To the bottom from the top?

Only man can conceive  
that which God could not.
Causing need and feeding greed
As the world is growing hot.

We will face the death of man
And we will tend our salted lot
While money turns to cloth,
Turns to paper, turns to rot.

They steal the food upon our plates
And kick our shins under the table.
We should be taking what we're owed;
We are many, and we are able.

Take note the men who sleep
Behind the doors with extra locks,
'Cause when we come...
and we will come...

There won't be time to stop for knocks.
Bryan May 2024
Bryan Feb 2024
I just want to sit under the tree and read these to you.
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