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Dec 2015 · 378
Tasia Howard Dec 2015
The walls are falling in again,
The walls are falling in.
I can feel them crumbling again,
I can feel them crumbling.

The air, where has the air gone?
It was here a moment ago.
The cracks have all been sealed;
The air vents refuse to blow.

And the door, wasn't there a door?
Now all I see are four walls.
There was power too, I'm sure,
And a signal so I could call.

But no, there's no way out or in,
And there's no way to escape.
The air is beginning to grow thin
And I know that I'm too late.

The walls are falling in, again;
The walls are falling in.
My own mind, the enemy
When it used to be my friend.

I'm scared for his sake,
I hope he'll be alright.
I have no idea how to help him;
Uselessness is worse than fright.
And nothing is worse
Than knowing someone you love
Is hurting from a cause
That no one, as of yet, knows of.

And my mind, in its fear
Has turned into a death chamber.
Anxiety, this is not the time
To reduce me to a human anchor.
Let me breathe and think,
Get me out of the cage my mind is,
So that I can be there for him
when the mental trap becomes his.
Dec 2015 · 617
You'll Be Okay
Tasia Howard Dec 2015
This is for those Who have,

And Hated Themselves,
Because of what other people think.

Think before you speak, Words HURT Some of us have the SCARS to PROVE IT. If you Are one of us, Know you're not alone, and you'll be okay. I know its hard, but Please... I beg you, throw the blades, pins, needles, lighters, and rubber bands away... You're loved, and like i said... you'll be okay. :)
Dec 2015 · 498
Tasia Howard Dec 2015
"Back away." she said.
"My heart is dark, and my mind is no Eden,
I can't let you in, its a place occupied by my demons."

He blinked, startled at her words.
She blinked, surprised at the smile on his face.

"Come closer." he said.
"My heart is ablaze, and in my mind resides hell.
It will be the perfect place for your demons to dwell."
Dec 2015 · 414
Depression Due to Sickness
Tasia Howard Dec 2015
His eyes stare at me, dull.
His smile is gone, no longer there.
His stomach is empty, not full.
His attitude sends a chill through the air.

He speaks to no one, he stays quiet.
Everything he sees produces a chafe.
His fists are always clenched, ready to fight.
He hides where it's safe, except it's not safe.

He slices his skin open.
He believes he's broken.
He hates his life,
So he tries to end it with a knife.

In the hospital he lays,
He's in a coma.
He won't wake up for days,
Maybe never due to severe lymphoma.
Dec 2015 · 320
The Blood Doesn't Stop
Tasia Howard Dec 2015
As the blood seeps out,
I slice my wrist even more.
I think of all the things
That make people hate me,
And the blood doesn't stop.
Nov 2015 · 535
Tasia Howard Nov 2015
Choking on muffled screams,
She tries to escape the chair that holds her captive.
Blood seeps out of her as he laughs.
He drinks the dripping liquid with small licks,
Letting the copper taste dance lightly on his tongue.
A sharp, silver razor tears at her skin.
A knife grinds bones as he continues slicing her open.
He watches her drown in her blood, she tries spitting it out.
There's too much, the red liquid continues filling her lungs.
In his twisted idea of mercy,
He took the knife and slid it across her neck.
Torn veins and arteries released,
The last remnants of her blood pooled on the basement floor.
He bent over her and sunk his teeth into her.
Bite by bite, her body was torn apart.
Nov 2015 · 313
"Just Joking"
Tasia Howard Nov 2015
Blood is red,
My face is blue.
You hate me,
And I do too.

Your suit is black,
My flowers are white.
You were "Just Joking",
And that made it alright?
Nov 2015 · 228
Tasia Howard Nov 2015
She tries to please them but it's no good.
She walks away and pulls up her hood.
Tears fall as one by one appears a cut.
She stares at the wall and feels the blood.
She tries so hard to hide,
She wishes she would've died.
Nov 2015 · 480
Tasia Howard Nov 2015
I'm sitting in my room surrounded by paper *****.
I've got a binder in front of me and my pencil is poised.
I'm out of ideas and my boyfriend is distracting me.
He keeps taking my binder and poking me.
He keeps breaking my pencils and crinkling my paper.
I'm tired and cranky.
He leans close to me and tackles me.
My homework flies everywhere.
He lays on top of me and whispers, "Fun time."
I feel a sharp pain in my stomach.
The lights go out.
No one is here but me and him.
I hear shuffling noises.
I scream as I feel something impaling my rib cage.
I should've listened to my mom.

I wake up panting.
I should've listened to my mom.
Because I didn't, I'll be living my nightmare every day.
Nov 2015 · 260
Love Is Great
Tasia Howard Nov 2015
I watch you walk down the halls in style.
I can't help but look at you and smile.
I see you staring at me.
You're eyes are as pure as honey.
I can't help but think love is great.

You tickle and poke my tummy.
You tell me you love me.
You hold me when I'm sad
And kiss me when I'm mad.
I can't help but think love is great.
Nov 2015 · 442
Kill Me With Pleasure
Tasia Howard Nov 2015
You tell me you love me and you tell me I'm special.
You say I'm your good girl and you're my rebel.
You kiss me and touch me like no one else can.
You tickle my tummy and I grab your hands.
I tell you to stop but you keep doing it.
I'm not supposed to, but I give in.
We lay on my bed panting.
I realize the mistake I've made and you leave ranting.

Two weeks later I'm sitting at home.
I find your number and cry in the phone
We're gonna have a baby, you and me.
We made a mistake, don't you see?
You lied to me, you were very clever.
And now I see, you **** me with pleasure.

— The End —