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Tasha Gill Jan 2013
Today's the day, my son my boy!
You're going places filled with joy,
With a spring in your step, a sack on your back
With the knowledge you've gained, the experience you lack.
You see young lad, the world's at your feet
There's nothing to fear as you strut down the street!
You're out of my control young man you're free,
Free from my power, from my authority
You make your own choices, you take your own falls
You'll stand after each one, you race down those halls!
Don't be scared my chap, keep a stiff upper lip
Just think of this as a forever long trip!
You'll come back of course to visit, not long
You'll come back a man, you'll come back strong.
Don't forget now dear son to call your mother
Don't forget your sweet sister, you're her only brother.
In a blink my boy this will all be done
You'll be gone far away, oh my beloved son!
I'll miss you so much, and you'll miss me too
I remember you small walking in my too-large shoes.
I know we've had trials, fights, ups and downs
But know you're the very best son around
Always, please always remember this clue
That forever and always your father loves you.
Tasha Gill Jan 2013
The walls
sing blue
the floors
scream orange
but in a
quiet subtle
kind of way

The bed creaks
with the window
they seem to converse
as you shift in your slumber
the way the wind
whistles past
a lullaby for dreams

The paintings talk shop
comparing, contrasting
the florals feel superior
the landscape's bored
the portrait stares out
the window dreaming
of the day when
he'll have a friend
the still lifes always gossip

The sounds of the room
are just right for
a demented mind
inspiring to the disturbed
a friend for the paranoid
a calm in the eye of
a mental storm
Tasha Gill Dec 2012
I'm stuck
Done for
I've got
Zero and zip
Eludes me
Around my head
God, just
Let me write
Something good
Papers and poems
Scatter my floor
I'm not asking for
Cummings or Kipling
Or Frost
Just one little poem
To prove this all
Isn't for naught
Tasha Gill Dec 2012

It's one of my favorite words.

It's a verb, a noun, an adjective.

It's amazing.

You can say anything and add emphasis with ****.

I'm ******* tired.

You're a little ******.


It adds a jaded air to words that could have once sounded plain.

I'm so sick of this ******* place.

This ******* town doesn't have anything I want anymore.

It adds anger and frustration.


What's your ******* problem?

Leave me the **** alone.

It does so much.

It angers parents.

It makes you a middle school hero.

It makes you an average high school student.

It turns you into elementary school pariah.

It makes you an awesome old person.

It makes you a frighteningly upset parent.

**** can transform you from a quiet nobody to a very ******* somebody.
Tasha Gill Dec 2012
tired and sore, but happy

we are the ***** teens of the underground

grungy and grimy, our hair out of place

dirt on our hands and red on our cheeks

the wind biting against our skin as we ride

put the pedal to the metal and we climb

up, up high as we can go without dying

it's a wonderful thing, not caring

we don't care how people in the cars near by

see us as we ride in the rain

our clothes sticking to our skin

and the mud across our backs

biking through puddles

and talking about nothing

yelling to the sun

about how awesome we are

and how the hills mean nothing

to our muscled thighs

mud flies off our shoes

from the rocks we climbed

we move onward to our next location

your house or mine?

we sit ourselves upon a couch

and watch the hours glide by

and we get back on our bikes again

we're itching for a ride
Tasha Gill Dec 2012
When nobody understands anybody

Everybody is fine

But when anybody can't explain

Nobody doesn't know what's wrong

Anybody feels alone

Nobody tries to make it better

Anybody begins to cry

Nobody couldn't know but he feels terrible all the same

Anybody digs deep deep down to find the words

But she can't they're lost somewhere

Where nobody can find them

But nobody's not looking for words

He's looking for a solution that can't be found

Anybody gives up on explaining or telling nobody

And lets the pain wash over her

But nobody's there he finds the solution

Hidden down beneath the words that anybody couldn't find

But nobody found them and there he found the solution

The way to make anybody understand how nobody feels

Without having to find more elusive words

A hug

An exchange of looks and a smile

Anybody finds new words

Different words to express the feelings of nobody

I love you

And nobody doesn't need to search for words anymore

Because they were given to him

Handed down to him from anybody

And he says these words that don't have to be found

But discovered or given and once given they need to be returned better than before

I love you too.
Tasha Gill Dec 2012
Time nor age
Can fade this moment
The way the light
Made each flake shine
The way the night
And all its possibilities
Flowed swiftly forward
To wrap itself around them
The sharp crunch
The freshly fallen snow
Made as each footstep fell
Stole the raucous silence
From their ears
The glow of the
Streetlamps cast halos
Of charming light
That illuminated
The beautiful houses
As they spoke of
Futures and hopes
And the lives of
Their deepest, dearest dreams
This moment, this night,
This beauty, this magic
Are permanent for them
Never to be dulled or forgotten
But to be with them
And to beat on
In their hearts
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