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Sep 2012 · 725
Tasbah Phawna Sep 2012
We were once one.
Shy at first, not knowing what to do.
But then the distance became less and less between us.
We were perfectly happy in each others arms,
slowing time as we starred into the other's eyes.
We could talk about anything for hours on end.
There was no distance between us.
Suddenly, three thousand miles barges in,
wedging us apart.
Slowly, like watching paint dry, we grew apart.
Fighting left and right.
Not only have we physically distanced from each other,
we are now emotionally effected.
Not as close as before.
How could we have let Distance destroy us?
Sep 2012 · 670
A picture
Tasbah Phawna Sep 2012
A picture is worth a thousand words
Your picture; Infinite amounts.
I can't help it...
Looking through pictures of you
brings me pain, agony, sadness.
The only time I get to see you now a days.
The only time I can star into you blue eyes.
They're like an empty abyss now.
That sparkle that once was there has vanished.
Every time I see your picture,
Sep 2012 · 1.0k
I'll miss that
Tasbah Phawna Sep 2012
I will miss the death and birth of all plants.
The colors shifting from green to reds, oranges, and yellows.
The weather change from blazing hot to bone chilling cold.
I will miss the ominous crunch of leaves under my feet.
Wearing jackets and pants on Halloween.
The bare carcass of trees, stripped of their pride.
I will miss the soft fluff.
The powdery snow drifting from the sky.
The shimmering of each ice crystal.
Trying to find two snow flakes that look alike,
even though that is impossible.
I will miss the shivers that climbed up my spine.
Wearing hats, scarves and heavy, marshmallow jackets.
The silent whisper of the snow landing.
How the harsh air kissed our cheeks, and made our noses run.
Oddly enough, I'll miss all that.
Sep 2012 · 2.0k
Mosquito Bites On My Leg
Tasbah Phawna Sep 2012
Mosquito               Bites               On               My               Leg

Bites                       That                Itch              Like             Crazy

On                         My                  Knees           And             Arms

My                       Nail                 Makes            An               X

Leg                      And                  Arms           Going           Crazy
Sep 2012 · 1.1k
Cycle of becoming alive
Tasbah Phawna Sep 2012
They say things become alive
during the day
flours bloom
birds chirp
everyone's moving
sun's energy kisses our skins
but the  night isn't completely dead.
It begins at dusk when the wolves come out
all the night critters
crawl out from under their clammy rocks
the crickets and coqui frogs chirp.
The roaches creep out
hiding in unexplored crevices.
Party people become alive
the creatures of the night are unleashed.
But not all is dark
the moon and stars light the sky
their energy producing a spectacular
light show.
As the sun replaces the moon
they cycle of becoming alive
restarts and all is reborn.
Sep 2012 · 647
Black out
Tasbah Phawna Sep 2012
In hale.
    In hale.
       World spinning.
         Black out.
          In hale.
             Senses alive.
            Blank stares.
           Spacing out.
          Is this real life?
         Stomach rumbles.
        Uncontrollable giggles.
       Gotta concentrate.
      Ooh whats this?
    Eyes heavy.
   Feel the music.
  Mouth numb.
Time slowed.
Black out.
Sep 2012 · 489
Tasbah Phawna Sep 2012
Where did the T                        
                                ­   M
                                           E            go?
Blink my eyes and there goes two W                    S
                                                                ­E         K        
                                                                ­      E
Look the other direction and say good by to two M          R
                                                    ­                                     O           E
Nap for five minutes, and its already been F                 and a               H                    
                                           ­                                 I                               ­             A
                                                  ­                              V                                  ­          L
                                                     ­                               E                                 ­            F
M          O          N          T          H          S.
Where­ did the T                        
                                ­   M
                                           E        go?
Sep 2012 · 642
Water color
Tasbah Phawna Sep 2012
I want to live in a water color painting.
Take a minute and think.

A splash of ****** red here,
A dash of midnight blue there.
Blend that with majestic purple.
Add a sunshine yellow,
With an emerald green.
Smear a spicy orange.

Step back, observe;
The end masterpiece?
A vibrant,
                                          Water downed
                                                             Version of reality.
Sep 2012 · 1.1k
Cold Sweat
Tasbah Phawna Sep 2012
Having a nice little chat,
Walking side by side with a brat.
Step upon a friable stick,
Under your foot, it feels like a brick.
It crackles, pay no attention.
Sit on a bench, feel suspension.
Hear a large crack,
Then you fall back.
And now you're awake,
due to a bouncy shake.
Sep 2012 · 1.9k
Teddy Bear
Tasbah Phawna Sep 2012
Chilled nights, star lights
Bright with life.
The sheets bundle at the feet.
Too hot.
Too cold.
Toss and turn.
Fetus, log, yearner,
Solider, freefall, starfish.
No position satisfies.
My eyes look to the bear.
A  simple stuffed animal.
Your fur soft, his smell still lingers.
You are apart of me, teddy bear.
My arms and side like a magnet to the bear,
I finally catch some long overdue Z's.
Sep 2012 · 1.1k
The power within
Tasbah Phawna Sep 2012
The hair
The eyes
The teeth
The skin
The body
Commoners pay so much attention to it; Number one priority
One hair out of place
One eye color gone wrong
One tooth gone crooked
One blemish living on your skin
One disproportional body part
Your beauty is now shattered; To be forever ordinary
Pay attention to their actions
Pay attention to their humor
Pay attention to their likes and dislikes
Pay attention to their thoughts
Pay attention to their feelings and goals
The power within us all is strong; Question is, can you embrace it?
Sep 2012 · 1.5k
You Are Rebarbative
Tasbah Phawna Sep 2012
How could this have happened?
Life took its time and tortured me.
Taunting, malicious, evil.
I lived a melancholy life.

The people weren’t enough.
I desired more.
I desired love.
I desired my other half.

Just when I thought I was forever alone,
Unexpectedly, he appeared.
He cared, gave me his everything.
He took his time with me.

I should’ve recognized the foreboding.
We all want happiness, no one wants pain,
But we can’t have a rainbow without a little rain.
Even then, rainbows don’t last forever.

You’re wicked.
You want to hurt me.
When I wanted to pick a fight, You started running.

You don’t care about me.
You don’t care about young love.
Ripping my heart out.
Tearing apart his.

When someone thinks of you, life,
They think of you being balanced.
A sprinkle of unfairness,
A sprinkle of happiness.
You surprised all the guileless ones

You are judicious; an ill-humored dowdy.
Maybe you’re just a querulous old women,
Tired of ignorant pests.
Or maybe you were just born with a blackened heart.

But, now when I ask you for a reason why,
You curl up in a ball, roll away and let me cry.
What a coward.
Conniving little *****.

What comes around goes around,
You’ll get your share,
Three times worse.
Think you’re so contumacious?

What is it?
You desired more?
You desired love?
You desired someone else?
Are you jealous?
Don’t be tremulous about the topic.

Something will happen to you…
Your soul mate awaits you,
But for now,
Please, be kind to me.
I was very angry at life...

— The End —