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 Jun 2013 Taryn Kraus
I knew her even before the day I was born,
in my heart I know she's there.
But when I finally met her,
I cried and shout for joy
for she was the most beautiful and strong woman I ever met,
It was love at first sight.

Holding your hands for the first time feels like heaven.
I love the touch of your hair whenever I rest my head upon your shoulder.
And when it's time for me to rest,
your hands are my cradle and your scent is my lullaby.

I know at times I made you cry
for I was adamant and senseless but you never cared.
Instead,  you kept on loving me and that made me change.
Right then I loved you even more until my last breath.

There are times I want to let go,
then you set me free knowing I would go back to you and never will I ever go.
Your embrace is my comfort
and your sweet kiss is my surprise.

Grace, that is what you are to me.
Love, that is what you gave to me.
I may have love many but MAMA you are the first woman I ever loved.
I shall not sing a May song.
A May song should be gay.
I'll wait until November
And sing a song of gray.

I'll wait until November
That is the time for me.
I'll go out in the frosty dark
And sing most terribly.

And all the little people
Will stare at me and say,
"That is the Crazy Woman
Who would not sing in May."

Anonymous submission.
Gwendolyn Brooks
Gwendolyn Brooks, An African American Poet (1917 - 2000 / Kansas / United States, found at
 Jun 2013 Taryn Kraus
All it took was an apple
to bring down
The Most Beautiful Girl in the World


When I grew up
She was the head cheerleader
and I often thought about throwing
apples at her head
but instead, I quietly contemplated
how a baseball bat
would make my point instead

I was forever hated

Cinderella had mice and birds
and all kind of vermin
bring her up to speed
with a beautiful dress
and a pumpkin coach

But instead of planting a big wet one
on the Prince of her dreams
who was really just a wet noodle
in her arms, it seems

She turned tail and ran
at the first sign of romance
and I bet her bare feet,
on the way out,
squashed more than one roach

Rapunzel had her golden hair
that could have easily been
a noose around her neck
But instead she used it to trap
Men like flies
Notice it was never her ****
that hit the deck!

Never more a worthless ****
of all the stories of yore
was Sleeping Beauty
who waited for a prince to come
unconscious the whole time
and just as oblivious
to the perilous journey
AND the responsibility that HE bore


Want to hear the one
about a girl who by no means
had any looks?
She had intelligence
noted by all the books
She had street smarts
by virtue of hiding at home
She had an even uglier stepfather
that never left her alone
Her long dark hair
and soulful eyes
brought all the boys to her side
No two toads were alike
and a kiss was too steep
a price to pay
for such a scary ride

She tried to sleep forever
until one day
her life might become better
But she awakened and
the scars she made
won't let her

ever forget

*the Fairytale
ain't real
 Jun 2013 Taryn Kraus
The way she giggles
When I kiss her neck.
Her curling, sea of hair
As we dance around in bed.
The way she sings “hey”
When  I venture too far,
As hands and lips explore
What they've been yearning for.
The way I can’t sleep
When she’s wrapped within my arms.
Dreams seem less appealing
When I could be listening to her heart.
The way we say sweet dreams
But never go to sleep.
Yet still have better dreams
Than any man could ever conceive.
This is written about the "next time" mentioned in Kiss (In progress) haha
 Jun 2013 Taryn Kraus
Mercy B
Looking in your eyes I catch a glimmer of what was once most definitely meant to be.

I can intangibly hear a weary voice inside you and it is screaming to be set free.

Saddly you locked up your spirit tightly deep inside and replaced it with woe and fear.

The person you long to be seems miles away, but keep fighting my love and soon that person will be here.

Let go of everything that ties you down, unleash yourself from the crushing weight that's constructed of all your pain.

Let out that child, the one hidding inside,  for they are in desperate need of time to run wild and frolic in the rain.

That surrounding light, your beauty within, almost blinding its grandure reaches ever so high.

Please don't be afraid to open up your wings, feel the rush of the wind when you finally take to the brilliant sky.

Truthfully this journey will not at all be easy, nor will you always be clear on the way.

If you are willing to endure it you may find yourself a little more with the dawn of each new day."
Let Me Share all the Love with You
Let Me Care for You all the Move
Let Me Wait for You Till You Come
Let I Give You The Best of My Life
Let I Come in Your Lovely Dreams
Let I Share My Loneliness With You
Let My Eyes Look Into Your Heart
Let My Silence Speak With You
Let My Hand Hold Your Hands
Let My Heart Cure Your Pain with Love
Let My Lips Kiss You When You Tired
Let My Brain Stop Thinking Beyond You
Let My Heart Beats Say Your Name
Let My Legs Walk with You

Let Me Make You Laugh When You Are Sad
Let Me Beautify You at Your Ugliest
Let Me Push You When You are Stopped
Let Me Encourage You When You are Upset

This is my first Poem. Please feel free to share any suggestions :)
 Jun 2013 Taryn Kraus
Kevin Rose
Since I could remember
My heart has balanced
Along such a thin line
Of right and wrong
Love and hate.
The line already stretched
To the extremes.
Taught with fear and uncertainty.

Tension reached its maximum
When that day came 'round.
Ever since that day
When I learned the truth.
The day my eyes were forcefully
Peeled open by dull razors.
That day the line faded
And the tight rope snapped.

With no line to follow
My heart fell.
Now concussed,
Delirious and confused.
My heart wanders between worlds.
Never certain of who it is
Where it was or
How it should be.

-Kevin Robert Rose
 Feb 2013 Taryn Kraus
Josh Morter
A frail old man wanders aimlessly along the boardwalk of a deserted beach
Hunched over like the the boughs of an oak tree weighed down by its branches
Things burden this man.
Heavy in weight on mind and body

Once swarming with tourists in a way similar to flies around a porch light this beach is now dank and dismal to the eye
The preconceptions of flashing lights and rowdy parties filling its strip just reside as a distant memory in the depth of the deep blue.
On which he gazes out to after taking a long wheezing breath into his shrivelled lungs.

He stands alone reminiscing about previous conquests from his long distant youth
Thinking about all his relationships with friends and loved ones
Perusing through his memory bank as of he were a granddad proudly giving a slideshow to his only grandchild
And as a tear slowly trickles down his weathered face he reconciles with himself that like seeing the last copy of an acclaimed novel being sold he definitely let the one get away.

As this fact dawns on him, knowing he shall always be alone
He takes a deliberate pace towards the steps leading to the sandy wasteland that used to be so glorious and golden.
Gradually picking up speed and stumbling over himself he makes the journey to the edge of the water

Fully aware of the desire that is overtaking his mind, body and soul
The sea begins to seep into his shoes then dampens the tip of his trousers
Now with the water up to his waist he is shivering and struggling to catch his breath
But onwards he walks becoming stronger as he battles the waves cascading against his body.

Is this really what it has come to,
but as the last strand of his silky grey hair disappears into the salty blue
He feels the weight of the past float away and he is at peace
The water has cleansed his soul, rinsed his mind
Deep in the depths of the sea shall his regrets remain forever.
And as his body floats to the surface his soul rises higher and higher up to the clouds

Reaching the end his eyes catch a glimpse through the pearly whiteness
Of a silhouette he recognises
It stands facing away seeming to exude beauty like a single rose in hand of a romantic gesture
When he steps through the gates
The silhouette senses his presence and turns
He knows in that moment, he has made it
He is in Heaven.
Written on 22/02/13 by Josh Morter ©

I wrote this whilst on a journey; for no reason other than seeing the sea. I think I wrote for an hour and then stopped. Still unsure on name, but can't think of another one.
 Feb 2013 Taryn Kraus
She tripped over her feet, and over her words twice as much.
Graceful only in combat boots, and most comfortable
With her hair down, face naked.
She dreamed of flying, so fiercely and so often
That hardly anyone expected her to come down.
She had nothing, but wanted everything
But there was no one by her side; she was alone.
For people tried to escape when they thought she was far gone,
But she always remembered those who left.
She needed someone to stay, to help her, for she was trapped.
Eyes that had so easily and so often been lost to wonder and passion
Faded, hard and cold.
And the voices, the voices of both people she knew and those she did not,
Screamed, "Just one more hit, just one more cigarette,
Just a little blood, just to feel a little bit."
"You are nothing to us," they said. "You are just a loss."
And so, I am her protector. I keep the voices in check.
When she goes in for another hit, another drink,
I stop her, for hopes of tomorrow.
I lay her down as she holds her head and screams, "I can't do this."
I whisper, "You will be free again someday, I promise."
And she believes me, for I will not lie to her.
I am the only one she trusts.
Because she is trapped, and I can free her.
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