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Tarryn Jan 2013
out of his mouth
spouted south
the remains
of wisdom he'd stored through the years gone by

I questioned him why
he brushed me aside
told me I'd never know
till I wrote it all down
till I put pen to paper
till I let it wash over

told me I wouldnt know what I knew
till I knew what I know now
Tarryn Dec 2012
Tell me your secrets and tell me your lies
Tell me what keeps you up
All through the night
When you lie in your bed
And the still creeps in

What are your triggers, your quirks or your prose
Is the soul you carry round
Something you hold close
When all else you know fades

Your sorrow is wasteful
It banks on your pride
An echo on the morrow
From a long distance jibe
It's the one who will break you
It's the one who'll expose that fake in you

So tell me so softly, whisper so sweet
In the light of the day
Does your darkness retreat
I hope it won't linger long
I hope it won't do you wrong
I hope you'll forgive me one... day
Tarryn Dec 2012
What do you say to the night so young
As his air of chivalry
Wraps you up in the husk of dusk
What do you say as he beckons you close
A stranger, yet a soul of an all too familiar kind
What do you say as the moment tugs away
A feather of pause calls out for a choice
What do you say as the darkness greets sin
Might you come out and play
Before the dawn breaks this spell
And the light settles in
Tarryn Dec 2012
They say time takes care of the burden of it all
I'm still waiting
Seems times gone sweet on settling that particular score
Tarryn Nov 2012
Oh she's a wanderer
She's a distiller of souls
You cannot catch her boy
She'll just continue to roam
For she was whisked away
Her mind you tried to hold like a tide
But then you glanced away
And she broke free from your bind

Oh hope, the hope you had
Oh grasp, the grasp you held
Oh life, the life you thought yours
The life you thought there
The life you thought you knew
Slipping and sliding
Life, that wriggly worm
Life, that trickery
It's spun up on you
Gone and done a complete turn

Oh, she's a wanderer
She's a tiller man's child
A mocking bird
Lone and gentle against that sycamore wild
Don't stall her boy
Don't shelter or cramp her style
For she'll fly away
No mockingbird stays still for any length of a while
Tarryn Oct 2012
Let it be, songbird
Let it be
He thought these words would make him feel free

But then she went ahead and listened
Now she's gone, long gone and a piece of hims just  missin, her

Let it be, songbird
Let it be
He thought these words would make her feel free

But then she had to leave
She couldn't bear it
Now he's lost her for good and unsure how he'll wear it

Let it be, songbird
Let it be
He thought these words would set them both free

But now all he feels is that crushing loss
Ever present to remind him
All he had is lost

Let it be, songbird
Let it be
Let it be, songbird
Let it be
Let it be, songbird
Let it be,
Let it be me
Tarryn Oct 2012
I can make it
This journey home
Rich red earth so grave
Solid, wholesome
Slippery shes salty to the grit
Gripping yet forever moving
Forever mine
Forever lost
Who chooses their path
Who can tell the fate they hold
Where does it lie, in the palm
The open palm
That outstretched arm
Begging you please feel alive
Or a closed heart
Like stone
Ember ring with light hope
Mistletoe giving way to feint woe
Giving way that grain
So rich so full so graceful she falls
Scattered in that changing breeze
Falls to flow with another
Pass us by youthful squire
Run once more
The grain with the masses
One flicker she turns
Then blown forever
Forever yours
Forever lost
Forever more she may have been yours
Shaking flicker, silver flutter
Forever yours whispers swept up with dust
Yours no longer
Gone, forever gone,
Forever only ever owned by it's own past
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