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Tarryn Oct 2012
Over my dead body
She brushed the grit and grime
From her swollen hands

You're a lost cause little lonely boy
You ain't got nothing
If you got nothing left to lose
If got nothing left to prove
If you're all out of moves
You're just a lonely boy
A lonely boy crying wolf

I've played with them
Them weary wolves
They'll sink those sharps in it
Get up on it
Pack of howls they are
No beatin
Wise as owls they are
Comes to eatin

So over my dead body
Little lonely boy
You play with bees you get stung
You play with them wolves
You wont dry out
You'll be strung up and hung
Tarryn Sep 2012
Hello my fair weathered friend
Been a long time since you've come round
Seen a lota faces
Visited most places
Danced with the devil and lost a few graces
In the spaces
You've been gone

So you're back, you say for good
What you got left to prove
In this ol hood
All the shouldas and the could
Everything you used to boast proud
For what you stood

Yeah you seemed anything but small
We thought you got most all
Then you tossed it most in
For a different life you thoughtd be a ball
But the final score
Has been proven fairly poor

Now you're broke bent and ridged
With a hard edge, you're cold and fridged
Couldn't keep a dame
Couldn't score a lay
You've got more nails than you do planks to mend those rotten and worn out bridges

So my fair weathered friend
You say you need a place to crash
Somewhere to stash that smokey hash
Got no prospects or even petty cash
You're a mild an irritant rash
But it's only I that myself can bash
For why do I persist with such incessant trash
Why can I never meet my final dash.
Tarryn Aug 2012
have you ever missed your train
and sat in silent thought
slumped up on a lonely box
in the drizzle, sharp against skin taut

have you ever wondered why
and questioned just for the hell of it
prodding and probing for an ember of the curious
in the mind of another empty soulless halfwit

have you ever strayed off that broken path
into the shadows of play
crawled across the midnight haunts  
until your shattered limbs stumbled back
into the glaring light of day

have you ever given it your all
only for it all to fall to waste
the memories a harsh **** on time
leaving that inevitable bittersweet aftertaste

have you ever spoken your mind
only to have been proven so completely wrong
that you become the cruel against the kind
fallen from the highest rung
Tarryn Jul 2012
Roll on by tumbleweed
ain't nothing here for which those
watchful woeful eyes
will find to feed
and that I'm sure
you're long to say
but - and pardon my intrusion
if I may?
if you must you must
I certainly wouldn't
stand in your way
creating unnecessary fuss
I was only going to point out that
your hair's on fire.
Tarryn Jun 2012
It's so hard to feel forgotten
So much harder still
To remember it all
When you fall
It's not soft or gentle
So all you got left
Is to bounce bounce
Float on float on
Let it go let it go
It's not me that you are looking for
It's not me that you ever saw
You're still trying to find yourself
Tryna feel your way
In this place they call home
So all you gotta do is just
Bounce bounce
Float on float on
Let me go let me go
Do the right thing
Cause it's certainly not me
You're looking for
It's only me you're looking through
It's only me you're looking through
It's only me you're looking through
And if I stayed
That would only make me
The bigger fool.
Tarryn May 2012
i rhymed till the rhyme ran raw
till the rhythm gave way
for the sonnet to sigh
what becomes of the beat of the drum
dum da da dum dum dum da da dum
what becomes of the tempo, the tune
to break the harmony we look to
to feel that giddy swoon
dum da da dum dum dum dum
the lilt, the tickle, the smack, the clap
theres no gettin round it
no play makes one hell of a dull Jack
Tarryn May 2012
into the fringe and through the fray
he quietly crept
painstakingly he inched closer
to his unassuming victims
who, drowned in their own stupor
drunkenly slept
patients...hold on to the patience
he itched, he ached
so hungry, so desperate
no sudden movements, no hesitation
but in his frantic lust
in his all consuming need
he lost sight of the thing of importance
and instead, he saw his own reflection
begin to bleed
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