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Tapan jena Oct 2018
After many season of wrongs, comes the righteousness storm
Beginning the end of all in any malicious form
The squall of virtue conquers the lingering souls
Destroying all things devious with its gusty hyperbole

Lest some tyrant hold you by the scruff
Turning your lusterless cheek into toxic crimson
You don’t die of it, for death brings salvation
Stuck in a dreadful loop of living and the dead
Is the best you can get,

They will tell you are human, but ask for your humanity in return
Don’t think about that, just get rid of the **** blood stains,
Leave no clues behind
**** them softly,
Look into their eyes, when they die
And leave before the light spills in those dark alleys.
Tapan jena Oct 2018
Young and old
loved her,
For she was full of confidence and bold;
Sometimes shy, always reliant and polite
Giving more to life than what catches the eye
Who taught her to be like this?
Must be someone very wise.

Once upon a time
in a village hidden from foresight
She lived a not so fairytale life
No swords, no castle
No royal lineage or monstrous battles
No princes, no knights
Just she and her ordinary life

Good that it was not an enchanted tale
As she got to write her own fable
A simple tale of daily struggles
Of dreams, of triumph over hard times
Of radiance that cannot be hidden

She loved her father a lot
Just the way the moon rises and gives light,
She would fill his world with a certain kind of glowing vibe
If he’s there, she would sparkle with joy
As if some star from the night sky

When he is not around,
Which was often,
She would patiently wait for his return

Even when he’s away
Her love for him never goes away
All she ever wanted
is that sweet little grin in his face
when he would call her name,

For she was named after the spring
How could one not grin?
Then it was not just the name
Even in humid summer, she was spring all over again
Like the sun shining over the rain
and droplets of rain tumbling across the sunshine
Tapan jena Oct 2018
When you smile
And pretend, as if everything’s well and fine
How could I not realize, all of it were so untrue?

The longing, the grief of being incomplete
The unhappiness of being left out
None of it mirrored in your shine
Keeping worries in the closet of your solitude
And hiding its keys,
you would conceal the misery
I didn’t see any of it then,
but now I’m no more indifferent.

How did I come so far?
Not quite sure of it
When I close my eyes and see you, mother.
I see light, a certain radiance
And you are bright core of it

The ways appear, the paths get clear
And I get this bit of wisdom clear
You are soul and you are love
The memories of your sacrifices
the unknown fear of not seeing you anymore
All of it helps me remember your tears

Of times when you were here
Even time cannot erase
Of your voices that used echo around
Even heart cannot quieten

These days, often I ask you
To know where have you been gone?
It follows a silence, a certain kind of pure sadness
Now I know, the distance to be with you
Is endless, infinite.

I don’t belong in your soul anymore.
You are gone, eaten by the ghastly flames of paradise
Smoked out into the skies of heaven.
Tapan jena Oct 2018
Eyes wide shut
Can’t even feel the dark’s whereabouts

For she doesn’t need eyes
To see what others see
By looking within, she can discern
the shining interstellar, the moonless night’s murky conceal

Why she never got afraid?
Why fear couldn’t shut her down?
Liberated from the horror of it
She was full of fire, constantly ablaze
Burning all that touched her

Why she never felt the pain?
When the rains came and took her light
Why she didn’t safeguard her flaming veins?

Or was it just a suppressed notion
The suffering was real, but the anguish imperceptibly calm.
it’s her soul that was weeping the entire turn
And she knew, there’s no end to its ascend

Nevertheless, pain for her was part of life
Her fellow companion
She couldn’t shrug off
Powerless to upend the whirling torture
She lived to live to the point of tears.
Tapan jena Oct 2018
She was young and bright
Full of positive vibes
Half of her was filled with bursting words
Half of her was tenderly shy
A long time ago, she lived in a village,
On the edge of a field, next to the wrecked hills
where everything was possible
A stick could be a sword, a pebble could be a diamond; a tree, a castle
Only if you would believe in magic
The skeptics would be convinced
The doubter would get won over

Someone asked, why she isn’t in school yet?
And there begin the journey to fly away
In spite of the self-doubts and the obscure routes
She would turn the tides,
By calming the ocean strides.
Who you are is not where you’ve been
All of it depends on how strong is your belief?

Now she’s walking to school
Its far but she got dreams to fulfill
Maybe the dreams are fuzzy at best
Maybe her world is still a confusing state,
Yet she won’t miss a day
After all it’s the school that would take her places.

Dreams do come true,
Not by giving up, not by killing your ambition and hopes
But by becoming one’s own virtue.
Tapan jena Oct 2018
They say, you would suffer and writhe in pain
Will get bruised, battered, but don’t ask for it to end
And someday these scars might become your veins

For how much have I sinned,
That the heavens beheld me with such open disdain
Filling my eternity with ghastly screams
of regretting over not being someone else
even discontenting over my very own existence.

Do they not see it’s not happiness I am after?
Just a little less pain, a little less wretchedness and despair
Or was I expecting too much of impossible things?

Not denying how much of a sinner that I am,
Many a times, just a craven abdicating moral onuses of a man
Have I changed for the better?
There’s still so much decadence within,
There's still so many ambiguous dreams
If only one could live this life slowly.
Tapan jena Sep 2018
You are no more alive,
just a dead man walking by the wayside.
Keep walking, don’t you look for a destination
There’s nothing ahead and you can’t even return
to that life, you called your own

Do you miss your life?
Well, we were never really born,
All of it was unreal, part dream part delusion
What you believed to be yours was whimsical and long gone,
You’ve been forgotten.

Walk along the dark horizons
Don’t ever get frightened
The endless nights would be your guide
You are a dead man;
and you must walk alone.

If somebody asks about you,
Tell them of your life before,
as if you are living it right now.
They would believe you,
But don’t reveal the truth on your own.

Every now and then
Some to misery are born
Some are born to unending gloom
Be thankful that you are free from this cycle of return
You must walk alone.

You are a dead man
Free from the clutches of life,
But don’t get haunted by those wrongs that you’ve done?
What’s done cannot be undone.

Maybe the Phoenix won’t rise for you,
And all you’ve got is handful of dust and splinters of bones.
But you will never perish unless you sojourn.
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