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Tana Young Dec 2016
Dead blood pours out of me
Out of this contaminated being
That is now me
Infecting my precious sea
My stale blood ruining it
Like it ruined me
I believe it's my heart
That makes this lonesome carcass
So utterly repulsive
Or maybe I've been in this sea too long
It has eaten away at me, now I'm rotting
And there is nothing left of me to see
Not done yet still adding to it... Just wanted to share... Feedback
Tana Young Apr 2016
With my limp over watered body in your arms, You escort me to land
You sweetly place my body on the sea shore, I try to stand and stay with you, but I'm stuck in this sea kissed sand
The tide is coming for me
My long sea legs aren't meant for land, you leave me on this shore, I knew this sea would be the last of me
The tide is coming for me
You lead me to land, I've strayed from you my sea, please forgive me!
He gulled me, he fooled me, I had hope in we
Please don't let it take me! I'm afraid, I don't want to be with the sea
You made me desert my sea, you gave me hope in not just you, but me!
Now, I'm left alone on this shore, stuck here in this horrible gore
As I knew, and will always know, here is the sea, always waiting for me
Oh my, here comes my tide, just before I die
Tana Young Jul 2015
As this thought was infecting my heart
'I wont want to go, but it will be time to leave
He will be in my heart, forever with me'
I crawled to the only man I will ever love again
Him in a drunken slumber oblivious to the world

This whisper is the lightest, calmest, thing I've ever spoken
Over and over, on and on, "I love you so much"
The quietest thing you have never heard
So lightly spoken that not even God could hear
But this inaudible love was heard by two persons
And two persons only, and he whispered back
"I love you" and I knew no one else could ever hear
please let me know if there are any mistakes quick write thank you or if there is anything i could make better
Tana Young Apr 2015
He is a man, and I am a girl, I know my thoughts are
Undergoing my mutilation, and I imagine
In my twisted, disgusting intellect, what he thinks of me
With his seemingly invisible gestures of his speech
In the merciful cloak of darkness, would he
Take advantage of my tight, pale body (i think he would)
I want to live this nightmare I have concocted
Over and over again, I constantly tease the pleasures
Of my creepy mind, my too pale, flawless, 18 year old legs
Impudent and childish sprawled across his lap
Been reading some of Jonny Angels poetry... Making me write some new styled ink
Tana Young Apr 2015
I resign myself to death, simply because,
The sight of her hung over me like a revelation
The glimpse of her red, wet lips that I have obtained
Will remain in my eyes for weeks, she has possessed me
I crave her so much, that I don't exist
And with my pre-death dreams of today
I know I will only gaze upon her again,
I stare as if she is the only thing I have ever seen
Her cheeks so full of lust, they smelt of,
Crushed grass and spit, I imagined licking them
She is sooo sun kissed, sooo light and red 
The merciful sun, shined on her chest, through her dress
Through her blue eyes, making them glisten like after a good cry
This view of mine, makes my heart sore
Totally revealed, she is more than perfect, I smile,
With rotting demons behind my teeth, she will never be mine
Her tiny, pinkish mouth, her vocals that produces that lustful noise
Her giggle, any noise rattling out of her delicate throat  
That is the melody I have been mutilating
She is the only thing I hear
A little different from my usually work... I'm trying to go somewhere new with my writing tell me what you think
Tana Young Apr 2015
She finally peaks her head out from her watery love
And I watch her breathe in this human air, alllll this fresh air
And this I swear, is more then I can bare
Seeing her face, eyes, damp and dark from the sea
And I wonder what the sun feels like to her against her
Pale, flawless skin, this thought made my heart sore for weeks  
The color of her blue eyes in the sun, as pretty as the sea
Her eyes hold the sea, she is the Goddess of me  
The sea has spared me from this, beautiful, scare
The sea gave her thoughts of we, she sees me  
She is extremely perfect, with faded skin, perfect eyes  
With the most lightest blonde hair strands,
you have and will ever see
I cannot say whether any disease of love of the heart
Caused her cheeks, her lips to need the sea
But she is the only thing I can see
Her eyes once soooo full of the sea, she is lonely
She actually misses me, the sea listened to my plea
In her heart lives the slightest thought of we
I'm sure she lives a lonely life under the sea
As I watched her visit me secretly  
As I watched her perfectly hidden, I watched her heart changed
I saw in her eyes, not only me but the sea can tell
That for the first time, her mind thought that the sea
Wasn't all she sees, the sea is slowly draining from her eyes I think
Her eyes see something in me
I added a few lines from a short poem I wrote in here... I just wrote this i didn't check for mistakes so if you see any please let me know... and let me know what you think... and this poem is based off of the poem I already wrote... Its Taken Me... it's kinda like the story after
Tana Young Mar 2015
I hate how the darkness of the sea
Brings out the blue in your terrifying eyes
But the sea isn't made for, any other human
(but you)
You could be with me above sea
If you would only try
But your stuck in the sea, no
With the sea forevermore
So I will continue to come visit you until I die
The only thing you will ever touch isn't me
It will be, the sharpness of the sea
Your hair floats perfectly
(of course with the movement of the sea)
Sadly the sea makes you, you
You are all I ever wanted to see
(but I cannot breathe in this sea air)
So I swim away and try to remember
Your too soft, golden hair
The only time I could truly recall happiness
In your crackly, small voice is when you cried
"I'm so perfectly under, with the heavy secrets of the sea."
Now I can't even remember what you sound like
And barely what you look like
My eyes aren't made for the sea, I cannot see
******* sea! You've taken her from me!
You should have let her be! With me!
I plea, give her back at least
the slightest thought of we
Her eyes see nothing in me
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