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Tammy Boehm Feb 2016
Precious son
Priceless one
Whispered words useless to convey
I clung to you
For a moment or two
But years like a breath they slip away
Under troubled skies
I cover my eyes
Cry when they can't see
A life just begun
My precious son
Suddenly taken from me
I remember the curve of your face
As I held you close in my arms
I remember the scent of newborn skin
As I cradled you safe and warm
I remember the turbulent years the fears
I remember the rage and the pain
But I held the hope and the dream that you
Would find your way again
I'm broken inside
The tears I've cried
Useless to ease my soul
Hold this memory
So close to me
And wish my heart was whole
Precious son
Priceless one
I send a prayer up to the sunlit sky
My thoughts of you
Must carry me through
This temporary goodbye
TL Boehm
For Heidi
Remembering Adam
Adam Oury was murdered in 2007. He was 21 years old
written for the mother of my son's first girlfriend.
Tammy Boehm Feb 2016
Sweet summer morning
Silent before birds singing
Welcome sunlight rising
Over windowpanes spilling
With the anticipation of daybreaking

I am listening
To your steady breathing
Softly snoring
Perhaps you're dreaming
Thoughts skipping
like stones dipping
Under cool water trickling
Toes skimming
Wavelets tickling
All your hopes surfacing
Love is believing
In you, knowing
Forever is in the learning
Two becoming
One destiny ascending
You'll find me whispering
soft secrets warm with meaning
between us nothing
more than this embracing
This blessing
Of living
TLB 061208
From the vault of lost poems
just playing with words and sounds
Tammy Boehm Feb 2016
Broken, I crawl to you, dragging sins and shackles over barren ground
Offering nothing but putrid flesh and blood to satiate the hungry grave
No strength to raise my tear streaked face to Heaven
The wreckage of my life crumbling in your weathered hands
You could crush the shattered remnants of my soul
Beyond salvation, I lie lifeless waiting for your Sacred Breath
How long have you sorrowed as I wasted precious breath
Aspirations dropped like autumn leaves scattered on cold ground
My skin screaming curses and lies to fracture my temporary soul
Clawing the earth ferociously, I dig my shallow grave
Precious flesh and bone you’ve woven shredded in my taloned hands
I am lost forever falling far from your Heaven.
Yet in solitary moments you called to me from Heaven
My spirit cried out, I strained to hear your whispered breath
You broke my fall and sheltered me in your mighty hands
Dropping hope into my heart like seeds on fertile ground
You rescued me from my self made grave
You erased my shame and restored my soul
You remember the divinity within my soul
Reminding me I am a resident of Heaven
Never intended for eternal death in a shallow grave
You give me the spark of life with your Holy Breath
I am strong in you and planted on solid ground
You dress me in bridal white and cleanse this blood from my hands
And I will glorify You with every work of my hands
You are the mighty Protector of my soul
No longer condemned, I stand for you on solid ground
Sending sweet songs of adoration to Your Heaven
And I will praise You for your love with precious breath
You set me free from torment, from the grave
You remove the sins and shackles of a permanent grave
Remove the residue left by the ***** ground
And I will love you as you love me with every breath
I carry your Divinity in the center of my soul
Your precious sacrifice prepares a place with you in Heaven
My spirit soars no longer sentenced to return to barren ground
Your precious breath sets me free from the grave
Uplifted from the ground by your strong hands
The grave doesn’t claim my soul, I am yours in Heaven.

From the Vault of lost poems circa 2007/2008
TL Boehm
This is a Sestina - a brutal poetic format and thus the only one I've ever written. I challenge you to look up Sestina and try your own...for fun they said...
Tammy Boehm Feb 2016
I find myself
Letting your words spill
Fragrant like crushed flowers
To settle at the base of my spine
The lush moments
And daydreams
Effervesce on the tongue
I savor the phrases
And catch my breath
There are days I could drown
Let my foundations crumble
In the torrent of you
My mouth full of succulent fruit
Un-bruised by the hungry palette
I could drown
Looking up at metaphors
You fling like stars in my night sky
The thrill of sacred and profane
Crystalized on the tip of your pen
The alchemy of lovers
Nightmares that creep with words
Stretched over bone
And those that dance
Enrapt within
Surrender of flesh and spirit
I am lost in the power of your words…
TL Boehm
Tammy Boehm Feb 2016
And so it goes
The palpable ache in your voice
The slow burn of chaos
The crawl of acid in my throat
And Rigor mortis in my skin
I brace for the deluge
You are the perfect storm
And I am always wreckage on your shore
You shattered me a lifetime ago
Swept away in the flotsam and jetsam
Of your unfettered ego
And your insatiable …
Candy melts sweet can’t sustain
You’re fetid with the choices you made
You savaged my soul
Your little ******* child
Tossed out on the lawn with the soiled sheets
For the world to see
And you savored it.

And somehow I’m bound
By the memory of grace
And Sunday school songs
To spread my brittle wings and shelter you
Even as the ribs snap
I bleed out any integrity
Just for you
A mother’ s love is…
F... that…really
You only show me the horror in my own soul
With your black hole heart
And I am on terminal spin
TL Boehm
the story behind this perhaps is more interesting than the poem. I love my mom - but at 27 she told me the man who raised me was not my dad. She divorced this man, married a childhood sweetheart and told the world he was my natural father. I have never reconciled this in my soul. She has her reasons. But my identity has never recovered. The explicit tag is primarily due to the language...
Tammy Boehm Feb 2016
You can shed your skin
Begin again
But you’re still the same inside
It’s the same old lies
Behind your eyes
There is nowhere to hide

I thought I knew
The ghost of you
Crash through me the other day
Avert my eyes
This thin disguise
Won’t let you slip away

You took a chance
That circumstance
And thin ice would set you free
Can’t cover the cost
Of a soul that’s lost
And the cracks betray your destiny

Now I face this mirror
The reflected fear
And I can’t wish you away
You’re the greater part
Of my petrified heart
Flesh knotted you’re here to stay
TL Boehm
I can't get away from me
Tammy Boehm Feb 2016
I surrender
To the exaltation of light
This baptism of fire
And liquid skies
Breathe a palette lit within
To delight a child
Songs break from tears
Beauty from ashes
This your legacy

I will seek you in the solace of morning
Receive the touch
Warm on my skin
Let praise rise
Like butterflies aloft
On gentle summer winds
Let hope bloom
Across the surface of my spirit
At peace
Reflecting the light
That is you
TL Boehm  
a little God poem
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