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1.5k · Jun 2014
Tahiya Nuzhat Jun 2014
Left hand with a rose
Right hand has agenda,
A green mediocrity
A smiling surrender.

The family portrait created,
In crafted artisan frame.
Glory be to your name
Glory be to my shame.
888 · Aug 2016
My Sabr
Tahiya Nuzhat Aug 2016
The river flew,
Breaking the dam of human convenience;

Tell me where to meet you,
In ether.

The river is flowing
But this wind, its a shrew.
'Sabr' means patience, inspite of apparent lack of manifestation, keeping faith.
804 · Aug 2016
My Creed in Question
Tahiya Nuzhat Aug 2016
You perceive not the fire
Cause you perceive not my mind.

But  the worst that you do ,
Dear world, is,
You make me doubt my time.
630 · Aug 2014
The Not-So-Delicates
Tahiya Nuzhat Aug 2014
Flowers in the wall
Did you see them bloom?
Vines crept up the water pipe
Like little yellow sprinklers in the sun.

The bricks that form the canvas
Building the concrete in time
Break! says the wind
Not so fast, smiles the vine.
608 · Jul 2014
A Beautiful Breath
Tahiya Nuzhat Jul 2014
The rose stood high
In humble elegance.

Happy to just be,
A poem,
A memory,
An outburst-

Happy to be,
In silence.
599 · Aug 2016
T Party
Tahiya Nuzhat Aug 2016
My life in retrospect
As I slowly unfold,
Feels like overbeaten eggs
So the cake no longer holds.

But I began to slowly wonder
Why does it need to hold?
What if it falls apart,
A story finally being told?

May be I poke it - if too dry,
May be I let  it crumble,

In a pudding  or a
poke cake,
I will not let it waste.

Won't you still have a piece?
572 · Jun 2014
A Momentary Shift
Tahiya Nuzhat Jun 2014
It was just a thought,
The apology I never got,
The agony of secrecy with which you mock
Lit in me a fire that refuse to die.

As thoughts kept walking,
My mind painted your face, of momentary guilt,
Perhaps it was there, but I missed
To myself I continued to lie.

Thoughts started running,
On rules of the game,
Score on pretense and penalty for shame
Nobody kept score but surely its not a tie?

Thoughts took flight
I see you running,
Causing a storm of sand to your trail
The veracity of the wind, rose and crashed
With my expectations in the grave.
Tahiya Nuzhat Oct 2016
The boat has reached the shore
The sharp rocks of the edge
Cutting quietly under water

The wind is still,
Letting the sun sing its chorus-
Rising or setting
Colors are the same in the sky
A bit more time will tell
On which side of the Earth am I.
541 · May 2014
A Metamorphosis
Tahiya Nuzhat May 2014
Three bees flew out of the lotus
As it slowly laid open its petals,
Three bees lay dead
As the light shone from its core,
No bees existed
As the light took over,
Its muddy birth, kissing oars.
524 · Aug 2014
Let us be.
Tahiya Nuzhat Aug 2014
Let us fly,
Free us.

Let us be,
Don’t hold us.

Love is not what it used to be
Let us not **** over the tears.
479 · May 2014
Immigrant Sky
Tahiya Nuzhat May 2014
The cloud came down and sang me a song
Of the seas and mountains it landed on.
I asked about my home, whether it has seen,
It said, yes, there I have been,

The varendah is in bloom
And the roses  will bleed soon;

Excited, I inquired, if they asked about me
The cloud replied, they asked, who is she?
477 · Nov 2016
A Silent Vibration
Tahiya Nuzhat Nov 2016
Four blue jays and twenty-one geese
A hawk, a starling,
Seagulls away from sea--
                                                           ­                I read you like a letter
                                                          ­                      A haiku in Spring
                                                      I heard you like soft Autumn walk
                                                      And clouds not wanting to be still
I heard you in the wind,
When it blew in from the North
A crisp clean chill
An announcement
Of endings and beginnings
                                                      ­    I saw you in the Sun that did not last
                                                I saw you in the expectant Moon that came
Made way for darkness and dawn
Then gave it all up to the wind
                                                       And I flew.
452 · Aug 2016
Tahiya Nuzhat Aug 2016
An enchanting shadow
Or an arguable truth?

Your apparent presence-
In reality it haunts;

Faded, appearing,
Like a glitch in transmission
Something warm or cold;

Who are you, really?
Why am I on hold?
433 · Nov 2016
The Shadow
Tahiya Nuzhat Nov 2016
The beast was never asleep
It was us
The cobwebs were there
But we did not see,
Now the sun has risen-
The truth stands sad and tall
We have awakened,
Upon the empire's fall.
432 · Jul 2017
My Warrior Dream
Tahiya Nuzhat Jul 2017
May be I am searching for magic
In the sky
In the places
In the faces -
Dang it I will not only survive
I will thrive!
I will reset my DNA
For the love of my daughter to come,
I will release my preconceived notions
And build a better world for my son.
And even if my open wings can only cover my nest
They will carry a Kingdom within
Where doubts had no place,
And fears have been put to rest.

And if so shall happens, that the ghost of uncertainty returns
They will know how to swim,
They will know how to fly -
**** it they will not only survive, they will thrive!
430 · Aug 2017
Yes, You.
Tahiya Nuzhat Aug 2017
Give me a howler
A scream, a shout or a whisper

This stillness that binds the sky
Break it down, and let it thunder
Why is the water so still?

Yet you feel the hurricane
Underneath it all
Underneath it all.
424 · May 2014
The Social Party
Tahiya Nuzhat May 2014
The circus is in town
The wig is on the clown
Cold will be the weather
And the play shall be one.
Front row seats and chicken wings
Always a fan of notorious things,
Not too early to cheat
Not too early to beat
Its been over and due.
The thrills and chills on skin
The kicks shall here on pursue
Its overdue,
It is much overdue.
Tahiya Nuzhat Jul 2014
I have heard the prayer has reached the sky
While my words linger on my lips
And my dreams refuse to die

Have you heard of the Voice,
That calls you at Night?
As It decends to the lowest sky,
Asking what and not a single why

It says, Ask Me and I shall give
Want from Me, and you shall receive

Then to You, my prayer is this:
As Your light pierces my heart at Your will
And time is Your slave, pleated at Your command
I pray flow the void only You can fill

You bent the light of the sun,
You stop time and cause stars to be born

The All-Hearing, You have heard me
Let it be,
Please, let it be.
401 · Jun 2014
Inside you Outside me
Tahiya Nuzhat Jun 2014
Never is it quiet
Inside the silence,
A constant communication,
Through a lofty layer.
So listen, as I speak of nothing,
As silence pervades the air.
398 · Feb 2017
A Captive of Desire
Tahiya Nuzhat Feb 2017
Snow covered ground
Fading under the sun,
Bare branches of nostalgic summer
Gazing at the still dark creek;
The earth breathe quietly
Burning fire at its core,
Making love like never before
To the teasing mistress of Spring.
384 · May 2014
The Wind As My Home
Tahiya Nuzhat May 2014
Building  home in the straws and hays
The robin flies, staying near the nest.
The wind shall blow the shelter soon,
Little time, but time it has, to rest.
384 · Nov 2017
Tahiya Nuzhat Nov 2017
Strength and vulnerability goes hand in hand
Yet so little do we understand.
So awkward is our disposition towards love,
So assertive we are to claim our pain,
The hand that gives is the hand that takes-
How do I judge the sky I lay under
When it holds both the sun and the thunder?
379 · May 2017
Space Within Pain
Tahiya Nuzhat May 2017

There is a space within pain -
She saw it as a sacred gain,
To hold on to that which is gone
Inside that space she remained.

Through pain the past was still present
Through that space, she denied death of those moments
Moments that carried parts of her heart.
Pain meant connection and continuation
And  a hope of preservation
Of a chord that has been cut.

Within the space of pain, she felt alive.
378 · May 2014
A Pinch From Time
Tahiya Nuzhat May 2014
The sky was blue.

The eagle swooped, swirling ,
In a lowering orbit
Circulating and preparing
To claim what has been left behind

I looked up
Waiting for it to dive
If I felt its claw
I may still be alive
Tahiya Nuzhat Jan 2016
She slowly opened her eyes,
Shooting firecrackers into the sky,
And just like that, all was light
Gracefully ablaze, much obliged.
350 · Dec 2016
Parallel Shifts of Being
Tahiya Nuzhat Dec 2016
Into the mirror I see
I am six, I am thirteen,
I am nineteen and twenty three
I look into mirror and inside I see
The exact same heart,
Staring back at me.

I cross continents
Over oceans large and seas
So much I run
Addresses cant keep up with me
I change trains
Jobs and people I see
I look into the mirror
The same heart staring at me.

The earth has turned around
A thousand plus and more
The moon has built bridges-
I remain stranger to the shore

I look into the mirror
I am fourteen and twenty eight
Unfolding into myself
I was thirty when I was eight.
349 · Sep 2016
Letting Go.
Tahiya Nuzhat Sep 2016
Because I can see your smile once, not twice.
346 · Sep 2016
Tahiya Nuzhat Sep 2016
The air is infested with loneliness. The mountains stand high, united in isolation. The gravity of the isolation is soaked into the earth, so the wind can remain carefree. And so they all played together, under the sun.
339 · Sep 2016
Tahiya Nuzhat Sep 2016
A shade of yellow
Or a speck of orange,
A gleam of purple
Or a dot of red,
Slowly waking
                         up to myself-
I am moving through me.
                  A birth that feels like ending,
           A death that feels like beginning,
       I am ending, I am starting,
I am living,
       Finally moving.
337 · Nov 2016
Permission to Love
Tahiya Nuzhat Nov 2016
I am on the edge,
Of this mountain so green,
So beautiful and deadly and endearing.

Green earth, it is green below,

The green keeps saying,
Fall fall fall.
Why walk on the edge when you can fall?
Why not choose to fly, instead of crawl?
332 · May 2014
Upon Waking
Tahiya Nuzhat May 2014
Overthrowing of convictions,
Elimination of beliefs,
Eradication of a possibility.
Life slaps on our face-
We call it reality

Running towards a mirage,
Is this just a phase?
Does it reflect the right chase?

Standing on the edge of the cliff
Not God but you question yourself around,
If courage lies in  taking the jump
Or believing enough to hold your ground.

Feeling our way through the dark
Expecting a light ahead,
It’s a blur
It’s a scar
The life that angels guide us to shed.
331 · Aug 2016
Horizon of New Beginning
Tahiya Nuzhat Aug 2016
In the new dawn that is looming
Your shadow in the center,
The flower, not blooming
This darkness wills a peaceful surrender.
326 · Jan 2017
The Beginning
Tahiya Nuzhat Jan 2017
It was the calm before the storm,
Gloom suspended in quiet wind-
Fire cracking inside her icy heart,
As Winter howled at the raging Spring.
306 · Nov 2016
Found Me
Tahiya Nuzhat Nov 2016
I heard myself -
And my voice I recognized,
As the voice that speaks
But not mine.
                 I became aware of hearing.
                 But who is this inside?
                 Who it is that insults my soul?
                 Speaking to me in words
                 That are not mine.
286 · Jul 2018
Tahiya Nuzhat Jul 2018
Grey areas so vivid
Black and white of buried lies;
Convictions so frail, faith so faded,
Its a blunt sword-
A duet of silent lullabies.
283 · Aug 2017
The Lunar Eclipse of August
Tahiya Nuzhat Aug 2017
The moon spoke through its light
You know not that which you do not see,
Don't resist the darkness of uncertainty
Let go of your fears and embrace me.
278 · Aug 2016
Tahiya Nuzhat Aug 2016
Written on a broken door:
"Touch me not
Or I will fall apart",

I laughed,
While I passed the moor -

Here is another broken thing,
Trying to protect its broken wing.
264 · Sep 2016
Illusion of Choice
Tahiya Nuzhat Sep 2016
Every wave that rides the ocean
Crashes a bit further from me.
Why is it hard
To be swept away?
Wading into a receding tide,
One after the other,
Washing away a piece of me
Yet leaving me behind.
I wade in,
Walking then drowning,
Chasing waves and throwing sands.

— The End —