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Lesa Renee Feb 2016
I guess it slipped through my fingers,
Watched it sink into the water and drown
I've got no more fight left in me
Heartbroken, disenchanted, beaten into the ground
Oh, it's such inspiration
This feeling of desperation
Grasping at something I'll never have again
Filled with loss and mourning at the thought of the end
Trapped inside the shell of a broken spirit
Isolated in this silence, and feeling safe within it
"It's You, It's You, It's all for you"... and nothing else
Condemned dreams and broken promises to myself
Eyes wide open in the dark
Wishing there was a way to get back to that spark
I'm just a broken horse, no trace left of that willful girl
My soul is at half-mast
A life lived trying to live up to the past
Dead behind the eyes, reality finally realized
It's gone so far, it feels like there's no way back
Drowning would be such sweet relief,
just want to let it all go black
"Its' You, It's You,
It's all for you,
Everything I do..."
Lesa Renee Jan 2016
He pressed forward
beyond the worry
beyond the wonder
endured the pain

He pushed further
past the horror
past the heartache
into the vein

He left his ashes
on the altar
in the alley
near the stone

He cut her name
into the flesh
into the future
into the bone
"It's You, It's You
It's all for you,
Everything I do..."
Lesa Renee Jan 2016
"Lay in my grave with me my love.
We'll die side by side,
hand in hand.
And our ghosts follow us in the winter,
And the winter is taking us down."

- Chelsea Wolfe
She reminds me of my former self and that endearing darkness that used to live and breathe in me.
Lesa Renee Jan 2016
do you ever wonder
what waits around the corner?
that dark smile that bleeds right after
your muse believes in you,
then leaves you while you have laughter
and laughs at you that much harder?
this blessed curse of happiness
the feeling of that shoe about to drop
the one where you can't quite rest easy
the car without brakes to make you stop
and the muse, she keeps on laughing
while you think you're really happy
in those moments when you think your dreams might come true
silly you
do you lose your muse when you're happy?
because i do.
"It's You, It's You,
It's all for you,
Everything I do..."

— The End —