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 Dec 2013 Taaliya Prescott
Her own desire led her astray,
a smile from him was enough to ignite the fire.
The serpent wrapped itself around her neck. She couldn't run away,
She thought they were the enemy, she found her society so dire.

"Why linger here? Why turn another page?" She though to herself.
She walked to where she first died,
and there she commited suicide.
I want to know more than your middle name and your favorite breakfast cereal or your favorite color I want to know who you are and what made you that way.

Do you ever consider suicide? Why or why not? Have you ever attempted suicide? Do you know what it's like to be shaking and take a gun to your head almost pull the trigger? Have you experienced the sick feeling after you swallow the fifty second pill? Whats your favorite song what's your favorite lyric from it does it represent who you are? Do you know who you are? Will you show me? If you don't can I help you find it?

Do you want to know where you came from? Do you believe in god? Where do you want to travel do you care about others? Or are you content where you are why don't you like change? Has a loved one passed on and who was it did you scream when you found out? Have you ever cried so hard you couldn't breathe why tell me who did this to you? What do you feel late at night are you scared of the dark?

Do you know what it's like to take a cold blade to your skin? Do you like the look of blood is your bedspread stained red? Have you been molested have you been *****? Did you go to therapy for it? Can you tell me the reason you shake? Would you ever be able to take a life? Would you be able to take your life? What drugs have you done what'd you see while you were on them do you love to be high? Do you love it too much can you ignore the craving at all?

Do you love yourself do you even like yourself? Do you know who you are? Do you know who you are? Do you know who you are? Do you know who I am? Can you help me find out?
Those few shy sun rays
That fill the saddest valleys
With the grace of their warmness
Are not aware of the joy they bring when
They steal their way in from the 70's clouds
White, grey and dark as the night
Choked by the rage of the stormy skies
Putting up with our accusing eyes
Blaming them for this furious weather
Not knowing that they're under the pain and pressure
Of the scrunchy lightening tearing them up like a whip
Few of them survive while others slip
Between the hands of the mad forces pushing them to cry
Yes, they boil with the urge to pry
As raindrops ,as cold as the heavens' heart,
With the demons pressing "restart",
Soak us with the filthy rain
Of this silly, slavering game
Every round that a devil gains
With razor wings
Stitches stuffed
Exploding seams

Fragile heart
Beats so fast
You only knew
This wouldn't last

Lacey frilly
Torn apart
Night and day

Heart so full
About to burst
Every action
You rehearse

Want or love
Who can tell
Held under
Your magic spell

Rumpled sheets
Tear stained cases
A Lovers caress
Time erases

Your taper shines
The problem is
Within your mind


Stolen heart
Given kiss
Then you left
You took my wish

Late nights
Early mornings
Heard my heart
Ignored its warnings

The love is gone
It's left for good
Pathetic liar
It's just a mood

Sick to death
Of all this fear
And pillows
Covered in tears

Seize the moment
Live for today
I wouldn't trade
One moment away

You love me
Or do you not
Doesn't matter
You are every thought
My every cell boils with passion at the thought of you.
My skin crawls in longing to be rubbed, pinched, stroked, scratched, caressed, or demanded by your hands.
My hair wishes you could take a handful of it and hold on.
My ******* want to be nibbled, nuzzled, kissed, licked, traced and revered by you.
My neck is bared to you in trust.

My soul wants to see you.

My heart wants to feel you.

My body…...wants it all.
To love you breathes an art.
Your body is the canvas my hands yearn to paint.
The sculpted shape of your form is something I’ve only known dreams of.
Kissing you is like my lips have met the stars.
Hearing you sigh sounds like the sand rejoicing for another wave.
Seeing you looks like the first flower bud in spring.
Embracing you is like the pleasure a horizon feels in receiving a sunset.
To love you breathes an art.
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