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 May 2017 f ł ø w ë r
My hands keep shaking.
Pronouns are a mess.
Help? No, nothing really helps anymore.
I'm just
Kind of
Essentially, there's really nothing left.
I'm a body running on automatic.
I wrote a thing
I can't write poetry, but I can rant about emotional turmoil!!!
 May 2017 f ł ø w ë r

I talked to her today.
I cried in gym class over it.
I told myself what to say and I just couldn’t.
But I said what I needed to, and she apologized. We talked it out—actually had a nice, diplomatic discussion about it, and I got a promise. I know she’s trying.

And the funny thing is that I don’t feel completely emotionally drained anymore.
There’s something there.

It’s gone again. I think it was the drugs I was on: they cleared my mind.
Made me forget.
I lost everything I’d gained that day.
Pain meds. Hospital. Long story.
 May 2017 f ł ø w ë r
It's late.
And I type too loudly.
I barely even wrote anything - I just apologized for running.
They broke up with me and I hid away for a month.
This weekend? Yeah, I locked myself in my room and didn't come out.
Sorry I dunno how to write and it's late and ghosts are walking around upstairs again
 May 2017 f ł ø w ë r
I've already prepared myself for the loneliness which is sure to come.
I just got back from Burger King.
I found out that I don't like Burger King.
This is not a poem, this is a boy/non-binary-human complaining about fast food in the American society. Especially in the South. GUYS.
 May 2017 f ł ø w ë r
How did I love you?
In case you didn't know
I loved you in such a way
Would collect all the fireflies in a jar
Outshine the stars in the skies
Just to see your beautiful eyes
 May 2017 f ł ø w ë r
First stick, in the morning
Telling myself that you can do this thing
Still not yet convinced, second stick
Telling myself that It's not worth it, flick
Third stick, saying I don't give a ****
Breathe, breathe
It's hard to breathe
Fourth stick, telling myself that
I deserve someone better
Fifth stick, I'm so fed up with everything
Sixth stick, do I want her back?
yes? no? I dont know what to act
Seventh stick, why am I like this?
I don't understand, trying to make sense of this
Eight stick, do you still think of me?
Lungs intoxicated, staying alive as long as I can
Let me breathe normally once again


when you feel like
you're drowning

learn to be a fish!.

(C) 5/14/2017

Thanks for the honor!
This was a very pleasant surprise!  

Blessings to you ALL!

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