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May 2016 · 1.4k
The Game of Life!
T A Ramesh May 2016
Playing game is not life forever for everyone;
Playing game is a happy state of life activity.
Living life is an art one has to play as a sport;
Otherwise, life is full of wars with enemies...!

As in game, life also meets with success or defeat;
Both has to be taken in the same way and proceed
To see the victory in the next effort of one's activity,
A continuing process no one has to leave it out ever!

From the game only life's activity starts with a goal
In view based on our interest and desire in the life
Full of opportunities with the scope we have to create
By our broad outlook of world trend we are living in!

Well planned and chosen route will make us proceed to
Our object of life and reach there with success one day!
May 2016 · 628
I Am Ruby's Son!
T A Ramesh May 2016
Ruby is the name of you, my mother!
I am called as Ruby's son, you know,
When we go to our native town ever!

Now, you are no more here after my
Dear father has gone away before you,
My mother, the most loved one ever!

Your innocence is well known everywhere
Unlike your elder sister in our circle,
All my relatives say among themselves!

My love of you increases when I hear
The love you have from everyone here
And the love they show to me forever!

All love me because I am your son and
They enjoy my talks of humour like you!
May 2016 · 471
The Finished Product!
T A Ramesh May 2016
Without writing something I can't leave the website;
Every time I write something new I am enthralled...
When this is so, how can I stop writing at all ever....?

New ideas flourish as and when I develop on some
Matter of some significance that transforms itself
Into something wonderful, when I finish writing it!

I don't know what I am going to write before I write;
But as I proceed on a lot of new and interesting things
Come up in my mind that turn into words in my verse!

The calm looking high Sky and deep sea are eternal
Spring of many wonders we go on brooding anytime
To have something creative in the mill of mind to grind!

The finished product is the birth of a poem everyday we
All can enjoy, appreciate and muse over forever and ever!
T A Ramesh Jul 2015
The title of Poetry I wrote between 1972 and 1994
And for which my name will last forever in world
All know now as Dreams, Ideas and Realities.....!

The scientist of India called as Missile man......and
Also who had worked as President of India.....and
Noted for children's education is A P J Abdul Kalam!

His message for all to come up in life and work is
Dream, dream..Thoughts, thoughts..Action, action!
Both our wish, thoughts and message are the same!

What you are is Nature's gift to you in the world....
And what you should do is to use it the best you can
So that nation, world and all live in prosperity sure!

Only when all progress, prosper and are peaceful
Humanity can live blissfully better in one world...!
A tribute to Ex-President of India, Mr. A P J Abdul Kalam
Nov 2014 · 1.1k
Kissing in Public!
T A Ramesh Nov 2014
Kissing in public is being tried to be forbidden by religion;
What is kissing and why is kissing cannot be criticized?
Kiss is a mark of love and can't be banned as an obscene!

Love and truth are said to be God by religion anywhere;
When this is so, how can true love not be allowed in open?

Hugging and kissing are common among friends and lovers
To renew close rapport whenever they meet by chance sure!

This is a natural act of voluntary disposition of any human
Taking place sans any sense of public or private place ever!

Love has no condition to abide by as it's an act of freewill
And anyone has the freedom to act so in any democracy...!

Why do the ******* religionists fail to forget that love is God?
Whether it's Valentine's day or any other occasion or anytime
Love can't be forbidden in public as it's an act of human feeling!
T A Ramesh Nov 2014
How can anyone leave the place that gives mood
To perform an enjoyable act in life, to start a day?
Even if no one seems to care or see such an act, it's
Immaterial for a person of ambition looking ahead!

The record of feats achieved can never be destroyed,
If a replica of them is being preserved for posterity!
Achieving ambition surely makes one feel elated....
Whether others appreciate one or not in the long run!

Self satisfaction is spiritual satisfaction one gets sure
By completing one's plan according to one's wish....!
That may be to the taste of others or contrary to others;
But finishing one's mission gives a sense of satisfaction!

What for we live in this world one must be very clear
Before embarking on a project based on a lofty dream!
For, sans dream no ambition one can have to go ahead
Doing something remarkable or worthwhile in the world!
Apr 2013 · 1.9k
A Gypsy Life!
T A Ramesh Apr 2013
Scholar gypsies are wandering as nomads
Like the yuppies of 1960s with guitars....
Singing as romantic heroes and heroines!

Men and women are living in singles......
With children too fostering like the birds
Learning about life seeing various cultures!

Gypsy life is a free life they feel in world
Having education but loving freedom more
To live independent life ever till the end...!

What a life this scholar gypsy life to live
Sans a family as even the animals like
Elephants and lions too like to live in forest!

Independence is needed to stand alone in life;
But can one live a complete life sans culture?
Mar 2013 · 1.1k
Time Forgets to Alarm!
T A Ramesh Mar 2013
You are my heroine in all my dreams!
Songs of love are sweet to hear ever;
What a pleasure we enjoy in union!

Nice muse of bliss we enjoy by kiss!
Only birds of spring enact so in joy
Making all days go on smooth sure!

Many exchange of kisses makes heaven
Nowhere above but always near here
In this dream world of love forever!

Essence of ecstasy replaces agony so
After surmounting many hurdles
Vainly erected by green eyed monsters!

Time forgets to alarm lovers in ecstasy so
Swayed by sweet kisses sweeter than cherry!
Aug 2012 · 906
T A Ramesh Aug 2012
Love gives strength
Nothing else can in this world
Real ambrosia!
Feb 2012 · 1.1k
A Fantasy of Nature!
T A Ramesh Feb 2012
In the freshness of morning glory
Walk I out to breathe fresh air...!
Sweet scent of yellow flowers are
A beautiful carpet on the road...!

Multicoloured beauty the flying
Butterflies hovering as angels...
Take one to a dream land of heaven!

Rotating water sprinklers wetting
Green lawn of the park is wonder
As the dancing dame of rainbow!

Morning sunshine getting brighter
Sunny romantic scene is ready for
The lovers to start romance of day
As in movie of Nature fantasy ever!
Feb 2012 · 921
Lovers' Red Rose Gift!
T A Ramesh Feb 2012
Lovers exchange red roses for Valentine's Day;
Why only Red Rose and Red Heart greeting cards?

Red is colour of blood vital for human survival!
Impure, used, blue blood turns pure red blood
By vital heart of body of flesh and bone in all!

Blood circulating all over in the body brings air
Fresh, pure and life supporting oxygen for man
Pumped and purified by heart ever till all life!

Red heart and rose denote vital heart, red blood
To keep this human body of flesh, bone and blood
Ever healthy, happy and hopeful of joy in all life!

Heart with Red Rose greets lovers with joy long
On Valentine's Day to celebrate love in life ever
Starting from Lovers' Day on all round the year!
Feb 2012 · 1.2k
Endless Love Lure!
T A Ramesh Feb 2012
Love fire burning into flame high
Depicting the dance of a damsel
Lovers' hearts melt in yearnings
That show in looks stooping down!

Love scent enticing amorous affair
Between deep sea and distant space
Young hearts lull in waves of lure
All time high in the depth of night!

Dawn making another fresh turn
In the game of hide and seek new
Between lovers in the labyrinth of
Romance day goes on in joy endless!

Fragrance of love never fading full
Game of love continues sans an end!
Feb 2012 · 1.3k
A Zealous Lot Crows Are!
T A Ramesh Feb 2012
All time bird can be crow only ever
Black in colour scavenging all day long
Caring nothing about neatness or anything!

Dogs eat the bones they throw clearing flesh
Efficiently bringing by hovering everywhere!
Full meals or bits of meats they share with all
Going by the policy of united we stand ever!

How healthy and active the crows are ever
I see standing on the balcony of my building!
Jack of all trade these guys do hard work long
Keeping their noise heard all round the place!

Loitering round us they pester us to give food
Many a time when we come out to see the sky!
Nothing we can do but offer some leftover foods
Obviously irritated to avoid their bickerings!

Popular among birds like mynah, sparrow, eagle
Quixotically crows overshadow them by numbers!

Regularly they start their chores like we do
Surprisingly very early in the morning itself!
Tickling nook and corner of all materials all day
United they raid everywhere sans rest ever!

Verily they are indeed hard toiling creatures
Whether it is summer or winter in the whole year!

Xerox copy of black crows reminds of uniform dress
Year after year without change or colour fade ever;
Zealous lot these creatures indeed we have to imbibe!
Feb 2012 · 1.3k
A Random Poem!
T A Ramesh Feb 2012
At random I start the day with poem
Beginning with nothing in particular
Caring only the flow of words fine
Diverting attention to points I know!

Effortlessly many do same since long
Full of animosity signifying nothing!
Good turns here and there make good
High ideas of heart evoking feeling nice!

I always look for great and noble ideas
Joyfully exploring Nature, love, life and
Keeping the flow of river in mind ever!

Loving souls' appreciation on all expressions
Many pieces have clicked well many a time
Never leaving anyone sans any hope ever!

Of course all smooth flowing poems go well
Paving the way for better ideas on and on!
Quality too has not so far dimmed in all
Regular inputs of best pieces in forms fine!

Sense, sound and scenes of Nature beautiful
Totally have touched the hearts of many friends!
Universal appeal of excellent ideas has captured
Variety of readers from all walks of life ever!

World of poetry never lets me down in life
X,Y,Z though may not have heart to praise
Zealous expressions of inspired visions so far!
Feb 2012 · 781
The Supreme Art Creator!
T A Ramesh Feb 2012
With light touches of clouds in stripes
Divine Creator starts drawing picture!

White cotton clouds at the base of sky
He dips his brush of sun rays in it first;
He darkens the stripes and enlarges
To make bigger clouds out of it slowly.

The lively vibrant art takes all shapes
On the canvas of sky blue all day ever!
The lifeless frozen art of man just copies
A fixed pose only out of the real picture!

What a difference between the real one
And the copy within a few minutes.....!
Many hours man takes just to draw one..;
But Supreme One makes many out of one!
Feb 2012 · 1.2k
Paradise of Love!
T A Ramesh Feb 2012
February being Lovers' Day celebration time
Only thoughts of love occupy all day ever...!
Only love poems of poets classic or romantic
Capture the attention of all as love does.....!

Passionate love, personification of love and
Paradise of love transport to romantic world!
Romantic world of love where can be found?

Only on the Earth in the whole of Universe
Beauty, love and joy can survive forever....!

Colourful flowers freshly blooming everyday
And musical birds joyfully singing as they fly
Atmosphere of love where can one dream about?

Only in this paradise of Earth full of beauties
Love can survive, sustain and succeed forever!
Jan 2012 · 1.3k
A Best Cure!
T A Ramesh Jan 2012
Glory of Nature poet says in glowing verse!
Disaster of Nature critic says in crying words!
Beauty and love of Nature bring bliss sure;
Wrath and horror of Nature bring nightmare!

For all poisons of pollution man mixes in sky
Nature dilutes to balance with drastic dosage!
But chronicle disease at extreme stage kills
Patients among people without mercy often!

Prevention is better than cure holds good ever
If man is careful in the use of natural resources.

For all the climatic changes man is the root cause
Due to exploitation of resources sans conservation;
Even now it's not too late to take measures well
Before the final stroke comes at unexpected hour!
Jan 2012 · 548
Art of Poetry
T A Ramesh Jan 2012
Striving for perfection

To create picture with words

In Poetry is an Art!
Jan 2012 · 1.1k
Beauty (10 word poem)
T A Ramesh Jan 2012
Beauty cheers mood

Cheerful mood inspires art

Art absorbs heart!
Jan 2012 · 1.7k
Rampant Plagiarism!
T A Ramesh Jan 2012
Plagiarism stealthily goes on in all fields!
In research theses plagiarism is common;
In articles and novels they are caught soon!
In poetry a lot of production makes it rare
To find who has done what in any quarter!

Finding the impostors in poetry is finding
Diamond among broken glasses on sand!
So, impostors mingle with poets anywhere,
Become friends and take advantage of them!

Positive minds never think negatively here
And it becomes easy for the culprits to sway all
To indulge in their nefarious acts nonstop!

Plagiarist poets excel even bards and Browning
Consuming their brain as critics did to Coleridge!
Jan 2012 · 1.3k
A Lasting Beauty
T A Ramesh Jan 2012
What does make one beautiful in life?
Health or slimness or dress one wears?
'Will meagre food and a fashionable dress
Make one beautiful ever in the world?

Less food makes one anemia and weak!
With this kind of stature one is ever sick
And that makes one pale and haggard!
Beauty cannot last with this kind of lustre!

With proper diet and exercise one is healthy;
Health alone can make one forever beauty!
Also, not material wealth but health is wealth
And makes one wealthy by work in beauty!

Seeing silver screen stars and beauty queens
Many waste time in beauty rather than in health!
Jan 2012 · 995
Happy New Year 2012!
T A Ramesh Jan 2012
Happy New Year to all HP friends!
Wish you success in all your ventures!
Let Love rule your life in New Year!

Let Poetry bloom with colourful flowers!
Let Poetry bring fruits of joy in creativity!
Let Poetry elevate all hearts to heaven!

Poets! Be the leaders to inspire all with joy!
Poets! Create New World Order for all!
Poets! Root out wary world forever sure!

Let the world become paradise by your poems!
Let the world become better to live forever!
Let Sunshine of knowledge lead all to prosperity!

Let us all say Good Bye to old year 2011!
Let us all welcome New Year 2012 in CHEERS!
Dec 2011 · 1.8k
A Storm Suspense!
T A Ramesh Dec 2011
Cyclonic storm is brewing nearby!
Dampness all over is engulfing;
Only single grey paints the sky!

Trees and plants dance by the wind!
Intermittent light and strong breeze
With a little rain is washing the place!

Storm is supposed to cross the coast
Within 24 hours making all alert.....;
Ships and boats are anchored safe!

End of year with the last storm on
Makes dampness everywhere and
Chilling weather slowly creeps all....!

Anticipating the ensuing storm all.....
Wait and watch suspense at seat edge!
Dec 2011 · 1.6k
One World Dream!
T A Ramesh Dec 2011
Love grows without ever meeting the lover;
Without meeting how can love be exchanged?
It happens in life though they meet too late!

Knowing each other's love amazement fills mind
And both wonder and feel much about fate's rule;
Being together at the end makes tragedy nothing!

Antony and Cleopatra's love story is history
Though goes on as in romantic love stories
Wonderfully weaved in literature by geniuses!

One world of love and peace she dreams about
Under the rule of one emperor and herself first;
Almost she tries to do it but fate makes it tragedy!

Dictatorship or democracy, one world is still a dream
In the hearts of great and noble personalities ever...!
Dec 2011 · 560
T A Ramesh Dec 2011
Merry Christmas

And Happy and Prosperous

New Year 2012!
Dec 2011 · 1.2k
Santa Claus!
T A Ramesh Dec 2011
Santa Clauses bless all giving sweets
And happy children cluster round them
To have balloons and lollipops sans miss!

Crowds are cheered by Santa Clauses ....
Walking with long staff with hanging bells
While I hurry to the beach for even walk!

All happens within one hour of my walk
And when I sit for a pause a boy shakes
My hand telling "Happy Christmas grandpa!"

Though not a Claus I am promoted so high!
"For some greatness is ****** upon," says Bard;
How true it has become now in my case, ha,ha..!

Will Christmas ever be complete sans Santa
And his sledge with gift bag in hand at all.....?
Dec 2011 · 1.6k
Festival Stimulus!
T A Ramesh Dec 2011
Chiming bells and songs rent up the air!
Mood of festival eve catch up all in joy!
Not minding chill weather all go brisk
Purchasing, taking snack and juice, low!

For a month happy mood will stir all hearts
Forgetting old matters and dreaming new
About long months ahead for progress...
To make life better to enjoy better in full!

And when works go on full swing as per plan
Spring will greet all with smiling flowers.....
To cheer up the mood to forget the stress
And strain of work load with hope of future!

Festival is the incentive to stimulate zeal
To go ahead on any venture to achieve goal!
Dec 2011 · 846
Recharge Soul!
T A Ramesh Dec 2011
With problems ahead

Celebration of festival consoles

To recharge soul to goal!
Dec 2011 · 1.5k
Formidable Foe's Nature!
T A Ramesh Dec 2011
Biting cold, storm and earthquake
Remind about formidable beasts
Biting and eating sans any mercy
Innocent prey knowing nil of fight!

Disaster upon disaster when comes
All in one one has no word to say
Except succumb to *******
Silent sans mood to survive at all!

If at all survival is possible by chance
Perhaps it's for telling the story of
Formidable foe's nature to world,
Powerlessness of man before Nature!

As long as heaven is there hell is also there;
This is the story of painful pleasure of life!
Dec 2011 · 694
Natural Genius!
T A Ramesh Dec 2011
Inspiration from Nature makes me free
And free flow of words become fine poem!
Peacock dances out of zeal seeing rain clouds;
Nightingale sings enjoying Nature in fulfilment!

Nature is friend, philosopher and guide for all!
This truth animal, men and natural beings know!
Eye, ear, nose, tongue and feeling if sensitive
Lessons of Nature open heart to do all in love!

Apes and men learn from others to do all ever
As where intellect is strong instinct is weak!
If instinct, intellect and intuition are high sure
One will be super being creative as God or poet!

Engrossed in Nature's influence all comes naturally
For the genius doing great feat as singer, poet and all!
Dec 2011 · 1.3k
A Dream or Reality?
T A Ramesh Dec 2011
Chivalrous knight after a longtime battle
Returns to his island and lies on grass
Enjoying the cool breeze of sea in reverie!

Eyes closed he wanders as in a deep dream
Feeling as if flying as albatross floating in sky
Basking in Nature under Sunshine on a cold day!

Day ends in beautiful sunset with stars popping
One after the other twinkling as brilliant diamond
Kindling dreams of fairy tale never told before!

Soon he comes to life and sees his head resting
On the lap of a mermaid bright as silver star of sky
Singing sweet song of fantasy elevating to sublimity!

Is it dream or reality? Feels the knight with frailty;
Next moment he realizes he is still lying on grass alone...!
T A Ramesh Dec 2011
Pleasure for the eyes beauty is!
Pleasure for the nose fragrance is!
Pleasure for the ears music is!
Pleasure for the lips kiss is!

Pleasure for the body breeze is!
Pleasure for the mind meditation is!
Pleasure for the soul mysticism is!

Pleasure for five senses they get themselves!
Pleasure for five elements they get themselves!

Pleasure for all Nature only gives forever!
So, let us preserve Nature to make world better
For the future generation to enjoy pleasure better!
Dec 2011 · 946
A Feast of Joy!
T A Ramesh Dec 2011
Another day of cheer opens door wide
Bequeathing all with plenty of fun to play
Catering to the needs of all at anytime!

Delight after delight increases interest
Enchanting brim full of bubbles of joy
Floating everywhere in the feast full!

Gathering friends meet companions
Hugging with humorous thoughts ever
In the dreams of the past glory immortal!

Joint partners in play revel in merry making,
Keep all with glasses never minimizing at all
Losing or winning without minding time...!

Moments of joy never to be forgotten in life
Neither the winner nor the loser ever bothers
Openly losing one's Self as rivers in the ocean!

Pure heart of gold caring all with comforts only
Queen of heart can do so in revelry of ace class
Rejoicing in the occasion quite grande in scale!

Surfing on the waves of fantasy all forget world
That has progressed accumulating problems As
Universe only can accommodate their proportion!

Vertically and horizontally all things explored
World of woes is kept at the back burner ever;
Xerox of it only kept for ready reference however!

Year long striving is made to disappear by feast
Zigzagging over woes with new found solutions!
Dec 2011 · 1.0k
A Churn of Love!
T A Ramesh Dec 2011
Clouds floating under Moon light of cold night
Just as snow layers accumulating all over land
Make sky and plains pure white as buttermilk!

Milk becomes buttermilk and butter to ghee and
Cheese and yogurt byproducts of milk to enjoy
As children to mother we nourish in life long...!

Milk and honey flow as river if world is prosperous
By honest and true lovers of work for perfection
In all fields not calculating only money and profit!

Churning milky ocean elixir was produced for angels
As buttermilk is churned to produce butter for all
To enjoy and live longer in the world to do better!

As churning in base one another better one is made
Painful pleasure is love to live life in enjoyment ever!
Dec 2011 · 1.2k
Fulfilment Complete!
T A Ramesh Dec 2011
Achieving all goals leads to grief!
Ambition natural only fulfils well!

Fixing of ambition based on vision
After gaining knowledge worthwhile
Like Self, world, Nature and Space
Perhaps brightens one's way of life!

All else leads only to gloom and grief!
Then searching for redemption leads
One and all to Nature for rescue ever
That we should preserve from pollution!

Life lived with love makes one complete!
Thoughts, words and deeds start from in
But not from out as that leads to labyrinth
From where there is no end to fulfilment...!
Dec 2011 · 6.0k
The Beatles in One!
T A Ramesh Dec 2011
The Beatles are legend forever!
The Beatles and Elvis Presley
Pop singers immortal love all!

McCartney, John Lennon and
George Harrison with ****** Starr
Make The Beatles a music group!

Music mesmerised many in 1960s!
The Beatles were welcomed ever
With Red Carpet welcome everywhere!

Love me do and Hard day's night still
Ring in the ears with haunting spell
No one can forget even today, well!

John Lennon or Paul McCartney,
Single or group is The Beatles in one!
Dec 2011 · 626
Warmth in Mist!
T A Ramesh Dec 2011
Mist covers body
Making warm within by apparel
Thick, comfortable!
Dec 2011 · 864
Love Rain!
T A Ramesh Dec 2011
Love blooms as
Oxygen, hydrogen combine
To fall as rain!

— The End —