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 Aug 2012 Sylph
This is me saying, bow and be humble
This is me saying, you only live once
This is me saying, be honest with yourself
This is me saying, there is no greater gift than to choose
This is me saying, like what you like
This is me saying, protect what you believe
This is me saying, man up
This is me saying, remember to breathe
This is me saying, learn to accept defeat
This is me saying, don't forget to remember
This is me saying, wear your best smile
This is me saying, learn to let go sometimes
This is me saying, be calm and forgive
This is me saying, don't just believe in what you hear
This is me saying, cry when the moment permits you to
This is me saying, say what you want to say
This is me saying, take your pills
This is me saying, be thankful first before you complain
This is me saying, feed your cats everyday
This is me saying, make your feelings reach
This is me saying, don't forget to sing
This is me saying, make things happen
This is me saying, observe not just look
This is me saying, you don't need many friends
This is me saying, take your chances while you can
This is me saying, read first then begin
This is me saying, routine *****
This is me saying, find a purpose for your freedom
This is me saying, humans are greedy
This is me saying, apologize even if it's impossible to be forgiven
This is me saying, don't be bothered with small details
This is me saying, there's nothing wrong just be you
This is me saying all these things to you
This is from me to you, I guess it's for me too..
 Jul 2012 Sylph
When all the lights fade away
and all your hopes die in vain
I know that you can make it through
I will still be here with you..
When all your friends have turn you down
and your dreams seems far away
I know that you can make it through
I will still be here with you..
I know that after every rain there's a rainbow
after all the tears, there's smile for you and me
and after all the years that will come and pass between us
There will still be love I know..
There will still be love I know..
When the curtain falls on you
and the cheering crowds are gone..
Even if the sun will never shine again
I know that we can make it through
I will still be here with you..
I know that after every rain there's a rainbow
after all the tears, there's smile for you and me
and after all the years that will come and pass between us
There will still be love I know..
There will still be love I know..
 Mar 2012 Sylph
Jon Tobias
Dear poet,

Dear ***** talker of some unrequited nasty,

Dear slow admirer,
Noticing my detail like a detective

Twist this halo into handcuffs
And love me already

Or don’t

I’m not real

And if I were

I’d hate to be her

You perfect pitch psalm sayer
Waxing generic

Quit the verbal dance

And dance with me

I am glad you know I’m not perfect

I am as faulty
As a topographical map of California

This body is chills

Is goosebumps

Is legs that were soft yesterday

Kiss them

Prickle your cheeks

Does your beard know the difference?

Do you?

Do I feel like scented sandpaper love notes
Still stained with a kiss?

I know I might just be squid ink to everyone else

But you dear poet

Dear detective
Black lighting my flaws into glowing beauty

Put your lips to my stains

They still taste like stains

You made them

You made me

You made me Dear Poet

Stop talking

And take me
It was suggested to me today that I wirte a poem from the perspective of the person who is recieving all the love poetry I write. What would she say?
 Mar 2012 Sylph
 Mar 2012 Sylph
Calling winds turns to breeze
embracing the sky and clouds weeping
gentle and silent falling tears
touched the grounds singing..
each drop's a frail beat
subtle echoes through your ears
close your eyes and fall asleep
find the sunshine in your dreams..
 Feb 2012 Sylph
Maggie Olivia
We met through innuendos
simple chatter
shared our secrets
our hope and dreams
nothing else mattered

The dark day of truth
was typed across the screen
"I'm married,  you can let me go"
an uneasy feeling in my stomach occurred
while my heart began to scream

Walking away easily
passed months ago
you looked for an internet distraction
from the unfulfilled life you had
yet you fell with me, feelings began to grow

You want to leave me
hating to love me
loving to hate me
needing and wanting
craving to feel me

Now bittersweet
the friendship is lost
between moments stolen
and the hot passion that flowed across the screen
our souls forsaken, the hidden cost

You wouldn't take me home
You wouldn't date me
You just simply want to cyber **** me

No sense in being second best
not just to the wife
you love so much but can't touch
but I drawn the line
at being second best to your dog in this life
 Feb 2012 Sylph
 Feb 2012 Sylph
Hey, do you think we could change,
and be better men today?
Who cares about that,
the world is rotten anyway..
Have you seen the news?
It's everywhere,
yet people take little effort to care..
Like I said before,
This world is rotten anyway..
Do we count every little good deed we make?
but still ignore the kindness we get along the way..
Well, that's just normal,
This world is rotten anyway..
We wash our hands clean,
and yet commit another sin..
No need to worry,
The world is rotten anyway..
The fact that it is true,
Should I blame you?
But, who cares if it is true or not?
If the world we were in still rot?
copyright@Morrey 02.07.12
He waited the sad ***** broken in what seemed like a fool who sits on the traintrack
Feeling the rail knowing full well what is coming cant be stopped yet still
they stand.

It didnt take a writers eye to read the reply I knew it from the moment the poor
sap got down on one knee.
Like was never ment for love as a torment was never ment to be cast in a ******* fairytales
happy ending.

I felt no need to listen further for like some old stage hand I knew the
actors lines by heart.
Why were sappy ******* always drawn to heartless ******* I could never understand.
I guess for the reason worthless ******* always seemed to get the one's that
were to dam nice used them like doormats and turned them into the flawed gems
we knew and adored as well.

Maybe if only his ears herd truth instead of dellusion he'd find a much easier path.
I never wait for a reply and seldom care to ask.
I deal in truth I play no game just show my cards and care less if im holding better than the next.
Games are for fool's and old farts who gather to swap war stories and yern for the days
when yesterday  was uncertin yet always a adventure.

She wouldnt reply with what he wanted and he would be the fool a clown
left behind by the circus  just a out of place reject  wearing oversized shoes.
Some belive in it some also know desperate acts only serve a vain person's ego.

It's better to be jaded in sight than a sap for a cruel ******* amusement.
But being a ******* I know her thoughts all to well.
And as the night does erase the light the curtains fall will just
promise another act apon life's stage.

Avoid the people who's hearts have been cast of stone.
Course if you choose to do so you'll probaly  not have to many friends.
Course I never did give a **** cause that just leaves more drinks for me.

He waited for her reply and as the words hit like a landslide.
He sat numb frozen in a sea  of embaressment.
And in the aftermath of rejection he sat at the bar  running it through his thoughts.
I poured a triple sat it in front of the man along with a bottle for company.

And as always became deaf to the bleeding hearts conversation.
Thank God for closing time.

Im the stage hand of lifes over written play a bartender who's herd every version of the
same old song.
If you have to wait never yern for the reply.

Stay crazy Gonzo
Some probaly view my work as jaded  and as ****** up as it's writer .
But Ive lived what i write not write what I belive it would be like.
You cant dip your toe in the water of this life and sometimes there's
More depth in what others belive to be a shallow stream.
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