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 Apr 2014 Syd
Star Dust
 Apr 2014 Syd
We were the ones
Stuck at the back of the class
Because of the signs taped to the front saying
Beware of Dog and Live on the Moon
And through the galaxies filling our heads and the
closed war through the monkey bars
We ran. We ran like this was tag and being tagged was to be shot
No matter what you are, you are the same as me, as her, as him
We're all made up of star dust
 Apr 2014 Syd
Day of Silence
 Apr 2014 Syd
Tomorrow might be too late
Silence not to be broken
Bonding in a way
Nothing could quite describe it

Carry it
Hold it
Cherish it
Hug it

Each day
Each class
Each moment

Until you, yourself
Have been silenced

But even after that,
You're heart continues to carry out the beat of the drum

And you're voice will continue to ring through the streets and cities
Some days it'll be almost too quiet to hear
Others it'll ring louder then the city bells

But you're heart will carry out the beat
I'm trying to hold a Day of Silence in my school.
We desperately need it.
And hopefully, we'll never go back to pretending everything's okay when the building in which we spend our days in, is crumbling to the dirt...
 Apr 2014 Syd
I broke down
My eyes burned with un shed but necessary tears
He just sat there and looked at me
While I choked and stared out the window

He asked me if I was okay
And I said I'll make it through
He told me he didn't believe me
And when I tried to tell him I was fine..
My voice broke and I started to shake..

All  wanted to do was go to the bank of the river,
Maybe curl up under my bed sheets
And cry about it all

So I'm weak and fragile at the sound of a few words
We are all weak and fragile no matter how many times we say we're strong and a fighter
Because we're only as strong as our weakest attribute

But I stayed there in that chair,
Looking him in the eyes
Trying to swallow already breathed air
Choking on the words he was saying to me

I couldn't break down
Not with people walking by the glass window..
But I'm going to be leaving everything behind me
Everything I've ever loved and known
Not one thing will be what I was used to

And I can withstand the strongest winds
And I can endure the hottest flames
But losing my home
Having the world plop right on top of you

Knocks the wind out and suddenly,
I no longer have anything to withstand
Kind of like an old record in the record book
Claimed and prized for a little bit
And then thrown into the back of the pile

The clock was still ticking
And his mouth was still moving
But I was stuck in a little glass bottle
Set to sail the ocean alone and aimlessly
But I bobbed and dived from each oncoming wave
Only to wash ashore on an island called expectations

And I shouldn't be here..
On this island..
But I am.. And nothing will get me to go out into the vast and somehow empty ocean of my path
Everything is on me now
As I sat, paralyzed and lifeless
In that chair, looking at his eyes
In his office,
The Principal's Office
 Apr 2014 Syd
Sleeveless Tee
 Apr 2014 Syd
I have Pride.
Always wore it on my sleeve.
When things got bad..
They were because of anything but that.
Except for a girl
Which I loved with all my heart
And if I wasn't Gay..
My heart would still be intact.
But I've got Pride.
And I ain't afraid to wear it on my sleeve.
 Apr 2014 Syd
When there's nowhere to turn
I'll call your name
When you think you're done for
Quit fighting
When there's no light
Close your eyes
Stay strong.
The worst is over.
 Apr 2014 Syd
It's Only A Cat
 Apr 2014 Syd
I know I say I hate you
And that you're just some fat old *****
Or that I want to **** you most nights
And that I wish you were never born

But I would be dead right now
Always had someone who would keep me warm when I was in a cold world
Never missing a chance to say goodbye on my way out the door
Giving me this look of love and respect.

I love you more than a person could love their pet
You were my life support through 7 of the worst years in my life
And I love your sweet purr as you fall asleep in my arms
That grin on your little face makes all the sleepless nights worth it

You won't be around forever
I wish I could live the rest of my life with you tapping my leg for more Friskies
Nothing can bring me up from my lows like you can
Just a plop in my lap
That's my reason to keep fighting for life
Because of you.

I love you buddy, I won't let anything happen to you.
I love you more then I could ever show.
On the darkest nights, you somehow tell me to just pull the sheets up and sleep
On the hottest days, you still lay on my legs
I love you cat. I love you Luna.
Even though it may not seem like it.
You mean the world to me. I love you.
 Apr 2014 Syd
We, Ourselves
 Apr 2014 Syd
Sometimes Love cannot
save us
Only we can be the ones
to save ourselves
So put down your hearts
unlock your lips
if only for a minute to hear
We are only as strong as ourselves,
not our partners. No, never our partners.
So become the
most stable
Afterall, it's two
Two halves that make up a couple

And I know
it's scary to be alone
but you are the

If your partner dies
one day
You, you don't die with them.
You still have to
get up

You are still here
So make yourself matter.
 Apr 2014 Syd
I Did This
 Apr 2014 Syd
Look her in the eyes
With my own war veiled eyes
Look her in the eyes
Try not to shy away.

Come back to me
Don't leave me
Don't let this
monster, this darkness
boy fitting into the cracking skin of a girl
take me over

Look her in the eyes
Try not to look away
Look and see
All the hidden rejection, the hurt, the longing, the numbness
That you made her feel

Look her in the eyes
Try not to say sorry
Because somehow
You were meant to destroy your adoptive mother
And be abandoned by your biological one

Look her in the eyes
Try not to
*Shy away
 Apr 2014 Syd
Stain my hands yellow for the unfaltering hope I saw
On the sidewalks slipping into the subways
Stain my sleeves red for the blood in me
Mutt blood, disaster, harmfully pristine to still have any
Coat my collar in silver for the linings I've come across.
Coat my chest maroon for the forests
I've wrenched apart, set on fire to teach you to save that stained piece of paper
Hit me with grey and honey glint-
For the sunsets you watch after the
Roaring thunder and ocean of lightning

Rock me under blue for the whitecaps that
Sunk your ship, drowned your men, swallowed your breath

Stow me away in white for the blazes which
Paralyzed you in the uncertainty and catapulted you to marry her

Paint me a shade
And I'll paint a church steeple in Italy
A wedding cake in the Bahamas
An apple tree flower heavy with fresh rain in Washington State

Paint me black
I will illuminate the souls that form your constellations

Paint me a shade
I paint a snapshot
One brush stroke at a time
"To expand, to gain, we sometimes must steal. And using this, the outcome equates the theft. That is, if it bursts from the soul."
-James Raymond
 Apr 2014 Syd
 Apr 2014 Syd
Beat me, bruise me, leave me your pain.
Take from me then, the need to use a cane.
Stay close to me, keep me free
I want to walk tall and with pride
Stumbled and fell, is that enough to say I tried.
Let me wander, but please call me home
Beat me, bruise me, leave me your pain.
Let me walk away and I might just leave on the train
Release me although you may be weakened and torn
Please don't be rattled when you find-
a half empty dresser and unfinished bed in the morn
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