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 Apr 2014 Syd
Labels. Square. Cut. Legible enough to judge.
To rank and trivialize, hollow out a once million dollar view.
Leave only the shattered confidence and trampled mind to litter the scene
The roof of a skyscraper seems inviting with a
neon sign reading "Thank society for this."
You find yourself weeping, attaching, flooding your gates
To this sign, next to where you're going to surrender
Because no letter, no word, no other human
could grab your slit wrist  and lead you away. To say
"**** the square, cut, legible enough to stand scenery. Stop painting with your running blood"

Go with a plastic bag.
No- not over your head. Pick a size off the shelf
Now pour that million dollar view you make up in the bag.
Drip a few branches and some lamp posts,
or paint the sky arching to the shore with a flock of birds swirling around
Make it bulge
Warmth radiating through
Now toss it. Throw it. Hurl it. Hand it.
It holds, it shifts from a silent setting in one eye to a hurricane coming

Though the contents are still exactly the same
You cannot escape interpretations
For fear of the unknown and the trap door to never open up beneath you
But you can be a plastic bag instead of a box.
 Apr 2014 Syd
My name
 Apr 2014 Syd

Take me to your sanctuary
For I will
Empty out the skies to keep them within my heart

Falling into the dream
That I've fallen asleep to every night
With Kairi falling higher and higher into those emptied clouds
And I pray that there's still enough left to cushion her fall

Tell her that I'm at the station
My train's come to let me replace
And bleed out the skies so that she can fall asleep to the stars again.

With the starfruit brushing the shores safely before
I wanna line the pieces up, yours and mine.
 Apr 2014 Syd
Hang these flags as you would have our heads
Trapped from snapshots of two men in one cot
And even when
They weren't lusting, sinning, thrusting
How is it that that is what the puzzle makes out to be
One was terrified of the thunder and lightning
The other looking out for another
But as soon as you conjure up the word brother
All Hell breaks loose and the Chruches scream

Even when the two long haired women tangle together
Scandalous and ****, profits and party
Based on their bust size and hair length
Throw in the noun sister and you have a sold out show

Selective, seducing, masquerades and markets
Like we are some animals bound to your chain
Cut along my veins and hold me to the light anf read me
Etched among myself are the scriptures of the already spoken
And the nes who aren't there yet.

We cannot hold the right to complain or banter
if we were not out in the streets, protesting, saying.

And we've all be persuaded into believing it's a blue sky
Until someone walks up and says it's purple
And the churches will look it up in their books
But who has time now adays for reading?
Another piece inspired by Freedom To Marry Same *** Couples Court in Oregon
 Apr 2014 Syd
Gays are no different
Because we have eyes, though some of us may be blinded
We have ears, though some of us might be deaf
We have fingers and toes, although we may not have all twenty.
Gays are not hell bound
Because we eat shellfish just like you do
We are flame resistant just as you claim to be
We have sinned, like every other person out there.
We are no different
We are wired differently as is every human in existence
We dress differently just like you
We all love differently, but we love anyway.

We say as our ancestors rebelled
We don't carry Satan on our shoulders as you have tought your children
We do our best to hold in the hate
And we feel as though we can acclimate others to their peers
We do not though, force ourselves on you
As you do to us

So we like
I can guarantee we fine more pots of gold than you
So we have our wn clubs and bars, because you have yours
She's a woman and he's a man, and there are no picket signs at their door

NOthing breeds us to disown and hate  but ourselves- so that is who we can blame or that's who we can talk to*

Gays are no different. So don't hold me from walking down an aisle
Inspired by Freedom To Marry and Same *** marriage court in Oregon.
 Apr 2014 Syd
 Apr 2014 Syd
I prefer staples over tape.
I prefer someone who's high over somebdy drunk.
I prefer fixing the roof in the rain.
I prefer mashed potatoes.
I prefer teling my secrets to a plush otter than someone who can sell me.
I prefer loving her, rather than him.
I prefer a story that's not quite readable.
I prefer Paramore.
I prefer waking up when it's still morning.
I prefer the drumming of rain that spans over 24 hours  than a year of sun.
I prefer sticking up for myself.
I prefer picking my own battles.
I prefer power outtages as it snows.
I prefer wondering about people.
I prefer yeling to the oppression.
I prefer cuddles when I know you're not perfectly okay.
I prefer ties over skirts.
I prefer Polaroids over selfies.
I prefer to tie my shoes constantly.
I prefer cnvincing mysef she's on another trip
she'll return from, rather than believing she was robbed from us.
I prefer Sora.
I prefer masculinity on myself.
I prefer RedBox movie nights.
I prefer keeping in mind even the possibility that we came out to be that high school couple who beat the odds and made it to forever.
 Apr 2014 Syd
We held our space
And as the darkness grew brighter,
We spoke of the untouched tomorrow
Down in the nights' palms
We danced in the curves of our skin
Making our own wonderland
And We pulled each other in
And as the darkness grew,
We fell deeper into the eyes
The whispers and the smiles
Fell more for each other
As the darkness grew and the space vanished
 Apr 2014 Syd
Hey You
 Apr 2014 Syd
Hey you.. You should come here

So I can kiss your lips and listen to the rain by your side and we can sit in the dark for hours and maybe pass the time with our hands as explorers and our hearts as our holding tanks.. And we can close our eyes, to see even darker shadows in the warmth of one another. Because I love you, and everything you do, everything you say, every little laugh you let escape your breath and how you make all my worries fly away.
 Apr 2014 Syd
So Hey
 Apr 2014 Syd
You should come here

So I can kiss along your jaw. So I can make your heart run faster and faster, until it's flying through the night. So I can feel your skin up against mine, your bones pressed into mine. So I can just hold tight through all the hours that wreck me. So I can be there to see your beautiful life, just so I can just be there, to love you. Like you deserve and never let go.

— The End —