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It's fine, daddy will walk through the door soon. You promised. But she knew he was sitting in the driveway, soaking up the light of the moon.*

Outside in a driveway
A man sits and waits.
His family has long given up on calling
Dinner is on the table.

They try to carry on as normal
Exchanging small talk
Work and the weather.

It's fine, daddy will be walking in soon. You promised. But she knew he was sitting in the driveway, soaking up the light of the moon.

Averting their gazes
From the fiery eyes
Of the tailgate
Shining beams through the window.

Wake up. It's not fine; it's cold outside and they need you to be alright.

He knows what he's doing
But truly he has no control.
All he is sure of is that when he comes home
He wants to be all there.
For the many who have lost their loved ones to the world.
 Jan 2014 Susie kate
 Jan 2014 Susie kate
Your eye
is the single thing.

I will fill it
with summer weeds
little stalks
no wrinkles
weighed with rain, like lungs of June.

I will fill it
with the hush of grass
with sun
your quiet lips like prayers, on my tongue.

You must never meet
puckered soil
wasted stems
no sickness
in this summer age.

Your eye will never fill
with these
wringing hands--
this ceiling without a star.

I will care for you.
 Jan 2014 Susie kate
Right before the thunderstorm
Clouds of grey line the sky
The breezes stir even a little
And rustle through the tall, tall pines
Leaves are scattered on the ground
The scent of rain fills the air
The stifling hot summer day
All of a sudden cools off
The wind picks up
And the sky is black with rage
Green leaves and twigs and small branches
Are flying through the air
Lightening flashes vibrantly
And thunder follows right behind with a crash
That ear splitting "boom" makes me jump and cringe
Rain suddenly pours from the heavens
And it roars upon the roof
Raindrops wash the porch
Of any dust or summer dirt
The ground tries its best to drink the rain
Yet still leaves puddles all around
The sun shines and then fades again
And the sky turns blackish-bluer still
Until that familiar sound of thunder
Startles me and makes me frightened
Thunderstorms are dark, yet lovely
And scary, yet beautiful
I guess I like thunderstorms
But just am afraid of them

A poem I wrote a few days ago and found again last night in my notebook!!! (:
I thought and hoped you might enjoy it!! (: ~~~~<3
 Jan 2014 Susie kate
Kopter Zero
Let me tell you something, he said,
You've got to be happy.

Don't let anyone tell you otherwise,
There ain't no other aim in the world
That you should aim for.

Anything worth doing is
Worth doing 'cos it makes you happy.

Duty! Well duty is good if being dutiful makes you happy
Love! What's the point of loving if you ain't happy doin it?
Sacrifice yourself for others! See 'duty', above.

Don't listen to the fools who'll tell you
That you don't deserve to be happy,
Or that there are better things to do.

Half of them are envious, and
The other half ignorant, of the difference
Betwixt mere pleasure ... and happiness!

You can do all the drugs in the world,
But they won't keep you happy for long.
You can earn all the money in the work,
And that won't keep you happy for long.

See, happiness is simple, but it ain't easy.

Let me tell you something, he said,
You've got to be happy.

And I'm telling you, I'm happy today!
Lying in a flower patch
Staring at the sky
Wishing you were here with me
But its just me, myself and I
Never had the courage
Was always just too shy
You always looked so pretty
With that sparkle in your eye
I miss you so much
And I let out a sigh
But I just want you to be happy
To you I'll never lie
I had always hoped
That I would be your guy
My phone starts to ring
My ringtones "Pumpkin Pie"
I listen to it ring
Before I pick up and say "Hi"
I turn around just like you said
And almost start to cry
You run to me and give me a hug
You don't want to say goodbye
This place just means so much to you
And its easy to know why
Because without you we're like flowers
We'll all just wilt and die.
"You're such a ditz"*
My friends say
When I stop what I'm saying
To admire the last rosy kiss
Of the sunset
As it waves a lonesome goodbye
To its lovers.

"She lacks focus"
My parents say to eachother
In undertones I've heard coming so often
From the front seat.
I roll my eyes
At their attempt at secrecy
And turn my gaze back to the golden farms
Running beside our tires.

"You're very thoughtful,
Never stop appreciating the beauty of the earth"

My great grandmother says
Patting my hand with an understanding
I don't see often
Because she
Is one of the few.
In the beginning
Goodness was enough.
That timid boy
Called your home phone
Answering to a gruff father
Demanding to know

Would be calling for his daughter.
An Adam's apple bobbing up and down,
Like a buoy on the shoreline,
Searching for his own name.
A sea of thought
For a simple question.

In the beginning
Goodnes was enough.
The timid boy
Inches next to her
Scooting closer
Scratching against the wooden grain
Of the mossy park bench.
A half moon dawned on his face
As she tenderly intertwined her hand
With his.

In the beginning
Goodnes was enough.
Hands spun around,
At lightning speed.
Asking for *something more.

Her mind whirled
With the greyness of confusion.
She would do anything to keep him.
*A sea of thought
For a simple question.
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