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501 · Nov 2013
Susan O'Reilly Nov 2013
Clouds meander

stars slumber

moon snores

sun pours
489 · Apr 2013
Distant Memories
Susan O'Reilly Apr 2013
Perched on his knee
a time of glee
we were going to play horsey
jumping up and down
always acting the clown
he made me giddy with joy
my uncle, a big strapping boy

My memories are distant
I wrack my brain, torment
trying to think when we stopped visiting
parents busy, his life not permitting

He went down a wrong track
couldn’t find his way back
alcohol ruled him, so I’m told
he still young, but his body old
he died at thirtythree
alone unfortunately
I’ll always remember him with a smile
he was my role model for a long while
488 · May 2013
Fate's Guide
Susan O'Reilly May 2013
My particular ride

take it in my stride

Fate has orchestrated my path

her decisions, my aftermath

She’s given me ups and downs

some tears and some frowns

She has showered me with joy

bad news actually a clever ploy

She’s a delicious minx

sometimes evil methinks

Must remember she’s just a guide

easy to blame her I’ve tried

She gave me a rough draft

Upto me to hone my craft

Life is made of many lessons

Even bad days have blessings

She supplied me with the gear

upto me what route I steer

So thank you fate

today I’m doing great
487 · Apr 2013
Susan O'Reilly Apr 2013
Caught my eye

a slip of a stare

drifted by

standing my hair

I couldn’t forget that glance

captured my heart

forever, perchance

in my soul, a dart

Searched for you, daily

PLEASE, look again

my eyes gazed at you gaily

you’ll ask me, but when?

You were my first crush

and crushed, was I

turned my knees to mush

when you just walked on by
first love
486 · May 2013
Susan O'Reilly May 2013
I’m controlled by invisible string

your my leader, I’m your thing

Do I secretly enjoy

being your toy?

Is all my confidence centred on how you see me?

if you didn’t shout and roar, would I cease to be?

Have I got issues?

blacked out past abuses

Not my first violent relationship

last one ended when he went for a kip

I finished being his wife

with the sharp end of a knife

So who’s controlling who?

Do I like being black and blue?

A common factor you’re both rich

and I’m a conniving *****

so go on hit me again

smile for the hidden lens
485 · May 2013
Susan O'Reilly May 2013
He promised me ecstasy
I got sausage and chips
He promised me kisses twee
too short on my lips
He got down on one knee
couldn’t get up with his hips
he promised me he was free
my ear his girl clips
484 · May 2013
Susan O'Reilly May 2013
“Just a fling,

didn’t mean anything”

family in ruins

you sing the same tunes

Not the first time

you committed this crime

this crime of passion

downtrodden my new fashion

I’ve met someone new

haven’t told you

but then it’s

“Just a fling,

doesn’t mean anything”
484 · Apr 2013
Susan O'Reilly Apr 2013
Cup overfilling
passion spilling
head spinning
body winning

Time passes so slow
basking in loves afterglow
contemplating getting up
but hoping for another sup
480 · Apr 2013
Susan O'Reilly Apr 2013
Standing at a crossroads

not knowing which way to turn

one could be salvation

one crash and burn

No control over his life

drugs and alcohol addicted

all his vices self-inflicted

pleasing anyone who’d buy him a drink

not much lower could he sink

Rehab or an early grave

a decision he could no longer stave

to his addictions a slave

Something had to give

if he wanted to live

he was the only one that

could make the choice

he’d take nobody’s advice

he thought just one more

nobody’s keeping score

he died in a doorway

with a smile on his face

just one hit brought him to another place

Standing at a crossroads

he took the wrong turn
475 · Nov 2013
Ying And Yang
Susan O'Reilly Nov 2013
I smiled

you growled

I laughed

you cried

I tried

you denied

I loved

you hated

I died

you killed
472 · Apr 2013
Light As A Butterfly's Wing
Susan O'Reilly Apr 2013
He touches my cheek
as light as a butterfly’s wing
He sends tingles down my spine
with that look that says your mine

Fills me with bliss
gentle forehead kiss
Our fingers entwined
a silent message of trust

His gentle caresses
slowly undresses
Together in ecstasy
nowhere else I wanna be
471 · Apr 2013
Dream A Dream
Susan O'Reilly Apr 2013
Wishing my life away, dreaming a dream
buying a lotto ticket, not just me
Imagining a win, the cat got the cream
Ah, pay me mortgage, buy a wee mini
Doing whatever I want, be a scream
A few donations, sort out family
oh wow, my life will be heading upstream
If only reverie was reality
all my old sins, I atone and redeem
old friends out of woodwork , a mystery
Suddenly remembered me, it would seem
Basking in luck, revelling in glory
Ah well, may as well dream here as in bed
try getting into black and outta red
467 · May 2013
Feeling Social
Susan O'Reilly May 2013
I’m scared I’ll be found in a decomposing state

not very social of late

the cat will be licking my bones clean

no-one will be aware, me, they haven’t seen

Think I need to go for a drink

before, into this mood, I sink

reconnect with the girls

dancing shoes need a swirl
467 · May 2013
Wham Bam
Susan O'Reilly May 2013
Wham, bam

thank you mam

to him your not worth a ****

Your his ****

when he’s down on his luck

when there’s no-one to ****

Your worth so much more

he’ll make your heart sore

show him the door
459 · Apr 2013
Little Boy
Susan O'Reilly Apr 2013
I saw this angelic little boy
eyes so blue, big head of blond curls,
which he'll probable bemoan in years to come,
gorgeous smile

I realise he's on his own,
can't be more than three
I get down on my hunkers and spread my arms
he doesn't hesitate not even for a second
Oh, the innocence of him as he jumps into my arms
and clasps me in a wondrous hug
I try to get him to talk but he just keeps squeezing my nose
and breaking into fits of laughter
he's adorable

I place him down, and take his hand
I noticed things I hadn't seen his little hands grubby
his skin peeling and sore
his beautiful curls all knotted
and bless him, not a nice smell

I decide to walk him around
see can i find who he belongs to
then this woman comes running, screaming
she grabs him, and slaps him
I'm stunned, he doesn't even cry
he turns and gives me a resigned shrug
what I thought was innocence was pure joy
in someone willing to give a bit of attention
this was a little boy who didn't cry
he's mature beyond his years
he's long since learnt no point in tears
as the woman screams "Have I no children of my own, leave mine alone"

She looks high, I wish I could take this little mite
but what gives me the right
he says "sorry, mommy" takes her hand and leads her home
I just might take that little boy next time he decides to roam
458 · Apr 2013
Susan O'Reilly Apr 2013
The grass is always green on the other side of life
inhabitants free from trouble and strife
money is flowing, happiness is rife

They never have to learn by their mistakes
no floods, no cutbacks, no heartaches
every day full of lucky breaks

What do they reach for?
what’s eating away at their core?
Do they remember a time before?

I’ll stay on this side
success a source of pride
skills have to be employed

How can we get up if we never fall?
We can’t answer if no-one calls
you have to fail to grow *****

So today I’m going to be the best me
swimming in a sea of uncertainty
experiencing everything is healthy

Everyday we strive
hope makes us thrive
life’s short, no-one survives
455 · May 2013
No Easy Ride
Susan O'Reilly May 2013
I became we

since matrimony

problems shared

feelings aired

no easy ride

some days I haven’t tried

but right now, today

everything’s okay

it’s well worth the trip

were joined at the hip

accepting each others flaws

our achievements, applause

having each other’s back

keeps us on the right track
453 · Apr 2013
Susan O'Reilly Apr 2013
Sitting in the office
filing to be done
******* up to boss
outwardly smiling, inside
451 · Jan 2014
Susan O'Reilly Jan 2014
When silence descends

end of the relationship

when feelings are numb
450 · Apr 2013
A Man For All Seasons
Susan O'Reilly Apr 2013
A man for all seasons
He’s cool as a breeze
He’s colourful as fall
He floats like a cloud
He can like thunder be loud

He’s fast as lightning
He brings summer with his smile
He can scold and be cold
He can have a dry wit

He has eyes that can freeze
He’ll spring to please
Whatever the weather
You won’t meet better
447 · Apr 2013
The Wall
Susan O'Reilly Apr 2013
I’m sorry were having a fight
when things bother me I go quiet
I build things up inside,
they maybe small -
but because there held in so long they sit
and turn my insides into a festering pit
the smallest slight can then become a raging tornado
an uncontrollable reaction
that doesn’t fit the supposed crime
and -
even though I know all this
at the moment I’m still mad
a major disagreement because
of all the little tiffs we never had

I think this kettle has had a good brewing
in my intestinal wall it’s been stewing
and now it’s come to the boil
I’ll have to handle things better
talk -
about the niggling stuff
or I’ll never handle a real patch of rough

I’m writing instead of talking to you
digging my heels in, not answering your call
refusing to scale this wall
this wall that I’ve built
maybe if I give it a little tilt
an inch more -
I can’t scale it yet
it’s looming to large on my horizon
I’m not ready to tear it down yet

I’m sorry *** I’m trying
but -
its taken years to build this wall and now its
oh -
so tall
maybe it will mature and stoop
fade into the background
stop tying me in a loop

But not today
I’m sorry
447 · Apr 2013
Mo Chroi
Susan O'Reilly Apr 2013
I hope you won't find my devotion twee
thou art my one eternal love, always
I penned this verse to sweet serenade thee
Occupy my thoughts, my nights and my days
Your voice a melodious harmony
Cherish your mysterious ways, amaze
In the shelter of your caress, I'm me
I happily drown in your ardent gaze
Ah, no comparison to thee, mo chroi
Thou have conquered me with beautiful grace
I have happily pledged to wed thee
Oh, years to enjoy that treasured face

though there maybe a trouble or two,dear
We'll handle together year after year
445 · Apr 2013
Susan O'Reilly Apr 2013
Oh my eyes are bleary
my very bones are weary

To partake of that pint
was a mistake last night

Its a great saying “just the one”
never happens when alls said and done

I’m never drinking again
ask me on Saturday, around ten
444 · Apr 2013
Susan O'Reilly Apr 2013
Sometimes angels cry

their souls sigh

wings weigh heavy

they want a bevy

Sometimes angels laugh

at evil’s gaff

not always easy to be good

though they know they should

They were once human

mortal man or woman

so forgive them the lapse days

were all entitled to laze

Punishment when perfection goes

their polishing their halos

next time you see a white feather

you’ll know their doing better
444 · Apr 2013
Susan O'Reilly Apr 2013
A battered soul
broken, not whole
abused and misused
fragile, confused

Fragmented parts
splintered shards
dealt a bad hand
alone they stand

Picking up the shreds
tightening loose threads
searching for truth
courage, the root

Stronger they be
seek new company
a bright new outlook
life’s an open book
442 · May 2013
No Easy Ride
Susan O'Reilly May 2013
I became we

since matrimony

problems shared

feelings aired

no easy ride

some days I haven’t tried

but right now, today

everything’s okay

it’s well worth the trip

were joined at the hip

accepting each others flaws

our achievements, applause

having each other’s back

keeps us on the right track
439 · Apr 2013
Susan O'Reilly Apr 2013
He promised me ecstasy
I got sausage and chips
He promised me kisses twee
too short on my lips
He got down on one knee
couldn’t get up with his hips
he promised me he was free
my ear his girl clips
437 · May 2013
Shallow Lives
Susan O'Reilly May 2013
Talking about people behind their back
bitterness their only track
of stories they have no lack
truth or fiction they don’t care
challenge them if you dare
seeping poison from their pores
now they’ll only hear my snores
as my silent derision roars
pity them their shallow lives
placing in backs their knives
437 · Apr 2013
Susan O'Reilly Apr 2013
Tables well and truly turned

chased, originally spurned

I have the power in my hands

the wheel to decide where he lands

Do I switch to self-destruct

my head is ******
428 · May 2013
Susan O'Reilly May 2013
Your not wearing my shoes

so don’t know where I’ve walked

you don’t know why I’m feeling blue

but about me you’ve talked

your actions I found taboo

on my black list your name chalked
427 · May 2013
Thinking With Pen In Hand
Susan O'Reilly May 2013
Men are like buses, you miss one along comes two
Problems forget ‘em there’ll be more due
Life would be dull without a party or two
Flirting’s a game not taboo
If it doesn’t fit try another shoe
Some days we all feel a little blue
Smile it will be returned to you
Just sharing a thought or two
427 · Apr 2013
You Hurt Me Today
Susan O'Reilly Apr 2013
I’m finding it hard with words to convey
How your actions affected me today

With every poke and every ****
On my feelings you did trod

Yes, you hurt me today
But, by god, your going to pay
426 · Apr 2013
It's All In The Eyes
Susan O'Reilly Apr 2013
The eyes always my first point of contact
Can make my heart contract
They can make me foolishly act
that’s a known fact

It’s not a smile
that will me beguile
but a twinkle in an eye
that I espy

They say eyes are the reflections of the soul
maybe that can explain to me their romantic role
A wink, a blink can make my confidence rise or sink
I lose all ability to think

If you like me stare, flirt, emphasise
whatever you want just use your eyes
They have the power to hypnotise
423 · Apr 2013
Please Just Say
Susan O'Reilly Apr 2013
I saw something the other day

I wish I hadn’t

because with me it has not easily lay

I was at the swimming pool

collecting my neighbour’s little boy

when the girl caught my eye

there was nothing particularly

noticeable about her

except she seemed to be lost

she had this look of sadness

she caught me, turned away from my stare

she may have gave me an angry glare

None of this is what upset me

it was the bruises I saw when she turned around

the area they were in that hurt me most profound

I knew in my heart that girl was being abused, misused

Why it hasn’t easily lay

I turned away

nothing to nobody did I say

I rue the day
422 · May 2013
Will You?
Susan O'Reilly May 2013
When I’m down

Will you be my clown?

When the cards are on the table

Will you be able?

When I want to misbehave

Will you be my willing slave?

When I’m filled with glee

Will you laugh with me?

When my well has dried up

Will you fill my cup?

All of these things you’ve already done

That’s how I know you’re the ‘one

You’ve opened my lock

You’re my steadfast rock

I’ll love you for eternity

It’s always going to be

You and me
418 · May 2013
Susan O'Reilly May 2013
I scuttle of into the sunset
my pillows my sunbed
my blanket suns warmth
the pools in my head
I’m swimming a length
my book I have read
my body is spent
this day was a long tread
I’ll sleep back to health
413 · Jun 2013
Susan O'Reilly Jun 2013
Your fingers curling in my hair

knew I should have shaved there

you asked me had I got a brush

knew I wasn’t getting your tongues touch
413 · Apr 2013
Lost Love
Susan O'Reilly Apr 2013
I can’t hide how I feel about you

to refrain from kissing you

is all I can do

You used to be mine

I thought I’d be fine

but my feelings are had to define

One moment I’m mad

the next I’m sad

guilt over feelings I’ve had

See I was the one who let you go

for reasons I now don’t know

they seemed so important then

I wish I had that time again

You’ve found someone new

honestly she suits you

she’s bubbly and smart

she’s got you down to a fine art

Your still my friend

I hope that never ends

No longer my lover

always my friend
413 · Apr 2013
Gone Away
Susan O'Reilly Apr 2013
I’m looking for someone

she’s gone away

she used to be so gay

never a cross word to say

nowadays it’s a mood swing

Where’s she gone?

where’s she hiding?

She used to be patience personified

people’s traits glorified

now she’d be happy if they fried

where she used to laugh, she’s now cried

I can’t find her, I’ve tried
408 · May 2013
Susan O'Reilly May 2013
I’m still in love with who I thought you were

The memory of that belief
is what’s causing the grief

I’m still in love with the you
I thought I knew
I despise the real you

I thought I’d found something rare
But you were just a player with flair

I will be okay
there will be a day
that false memory fades away
404 · Apr 2013
Susan O'Reilly Apr 2013
A beautiful flower, preserved
never given a change to grow
secreted away, by one who
says his reason is love

Allowed freedom of the house
as long as she’s silent
dreaming of the outside world
locked away, if visitors arrive

Everything fine until she was eleven
he looked at her differently
whispered “my, how you’ve grown”
and swore to protect her

He smashed ever mirror
left her one, cracked
just like his mind
she’s long since given up reaching

She sits at the window
gazing at the sky, pen poised
this is her escape
what keeps her sane

today no words will come
she’s utterly heartbroken
what else is there for her
can’t see any way out

Her mother was a beauty
departed this world long ago
she envies her, her release
and longs to see her again

She takes the tablets slowly
relishing the dryness of each one
penning her goodbye, drifting away
he got his way, she’s forever young
402 · Apr 2013
Pride, what cost?
Susan O'Reilly Apr 2013
Standing here lost
pride, what cost?
greeted with frost
looks glaringly crossed

no, stubborness
feeling powerful
no awful

I never take what’s
not given willingly
my own moral code
righteousness spilling

Do I now feel bolder
no, just a little colder
I could have lay on his shoulder
but my heart as hard as a boulder

I stand here alone and weep
probably tonight, no sleep
I’m feeling like a creep
looking at myself, not a peep
402 · Apr 2013
Susan O'Reilly Apr 2013
“Just a fling,

didn’t mean anything”

family in ruins

you sing the same tunes

Not the first time

you committed this crime

this crime of passion

downtrodden my new fashion

I’ve met someone new

haven’t told you

but then it’s

“Just a fling,

doesn’t mean anything”
401 · Apr 2013
I Know You
Susan O'Reilly Apr 2013
An angel riding on my shoulder
making me braver, bolder
protecting me in times of woe
don’t ever want him to go

An angel brushing cares away
he’s with me every single day
keeping me centered with his touch
my naughty thoughts make him blush

An angel whispering in my ear
consoling away every fear
he helps me stay calm and steady
always alert, ever-ready

An angel I don’t recognise
couldn’t tell you his shape or size
I’ll meet him properly some day
“Oh, I know you” I’ll say
399 · Jan 2014
Susan O'Reilly Jan 2014
fuelled by lust
marriage bust
398 · Apr 2013
Penny for 'em
Susan O'Reilly Apr 2013
If I had a penny for every thought
would I be bedecked in richer cloth
would my opinion be widely sought
or would I be worth nought
397 · Apr 2013
Simple Life
Susan O'Reilly Apr 2013
Oh for a simple life
free from angst and strife
but maybe I’d be bored to tears
if I had no worries or fears
Do I like been kept on my toes?
What would I talk about if not my woes?
Life has led me a merry dance
Would I pick a quiet one, if I had a chance?
393 · Jan 2014
Susan O'Reilly Jan 2014
We’ll weather the storm

rainbow follows hurricane

here for each other
392 · Apr 2013
Susan O'Reilly Apr 2013
Spring, what joy you bring

to every growing, living thing

buds sprout, leaves come out

Winter is giving a might clout

Oh yeah, Spring’s about
391 · Apr 2013
Susan O'Reilly Apr 2013
A slow dance
a game of chance
a certain glance
a special circumstance
forever perchance
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