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Mar 2014 · 1.1k
Susan O'Reilly Mar 2014
A world of make-believe

On imaginations loom I weave

some days my presence it leaves

its absence causes me to grieve

other days it wants to celebrate

I marvel at what it can create

free your mind, let it stray

let your dreams come out to play

plant the seed and let it grow

where you’ll end up I don’t know
Mar 2014 · 931
Susan O'Reilly Mar 2014
Let your pen be the

match and strike the page alight

writing words that burn
Mar 2014 · 1.1k
Susan O'Reilly Mar 2014
Closed minds don’t equal
closed mouths unfortunately
don’t forget to breathe
Mar 2014 · 990
Susan O'Reilly Mar 2014
I'm a museum piece

locked away

encased in glass


sign says "Do Not Touch"

ignore it please

set me free

from my captivity

I've built this cage

caused by impotent rage

walls built up over time

protection from everyone and everything

I'm rusting away

looking pristine externally

but not internally

break through my reserve

I'm begging you
Mar 2014 · 1.2k
Too Soon
Susan O'Reilly Mar 2014
My baby's not getting out

I'm keeping it inside daily

"too soon, too soon" I mentally shout

while humming to my mound gaily

there's been the panicked hospital drive

blood oozing down my legs

that trying to keep 'it' alive

my desperate to doctor begs

See this is my 4th pregnancy

each one greeted with hope

I've already lost three

this time I  don't think I'd cope

they can't tell me why

done every  test

all we can do is try

nature does the rest

5 months I've laid in this bed

legs crossed not moving

each bleed fills me with dread

but each day in, chances improving

please say a prayer for me

we need all the help we can get

that inside stays my baby

'its' not ready to come out, not yet
Feb 2014 · 993
Susan O'Reilly Feb 2014
Your the air around me
you comfort me constantly

Safe I feel in your presence
I can sense your essence
You never leave
so I don’t have to grieve

People think I’m cold
as yet I haven’t been so bold
to tell them that your still here
and because of that there’s nothing I fear
Feb 2014 · 2.3k
Susan O'Reilly Feb 2014
You ravaged me

without permission

I ravage you

no intermission

Each blow you dealt

I’ve doubled

my anger simmered

and bubbled

This is the only time

I’ve felt job satisfaction

feeling just sublime

placing you in traction
Feb 2014 · 1.3k
Susan O'Reilly Feb 2014
Princess in the street

**** between the sheets

I’m a tasty treat

your parents I can meet

I’ll be so sweet
Feb 2014 · 825
Last Spring
Susan O'Reilly Feb 2014
Remember last spring

lay in the meadow with you

awareness blossomed
Feb 2014 · 618
Susan O'Reilly Feb 2014
The writer

wonders and wanders

wishing for a whisper

from his muse

to pen away his blues
Feb 2014 · 390
Susan O'Reilly Feb 2014
Gives me butterflies

when you smile that special way

forever I’m yours
Feb 2014 · 871
Susan O'Reilly Feb 2014
It’s always swell to see you

I’m nodding with my head

your such a lovely view

let’s discuss in bed
Feb 2014 · 1.3k
Susan O'Reilly Feb 2014
Pathetic vision

snivelling boy my new toy

happily got bound
Feb 2014 · 1.5k
Susan O'Reilly Feb 2014
Then came a spider

a praying mantis

I’m still going to ride her

I’m totally ******
Feb 2014 · 720
Susan O'Reilly Feb 2014
Waiting for the Luas in Tallaght, minding my own business when this little ****** stops and spits on my shoe, laughs and runs off.  No reason, no explanation, no apology, nothing.  I'm more disgusted with myself because I hang my head in shame and say what I feel I am, nothing.  What have I got to be ashamed about, but I am.  I'm ashamed of my apathy, my fear.  I meet the eyes of the fella on my left and he says "*******, no respect".  I nod and say "thanks".  What am I thanking him for, for his observing that the ****** showed no respect or is he making comment on me, because he's be right, I have no respect for myself.  I'm the invisible middle-aged woman who got noticed because someone spit on my shoe.

Why can't they notice that if they smile, I smile back, that I can hold a conversation and even on occasions be witty.  I never was much of a looker but think I've an ok personality.  When did that fade into the background?  When did I disappear?

Ah here comes the tram, pre-paid ticket so no chat to the driver.  I daren't talk to another passenger, be intruding on their space.  Well that's what I think.  So is the problem with me, am I giving of some vibe, or is society sinking daily into everyone for themselves mode.  Don't need or want to interact with anyone unless there's something in it for me.

I still haven't wiped the spittle from my shoe. It reminds me that there has to be a change, a change, in me.  That I'm worth more.  I smile to myself, the teenager in the row across avoids my gaze and squashes himself into the window if he could crawl through it he would.  He obviously thinks I've lost it, this makes me giggle.  Is it any wonder I travel alone?  I amuse myself all the way home, sometimes the best company is your own, but only sometimes, worth remembering that.
Don't really know what this is short story, prose, rant?
Feb 2014 · 2.5k
Susan O'Reilly Feb 2014
Please let me hug you
though I’m sure I need it more
ahhh your sweet embrace
Feb 2014 · 893
Susan O'Reilly Feb 2014
She loved it on him

Made her want to sin

He fulfilled her every whim

Always gave in

How he feels without her

Snuggled in its hue

Sitting in her chair

Such a sad view

The colour of her kitchen

He smiles unknowingly

Remembers her *******

Though always wittily

Her perfume simply called blue

Lingers in the air

He dabs a tear or two

Imagines sniffing her hair

Parents called her Violet

How could they have known

Her favourite palette

And she not grown

Jarred out of his reverie

A clapping of tiny feet

His hand taken lovingly

As she dances to her own beat

Violets legacy, beautiful

Her eyes a gorgeous shade

He called her Belle

Can’t believe what they’ve made

He drinks her eyes in

That colour unique

Breaks into a grin

His future not so bleak
Jan 2014 · 1.3k
Susan O'Reilly Jan 2014
I’ve started to rot

the stench

decomposing in my cot

my mum (*****)

I’ll be discovered

bet she still won’t be bothered

my sisters and brothers come for a look

one meal they could have snuck

hate is now what feeds me

my daily delicacy

I’m transforming into a different being

and my revenge they’ll be feeling
Jan 2014 · 597
Susan O'Reilly Jan 2014
Zips up her sheepskin attire
pastes on her smile
cuts her latest desire
with a look that beguiles
Jan 2014 · 412
Susan O'Reilly Jan 2014
Have no degree in bolloxology
can’t stand crapology
yet have to give an apology
because of your assumed superiority
Jan 2014 · 429
Susan O'Reilly Jan 2014
fuelled by lust
marriage bust
Jan 2014 · 394
Susan O'Reilly Jan 2014
Women are like cars

the better it runs and looks

the higher it costs
Jan 2014 · 790
Susan O'Reilly Jan 2014
Sleepy lazy and

unmotivated too much

alcohol again
Jan 2014 · 1.0k
Dressed In Pink
Susan O'Reilly Jan 2014
Dressed in pink
her hair a cute kink
a sweet button nose
dainty little toes
giggles so sweet
when I tickle her feet
my friends toddler
an awkward waddler
she calls me Suey
makes me all gooey
china blue eyes
skin like porcelain
I drink her in
fills me with desire
lights my maternal fire
Jan 2014 · 417
Susan O'Reilly Jan 2014
We’ll weather the storm

rainbow follows hurricane

here for each other
Jan 2014 · 590
Susan O'Reilly Jan 2014
Genevieve is a frump

a big fat lazy lump

walter decided to dump

she really got the ****

and gave him a mighty thump
Jan 2014 · 508
Susan O'Reilly Jan 2014
When silence descends

end of the relationship

when feelings are numb
Jan 2014 · 7.2k
Susan O'Reilly Jan 2014
New Years Resolution

I’m going to be the problem not the solution

he looks at me like I’ve got 10 heads

I’m taken myself to bed

I really couldn’t give 2 *****

right now life *****

housework can kiss my ****

teamwork is a farce

tomorrow I’ll get on my knees

but tonight I hope your infested with fleas
Dec 2013 · 1.1k
Susan O'Reilly Dec 2013
Cradling my essence

your arms give me solace

entwined fingers

warm glow lingers

kissing my forehead

I’m yours to be led

Enveloped in your embrace

anything I can face
Dec 2013 · 2.1k
Susan O'Reilly Dec 2013
Bunny suit

white cuffs and collar

she's cute

you pay the extra dollar

black silk bunny ears

black stillettoes

she smiles at your jeers

always the pro

White pom pom tail

wiggles when she walks

your senses she assails

her ex-boyfriend stalks

Treat this bunny well

or in your drink she spits

she's ringing your bell

but to her your the pits
Dec 2013 · 1.8k
Susan O'Reilly Dec 2013
For an extra dollar

she wears the dog collar

lets him take the lead

she has kids to feed

The father’s her ****

beats her to a pulp

got her addicted to crack

made sure she’d never go back

She’s no choice but to be submissive

everything makes him aggressive

her clients wants a *******

over his face she cowers

I pity her life of vice

she’ll tell you she’s no choice

what chance of her kids got

in a vicious circle already caught
Dec 2013 · 1.1k
Elf Off
Susan O'Reilly Dec 2013
stopped me feeling so desperate

worth the kick in the ***

for the ***** and the ***

So enjoy all your mince pies

you loved one's smiling eyes

don't think of this miserable elf

until next year I'm on the shelf
Nov 2013 · 3.0k
Susan O'Reilly Nov 2013
I’m not submissive

forever just while it suits

I assume you know
Nov 2013 · 803
Susan O'Reilly Nov 2013
Will my epitaph

read like a graph

all my ups and downs

smiles and frowns

or just be brief

causing relief
Nov 2013 · 526
Susan O'Reilly Nov 2013
Clouds meander

stars slumber

moon snores

sun pours
Nov 2013 · 1.8k
Getting It
Susan O'Reilly Nov 2013
Purple bow in hair

Bag to match

Purple skirt

Riding up her ******

***** that need restraining

I’m not complaining

A sight to excite

The wife will get it tonight
Nov 2013 · 585
Susan O'Reilly Nov 2013
I’m a *** bomb

ready to explode

you never detonate

so I implode
Nov 2013 · 1.8k
Susan O'Reilly Nov 2013
Doom and gloom prophets

happiness assassins

depression rockets

miserable visions
Nov 2013 · 1.3k
Susan O'Reilly Nov 2013
I’m good at reading lips

the ones that hide behind zips

in the middle of the hips

Their taste has made me lick mine

the moans they cause sound divine

their absence makes me pine
Nov 2013 · 511
Ying And Yang
Susan O'Reilly Nov 2013
I smiled

you growled

I laughed

you cried

I tried

you denied

I loved

you hated

I died

you killed
Nov 2013 · 880
Susan O'Reilly Nov 2013
Enslave me with your womanly charms

happily encased in your arms

captivate me with your eyes

Oh my you hypnotise

I'm your willing toy

your salivating boy

tell me all your needs

I'll satisfy them with greed
Nov 2013 · 3.1k
Susan O'Reilly Nov 2013
Violent waves of emotion

overtake me completely

no control over their motion

I'm lost in their sea
Nov 2013 · 3.6k
Susan O'Reilly Nov 2013
Write yourself a letter

make yourself feel better

all of your imagined flaws

give them a round of applause

Put down all your good deeds

when you helped someone in need

give yourself a pat on the back

it will help when you've veered of track

Secrete it in a special place

when the day or yourself you can't face

replace tears with a smile

if only for a little while

Self-praise is not always wrong

we can keep our self-esteem strong

life will give us enough knocks

whatever you do give it socks
Oct 2013 · 4.7k
Susan O'Reilly Oct 2013
Samhain time

spirits are free

***** and lime

share our company

Smirking at our silliness

smugly knowing we'd scream

if they showed a willingness

to swim in our stream

If there feeling naughty

we'll experience a feeling

something wierd and creepy

our senses left reeling

We'll put it down to atmosphere

or wishful thinking

truth if we knew would cause fear

our hearts sinking

So leave them alone

it's their moment

cause them to groan

and you they'll torment
Oct 2013 · 667
Feeling Social
Susan O'Reilly Oct 2013
I’m scared I’ll be found in a decomposing state

not very social of late

the cat will be licking my bones clean

no-one will be aware, me, they haven’t seen

Think I need to go for a drink

before, into this mood, I sink

reconnect with the girls

dancing shoes need a swirl
Oct 2013 · 758
Susan O'Reilly Oct 2013
My love left you scarred

from your life I'm barred

I didn't mean to make you cry

just stuck my fingers in to many pies

our chance has been and gone

it will never know a new dawn
Oct 2013 · 645
Susan O'Reilly Oct 2013
my eraser of misery
a balm to my soul
keeps my being whole
where would I be
without my
Oct 2013 · 814
The Count
Susan O'Reilly Oct 2013
didn't mind his nails
no longer can they impale
broken and bloodied
reputation sullied
silly one
Susan O'Reilly Oct 2013
Babies au naturel

attracted you, I could tell

they never lacked your attention

caused many an *******

This illness has taken its toll

my ***** in doctor's control

they suggest I lose both

slice cancer at its throat

Will you still want me dear?

its one of my biggest fears

I know it's to save my life

but will you still fancy your wife?
Oct 2013 · 794
Susan O'Reilly Oct 2013
Finally came out of the closet

His eyes look less haunted

I’ve known for years

Tried to ease his fears

He’s making bad choices

Speaking with a new voice

I’m hoping this is just a phase

Meeting guys down laneways

Came home with a swollen lip

Bruised from his neck to his hip

He’s so much better than that

I’d **** for him at the drop of a hat
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