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 May 2015 Supriya

If plaster of Paris is not made in France
If Ginger and Fred never learned how to dance
If shoestring potatoes don’t grow in a shoe
It don’t really matter because I love you

If airports have doorways but call them a gate
If calories will never cause us to wait
If moisture each morning is something that’s due
It don’t really matter because I love you

If hamburgers aren’t really made out of ham
And no one is sure what they put into spam
If something that’s old becomes something we knew
It don’t really matter because I love you

If plants that are planted are still called a plant
If uncles get mad when we step on an ant
If skies that are happy do always seem blue
It don’t really matter because I love you

If doors that are open are only a jar
If drinks are not served on a sweet candy bar
If vegetable soup is not really a stew
It don’t really matter because I love you

If kings in a downpour get caught in the reign
When birds lifting boulders are not called a crane
If flying the coop came from chickens that flew
It don’t really matter because I love you

Grammatically speaking, my title is wrong
And perhaps this poem goes on a bit long
But who cares as long as you know it is true
The one thing that matters, is that I love you
 May 2015 Supriya

Upon a sunrise serenade
She sings within my heart
A distance stands between us
I stare into the dark

My eyes now cast the north
Horizon’s beckoned creed
Of lonely days I wander
To reach my every need

An echo on the morning
My words on clouds above
In harmony her singing
A sonnet of my love

When this melodic morning
My weary eyes can see
My life it shall be nothing
*Till she is here with me
Good morning Beautiful
 Apr 2015 Supriya
I am walking on a wire,
taut and thin, slippery in places,
high above a deep ravine
searching, constantly searching

On one side I see trees,
a lush green canopy of rustling leaves,
twisted branches in full summer attire,
creating shadows of worry

On the opposite side I see rock,
a cavern of jagged cliffs and boulders,
strewn about like fallen dominoes,
broken pieces of past dreams

But on neither side do I see you

So I will continue to walk this wire,
one foot in front of the other,
maintaining my balance
until the time comes that I do

And once I see you,
no matter what side,
regardless of the peril
or how far the drop

I will fall for you
all over again
 Apr 2015 Supriya

I’m in a new city at a club close to your office,  
sitting at a table, wondering what you will think of me
The bar is crowded, happy hour is in full swing
but basically a blur to me as I watch the front door intently,  
every person entering makes my heart skip a nervous beat

I check my watch, again…5:16
It should be any moment now, I hope
Another sip of my drink, my second this afternoon,
needing a third I think, maybe not when the door opens,
I see you walk in, I think it’s you

Gorgeous brown eyes scan the place
as I wave slightly hoping you see, recognize me
You do and I stand clumsily almost spilling my glass
I can’t contain my smile as yours illuminates the room,
you are more beautiful than the photos

A thousand frantic butterflies invade my stomach
and my knees feel weak, it is finally happening  
I smooth my hair with my hand, a stupid habit
Moving towards you, I can’t stop staring, you are so beautiful
Time has switched to slow motion

So long I have waited for this, so very long
to meet you in person, gaze into your eyes,
touch you and know you are real
I weave through the partying patrons
and reaching you I say “Hi.”

Hi? I had this perfect dialogue planned,
It was so romantic and all I can get out is hi? How pathetic is that?
I wait what seems like forever for your response
You reply “Hi.” It is the sweetest sound I have ever heard,
as the place now has gone quiet to me except for your voice

“I have a table over here,” and sweating like a high school kid
on his first prom, I lead you to our seats
I am still staring, I can’t stop “Can I get you something?”
You take my hand and whisper, “ I have everything I need now”
I melt right where I sit and realize, I am falling in love all over again…
 Apr 2015 Supriya
Caught in a sunbeam
To knock one down flat
No thing is as sweet
As a cold sleeping cat
 Apr 2015 Supriya

A butterfly upon a lily
An orange sherbet dream
Flowering the sunlight
Within an angel’s wing

Softly flowing fragrance
Sweet upon the breeze
On this April morning
*Sent for you and me
 Apr 2015 Supriya

Within the grip of swelling grays
The Southern Cross astern now shines
Ever close of darkened bays
Adrift of lost and endless times

Sails now hoisted, directed wind
I hear the angry waves a’ crash
Spume does touch my worried skin
Tempest waters come to lash

This journey fraught of desperate dreams
To reach the one that I adore
Of echoed voices calling me
And compass points of distant shore

Fear shall not my face to run
As fight this wrathful storm I will
Hoping for the morning sun
With calmer seas so ever still

When dawn, I pray on bloodied knees
Does find your arms about my chest
With kisses sweet of anchored pleas
To whisper I have met my quest

And found my love for once and all
By harbor light and North Star way
  Your heart is now my port-o-call
*Never more to sail away
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