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4.8k · May 2014
It's the colour of little flowers in a field

It's the colour of the old easter dress in the back of my closet

It's the colour of princess sneakers most four year old girls stomp to get the little lights to flash

It's the colour of innocent dreams kept by six year olds

It's the colour of the marker I wrote this with

It's the colour that I used to say was my favorite, but can't anymore

It's the colour of my two favorite nail polishes that I always ruin as I paint it

It's the colour that I put on my cheeks to show more happiness because I can't show enough

It's the colour I feel when I twirl in a dress and the
skirts fly up around my knees

It's the colour I wish I could be, young, innocent, stupid, carefree, laughing with friends on the play ground on a spring day, getting small flowers from the boy in my first grade class, who says he likes when I wear my princess light up shoes

It's a colour I want to call "ME"

It's the colour that surrounds my mind when all I can think about is something that I thought was cute

It's the colour behind my eyes when stories that I want to write keep my mind from shutting down and sleeping

It's not the colour that graces my lips during the day, but in the morning when the day is fresh and I have yet to see the world

It's not the colour I wish to be, it's the colour i'm going to strive to be

Pink cheeks, Pink light up shoes, Pink skirts, Pink drawings on the walls, Pink flowers in a field of green, Pink dreams, Pink nails I always ruin, Pink markers and crayons, Pink hair I had before everything went down hill

Pink was the colour of my innocence and i'm going to get it back
1.0k · Jan 2014
Running to fight
Blood pumping
senses pulling
anger trying to party
the need to fight for survival
bass banging in your ear
grab your weapons
your salt
your silver
and **** the monsters
the ones that aren't under your bed
it's like a seven nation army out there
and i'm gonna rip it down
637 · Feb 2014
Society is a simple word
But it's not always simple in it's meaning
To some people it's a great thing
To others it's a curse
For teenagers, it's a two way street
You can either love it
You can fit in, be the best
You can have all the friends you could ever want
Or you can hate it
You can be the one who gets tortured
You can cry from simple words
You can be the one to have everything crash down on your shoulders
For the adults it's the same thing
But it's harsher and things can get worse in many different ways
For me, it's different
Society is something i'm not apart of
I am my own society
I dream of finding more people like me
I think of the day where people will keep their opinions to themselves
I don't care what society thinks anymore
I am my society and I keep myself afloat
I created my society and I welcome the world
I keep my arms open
Unlike normal society
472 · Jan 2014
Looking in a mirror
Looking in a mirror I see the many things of me
When I look at myself in the mirror I see Creativity
I see someone that wasn’t stopped by what you say to her
I see a girl who isn’t afraid to show who she is
I’ve been dragged down by tons of people
The people close to me even joining in
If you asked me what I saw in a mirror a year ago I would tell you many things
I would see a girl who had nothing to lose
Who was trigger happy with the thought of pills and horror
Who was torn down by any word thrown her way
I would say that she was on the brink of death or even worse, conformity
I would see all the scars in her heart that everyone put on her
If I could go back and speak to her I would say one thing
You are the only one who can save you
When you forgive the people who ever cut you, the scars heal
You are the reason you find the courage to do what you do
To be different and to show your creativity
Looking in a mirror I see someone I love
Looking in a mirror I see myself
Looking in a mirror

— The End —