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 Apr 2015 sunxset
you always have me puzzled
always leave me hanging
always reading between the lines
always kept me thinking

your words always in my mind,
always deep
always making me wonder

She's like deliquescent caramel,

the cool side of a pillow

        to lay your weary head,

subtleties of springtime &

          warmth in wintertide,

whispering hope upon lush  

        Zephyrus pipe dreams,  

    mellifluous nymph with wings

                 of a butterfly warrior,

softly determined,

    unfailingly true-hearted,

       whilst relentlessly ferocious

  Wise, yet sometimes struts

        blindly in the light,

       as dulcet tones of a cello's

           melodious marmalade

            in sentiment's tender fancy,

she's beauty, charm,

         knowledge, poetry,

               utter strength,

               & humane weaknesses,

she's twisted and ethereal,

           her aura sublimely captivating

     you may covet her body,

            you'll never possess her soul
 Apr 2015 sunxset
There was a time
When I was young
I believed in love
In blissful fun

I still had hope
In happily ever after
Then what happened
Turned my life to disaster

It all began when I fell in love
Young and naive is what I was
I had no idea what would lie ahead
Once I gave you my heart, climbed into your bed

Just a child inside
A women's body only to be seen
I didn't understand love
I wanted to scream

I kept my mouth shut
The romance was done
I realized that night
He was not the one

Where was I to go now
I was prisoner to him
He had all the control
He sold me in sin

I'll never be the same
My youth taken away
I'm no longer pure
I can't escape, I must stay

I give up on love
Life is no longer mine
I'm forever his prisoner
Please be gentle, be kind
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