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 Jul 2014 SunShineIsDead
The big dream is to
one day publish a book
of my poetry.
Not for money, or fame,
but for me.
It may not be on the horizon
but I have no doubt
that one day you may
be reading this,
written in ink
on a crisp white page,
with my name on the cover.
But until the day that
my little book is sitting among
the greats,
I will keep writing, practicing,
suffering, smiling,
and trying.
 Jul 2014 SunShineIsDead
Isn't it ironic how
when you want to be
you can't find an
empty park bench.
But when you need
some one,
all you hear are the crickets.
And everybody's got an
opinion that just ******
you off, about the way
you live your life.  
Doubting that you'll
make it,
you can't do it.
The only time they want
you is when pay day comes,
and their sticky fingers
****** your profit
before you can even
buy a coffee.

How much can a person
take before they
give up?

I'm still figuring it out.
 Jun 2014 SunShineIsDead
I would do anything
to catch a glimpse.

I hope that I get
to keep trying for
the rest of my life,

to make you smile.
 Jun 2014 SunShineIsDead
 Jun 2014 SunShineIsDead
It doesn't bother me
anymore that there
have been people who
left my life
without saying good-bye.
The beauty of age, time and space,
is that it can erase all
the pain and worry you
once carried.
I am comfortable with
who I am,
and I'm done apologizing
for being just that.
It's just not worth it
to try and make others happy,
while forgetting about yourself,
to be criticized or drug down
by people who don't
understand what you want
out of life.
So I can count my friends
on one hand,
but at least I'm happy.

I'm not afraid of what
you think anymore.
 Jun 2014 SunShineIsDead
I will never feel bad for you if you think life ***** because you're SO pretty. You have no idea how much harder it is not to be.
I don't even want to hear the struggle of an 18 yr old who is just getting their first job. Welcome to the real world.
I can't stand people who don't have a job and are still better off than me.
I am not going to care if you're complaining about the significant other that you've been on and off with for EVER!
People with no money who smoke more *** than I do, because it's other people's ****, and call themselves a "stoner."
People who call themselves hippies because they smoke ***, wear sunflower headbands from Claire's and have only done acid once in their lives.
Oh and that John Green is a ******* sell out who shouldn't let anyone make Looking for Alaska into a movie because they're just going to RUIN it.
Sorry, I know it's negative but it's the truth
 Jun 2014 SunShineIsDead
As writers, we know
that it usually takes
a storm in order
to create a rainbow.
After the smoke clears
and you're laying there
with the blood from
your heart on
the sheets...
that's when you
start to write.
When you're looking
for someone at
the bottom of a
or smoking your
second joint,
you write.
When you feel like
quitting that minimum
wage job
because you haven't slept
a full 8 hours since
last Halloween,
you write.
Because it's how we
breathe, cope, not end up
in the back of a cop car.
We hope that somehow the
words we spill onto
a piece of paper will
actually fix the problem
this time.
 Jun 2014 SunShineIsDead
 Jun 2014 SunShineIsDead
When you work alone,
late at night,
with no one to talk to,
eventually you
have conversations
with yourself.
Not out loud,
just inside.
And it's never about
anything you'll remember
No? Just me?
Well, maybe I'm
talking to you,
 Jun 2014 SunShineIsDead
If I
didn't write
I would

m i n d ..
 Jun 2014 SunShineIsDead
I feel like a very
small fish,
in the world's biggest
I'm so
overwhelmed and it's
taking it's toll,
see the dark circles
underneath my eyes
and whatever this look is
that has been stuck to
my face for weeks.
Working 80 hrs and getting
less than half of that
in sleep has made me into
somebody that I don't like.
I don't even care about
smoking *** anymore,
because I already
look like I'm ****** up.
So much for summer time,
and the beach.
Being an adult *****.
Really bad.
So if you're 17,
I probably hate you,
because I envy
that carefree ignorance
you carry.
Don't grow up.
Go find Peter Pan,
better learn how
to fly,
The breakfast club was
right after all.

When you grow up
*your heart dies
 Jun 2014 SunShineIsDead
It's a thank you. I have never felt like I was good at anything until I began writing poetry about 2 years ago. I found this website and I visited every single day. Over time, with encouragement and practice, I feel like I have finally become the writer I want to be. Sadly I deleted my old account, but I couldn't leave. If you like the poems I write, have ever liked one of them, or shared it, thank you thank you thank you. My big dream is to one day publish the poems I write here. So it feels incredible to know that real people have super positive feed back.
Again, thank you for helping me fulfill my dream, and my heart.
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