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 Jun 2014 SunShineIsDead
I'm sorry,
if this breaks your heart,
although I hope it doesn't.
But I have to be honest.
When we kissed,
I didn't feel anything,
except guilt.
But in a way,
I'm glad it happened.
I think I can stop
wondering what could
have been.
We both have too much
to lose.
I felt bad that I
couldn't tell my boyfriend
that I saw you that night,
because I knew it
could ruin this great
thing I have going.
We are both better
people than that.
And I hate lying.
After I left,
I realized I really
am in love,

but it was him

that I was so afraid

of losing.
 Jun 2014 SunShineIsDead
The other night
as we both lay in bed,
him in his underwear
and socks
reading quietly,
me, in *******
and his t-shirt,
I tried imagining
what it was like,
back when he was just
the cute boy who
worked with me at
Burger King.
And I almost couldn't,
because I've called him
mine for so long.
It made me smile.
Even though it's been
less than a year,
somehow we have already
formed a routine
that creates true happiness.
 Jun 2014 SunShineIsDead
 Jun 2014 SunShineIsDead
People throw around
the word 'legend'
too often these days.
Claiming that some
9 year old who can sing
on YouTube is as great
as the greats.
Unless they've really
done something that
had made a difference
for the better of humanity,
than, no,
I would never call them
a legend.
 Jun 2014 SunShineIsDead
I read
Slouching toward Nirvana
by Charles Bukowski
in a few hours,
but first I
rolled a few joints
and was sad
when I turned
the last page.
It makes me feel
good to know that at
one point in time
somebody existed
that has thought the same
thoughts I have.
 Jun 2014 SunShineIsDead
You know somebody
loves you,
when just the thought
of losing you
brings them to tears.
 Jun 2014 SunShineIsDead
I have always
been able to get along
with people that
others can't.
The outcasts,
the freaks,
the losers,
the *******.
I have always been
able to see what
ordinary people don't.
Who they really are.
Everybody is a good person.
Some just have a hard
time expressing it.
I fall in love with
those who are different.
And I love them for
the rest of my life.
Maybe it's because
I have always been
the weird one.
So I know what it
looks like inside
the soul of a person
that nobody understands.
 Jun 2014 SunShineIsDead
 Jun 2014 SunShineIsDead
I'm unhappy
even when
I'm happy.
 Jun 2014 SunShineIsDead
Everybody asks,
Why don't you grow
out your hair?
And I just say,
I like it.

It reminds me of
who I used to be.
In a way,
it keeps me grounded
in a world full of
superficial women,
and money.


Whether you like the cut
or not,
it stands out in a room
full of girls with
hair down to their *****.

I'm not saying I'm special,
but it makes me feel that way.
 Jun 2014 SunShineIsDead
Have you ever wondered why
some people, places, & memories
seem impossible to let go?
It's because at one point
in time that was your
whole life.
I still can't let go
of my sunshine and Iowa.
Maybe if they just
hadn't tasted so **** sweet,
maybe if the feeling wasn't
something words can't describe
then maybe,
my heart could just
skip over those months.
But I still wonder what
would have been,
if I actually ran away
with him
last summer,
if you had decided
to stay.
The only answer I don't have
is how to free myself
from people I will
never see again.
 Jun 2014 SunShineIsDead
It is 1:22 am
and I am at work.
Completely bored
out of my mind,
with nothing left to do.
I can hear the clock
ticking slowly.
There are 4 empty
desks around me.
Everybody else works
during the day.
I got locked out during
my smoke break,
and scared the ****
out of the only other
lady here.
when I peeked my head
through her window.

I have a bowl calling
my name at home.

I still have half an hour left.
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