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When love is true u get all u need
Said all my friends to me- who tried hard to be freed
From the dark nights where there never seems to be any ray of light
I guess the sun will never be bright in my life

My true love doesn’t seem to be coming back
Instead I’m losing it because my mind lacked
To understand u and our love
And dared to free u like a dove

There seems no happy ending
Every way leads to a dead end
Every time I have been spending
Is from the endless memories that no one can ever lend

I hope that someday I get a ray of hope
That pulls me towards it and makes me forget all that I had to cope
But just remember one thing
In my life there’s no happy ending without u
Every moment of my life I think about my past mistakes
I think about what should have been done
And what it could have been now
If I just had thought right then my life would not have been full of regrets

Every single second I think of u with her
And again if I hadn’t made that tiny bit of mistake then u would be with me here
Again regret comes and swipes off
All I dreamt for us

If I ever got to go back in time
I would undo every tiny bit of my crime
And ****** u back from her
And we would never fall apart I swear

But then reality hits back
From the dream which was impossible to get back
Again regret comes and swipes off
Of what we could have
There he goes again
Swagging by the lane
They say he is trying to act cool
But who’s to say that he looks like a fool

Is he just out of his mind?
Or showing off like I am blind
And can’t see all those pain hidden in his eyes
That he tries to hide by lies

But who’s to say that I want to go by his side
And shake him and bring him back
To the reality of life
And move on with a new start
With me as his best part
You are far away from me
But distance doesn’t matter when love comes from heart
Coz you are my special part
And we can never be broken apart
No matter what this evil world puts up
We will fight till the very end
And be a legend that everyone shares
this was written for my another best friend :P

— The End —