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  Oct 2014 suicidalsmiles
Don't leave me waiting
Come and get me, I'm still here
Have you forgotten?
  Oct 2014 suicidalsmiles
Charley H
I've forgotten the feel of your lips on mine
I've forgotten how soft your bed is
I've forgotten the sound of your footsteps walking towards the bed
I've forgotten the way you said I love you
I've forgotten the way you breathe when you sleep
I've forgotten your smell
I've forgotten your touch
I've forgotten your voice

I have not forgotten the way I felt
when you said goodbye
  Oct 2014 suicidalsmiles
It was the winter of my life
When I met you
You were my only summer
And probably the only reason why I made it
Maybe that’s why I miss you so
Even now
I’m sorry for pushing you away
And I’m sorry you’re so bitter about it now
Just know
You saved me
From myself
  Oct 2014 suicidalsmiles
Sofia Paderes
If ever you forget me,
try searching the folds of your skin
the secret space that bends to form your elbows
the nook underneath your collarbones
because I'm almost certain
that I've dropped a postcard or two
with riddles that lead to
your memory of me.

If you ever forget me,
drift off to sleep.
sleep deep.
I'll be the one in your dream
who is cheering the loudest in the crowd
as you spin and do backflips on an elephant's trunk.
I'll be the stone you trip on
the one that causes you to fall down a mountain
but I'll also be the eagle that saves you, and
we'll soar.
we'll soar.

in case you forget me,
play songs from the winter birdhouse
and maybe the shaky voices and
dusty guitars will help you remember.
I told you once upon a December's eve
that no one can sing
they can only cry beautifully and
the best singers are those who weep the loveliest
so maybe a playlist
filled with warm nutmeg kisses
will help you remember.

If that still doesn't work,
go back to every time you bled
replay every tear, pause at every clenched fist
every second you were on your knees
but didn't see me standing beside you
behind you
whispering prayers
trying to plant seeds
you never heard me
but the entire time my being was screaming
I'm here

Only when and only if
you forget me,
I hope you'll at least try
to close your eyes
and see the treasure map I tattooed on your eyelids
the one where x marks the spot
where we cut paper figures
by your favorite river
next to the little meadow with
tiny spring flowers
but if that doesn't work either
lie awake at night
search your heart and
if you aren't able to see
my fingerprints on your veins
or my toes peeping out from your
heart's deepest chambers,
it's okay.
Because even if you forget me
and over
and over again
I'll always just be here
wishing I never had to
write a poem about someone
you'll never forget
when they've already forgotten you.
Your mercies are new every morning.
Have you forgotten how one Summer night
  We wandered forth together with the moon,
  While warm winds hummed to us a sleepy tune?
Have you forgotten how you praised both light
And darkness; not embarrassed yet not quite
  At ease? and how you said the glare of noon
  Less pleased you than the stars? but very soon
You blushed, and seemed to doubt if you were right.
We wandered far and took no note of time;
  Till on the air there came the distant call
Of church bells: we turned hastily, and yet
Ere we reached home sounded a second chime.
  But what; have you indeed forgotten all?
Ah how then is it I cannot forget?
  Oct 2014 suicidalsmiles
RW Dennen
Have you forgotten
your pristine ways enhanced with giggles?
And you stood by the roadside,
your hair was tossed by winds
that caressed you

You sang yourself a love ballad,
a soliloquy bestowed
by gentleness

Calmness never circumvented
your kind curiosity

Cotton candy was the imagined
clouds that melted
on your palate
as the world sang

Your hurt was
always kissed away
by kind compassionate lips
And strong nurturing arms
that held you tight against worldly stings

You couldn't spell the word  "spaghetti"
but would say, "passketti"

You dreamt dreams of Popeye,
Spiderman and sometimes monsters

You also dreamt no dreams
made of pure restful darkness

You skipped, danced, and screamed
with excitement at the slightest
silly whimsical gesture

Things that were everyday
primitive and mundane
belonged in the "Smithsonian Institute"

And friends were abundant
And baseball cards were abundant
Adult space was never
emotionally measured
because emotional bridges in friendliness
always bridged gaps

You became the hero or ******
after every Saturday matinee
The moon followed you
The sun shone forever
on summer days
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