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Aug 2017 · 180
StrawHatBlade Aug 2017
What happened to the flame I once knew
The one that burned so bright blue

When we use to be together
With a promise that meant forever

I told you all my stories
When you told me your worries

For you I was there no matter the cost
For me it cost you too much to find me when I was lost

I miss the joy of our laughter
I miss what use to be brighter

But it hurt too much
To hang onto
Mar 2017 · 194
What is a teacher?
StrawHatBlade Mar 2017
What is a teacher?

Is it someone who gives wings
To those who are eager to fly?
Or is it someone who helps us
To write our own story?

Is it someone who understands
the fears of being a student?
Or maybe the wave of kindness
that washes into the classroom?

Is it to push and challenge
a student to the next level?
Or perhaps the positivity
that is an on-going smile?

A teacher can help so much
I never knew that, I doubted, but now I see
They opened my eyes and showed me

Maybe this is too much, but then again
a teacher will always be a teacher to me

But most importantly: what is a teacher to you?
Does the part where I say "or mamybe the wave of kindness that washes into the classroom" seem a bit out of place? And if so what should I do instead?

— The End —