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6.9k · Sep 2011
Your Breasts
Under the ivory light
of a full amber moon;
your *******,
rose and white,
never looked so inviting.
The half moon reminds me
of their shape.
My kisses like fairies
dance between them;
skin tingles,
you writhe.
The crescent moon reminds me
of slowly drooping eyes
as I fall asleep
on the pillow of your *******,
purring happy
contented sighs.
- From Songs for my Lovers
6.6k · Sep 2011
Oral Sex
I lap up your wetness
like a kitten its milk.
I wash my face with your moisture,
you wiggle and moan.

You swallow me whole,
like some carny performer.
Emptied, I sigh,
You lick your lips and grin.
- From Songs for my Lovers
5.8k · Sep 2011
Tomato Kisses
Fresh as a warm, ripe tomato
right off the vine.
Juicy and sweet
your kisses.
- From Songs for my Lovers
4.6k · Jan 2018
I Believe
I believe in a universe where a sleepy eye opens existence...
a slowly drooping eyelid ushers it away.
I believe in a universe where Indra and the other Gods
churn the cosmic milk...
where Shiva does the eternal dance.
I believe in a universe where light is separate from darkness
and mankind is molded from a ball of divine ****...
a breath, Be and it is.
I believe in a universe where Gaia watches as Cronus
devours her children until she gives him a stone...
and hides Zeus away.
I believe in a universe that expands
from a singularity of infinitely dense potentiality
less than a speck,
to our cosmos immeasurable in scale.
I believe in a universe where Lao Tuz hands a guard
a little book of wisdom
before disappearing into the mountains
where the sages go.
I believe in a universe where Siddhartha contemplates emptiness
and feels the winds of eternity
whistling through his soul.
I believe in a universe where E=Mc2.
I believe in a universe where an old man lights the first holy fire
and describes the war between light and goodness
vs darkness and evil.
I believe in a universe where the earth and moon,
and all the planets go round the sun...
in a galaxy carrying us
dancing a waltz
we can only catch glimpses of.
I believe in a universe where "Know Thyself"
is revered as a deep truth.
I believe in a universe where
an unexamined life is not worth living.
I believe in a universe where the words of a carpenter
are a true path.
I believe in a universe where an illiterate man is commanded
Read!... a burning coal upon the lips.
I believe in a universe where every God and Goddess
exist, each in their own heaven...
each in their own hell.
I believe in a universe where there are no gods or goddesses
only the relentless laws of matter, energy and gravity.
I believe in a universe where everything is mathematics.
I believe in a universe where everything is holy
I believe in a universe where everything in profane.
I believe in a universe where everything is a simulation.
I believe in a universe where everything is ****** in nature.
I believe in a universe where everything is stimulation.
I believe in a universe where the hoochie *******
is what its all about.
I believe in the universe.
4.3k · Jan 2013
Their Eyes
There was a man on the bus
with hostile eyes...
steely blue and suspicious.

The thirty something woman
across from me;
with black eye and split lip,
her's were wet with tears and fear.

A young couple
only had eyes for each other.
with love and desire.

The bigot’s eyes
were all a glower;
hostile and condemning...
The couple was interracial.

The old woman’s eyes
tired with many years,
looked back with memories
and forward to release.

The little child’s eyes
wide with wonder
took everything in,
grist for the mill.

As I wander from
face to face,
I wonder what stories
my eyes offer?
3.3k · Sep 2011
The Railroad Tracks
I dreamt of you last night.
I was following
the railroad tracks
into town.
But it was different,
run down, dilapidated
I wandered into a shop
and there you were
behind the counter.
We hugged.
I told you
that I had always loved you.
We walked back down
the railroad tracks
into dreams.
- From Songs for my Lovers
3.1k · Apr 2010
The Scarf~Life Moves On
I walk into a grocery
to do my shopping.
I grab a cart;
and in the basket,
a scarf.
I hold it up...soft wool,
brown, beige and rust striped.
I hold it to my nose...
and catch the scent of a clean,
healthy young woman.
I close my eyes and imagine.

She's vibrant and pretty
in the fullness of life.
Small with firm *******
and wide welcoming hips...
her eyes brown,
with long dark hair bounded
by a soft wool scarf.
Maybe she's an art student...
meeting up with her lover.
Its a cool late autumn day,
and flushed faces show
the pleasure of their meeting.
Holding hands
they shuffle through the fallen leaves
planning for a future
blissfully unaware
of how now shapes us more.
They go shopping for dinner,
and she accidentally
leaves the scarf behind.
Some paths close now,
others open
and life moves on.

I open my eyes smiling
and gently fold the scarf.
Laying it down
I think
it will make a lovely addition
to my collection.
The parts about finding the scarf is true and it did smell of a healthy, clean young woman, and I did keep it.
2.8k · Mar 2010
How is it this swirling,
tumbling mist of atoms and particles;
organize itself well enough
to write poetry?
I think there is no mystery about this poem. LOL It speaks for itself.- From Poetry Jam (on Toast)
2.4k · Sep 2011
The Nun
Way down south

past the *******;

through the short curly hairs,

secure under her hood,
lives the nun.
And when she's coaxed

just the right way
you moan and dance.
- From Songs for my Lovers
2.3k · Nov 2012
Her Ass
Her *** was made for regrets,
the way it wiggles
as she walks away.
2.3k · Apr 2010
Sneeze Me
A gentle breeze blows
through your window
the smell of spring fills the air,
I sneeze...

I kiss the nape of your neck
and inhale
your sweet perfume,
I sneeze...

Your cat jumps up on my lap
begging to be petted,
I sneeze...

We undress and climb into bed
our naked bodies press together;
where the dog usually sleeps,
I sneeze.

You are beautiful and I want you
but I fear my dear
I am allergic to your world,
Sometimes desire just isn't enough without some form of medication.- From Poetry Jam (on Toast)
2.2k · Dec 2012
Topography Lesson
The topography of your body...
Is the landscape
I call home.
Scaling your heights
plumbing your depths...
your wetlands
and peaks.
If I were blind
I could find my way
by tracing your form
with my greedy hands.
2.1k · Oct 2018
No Memory of You
like a black cat in a dark alley,
my heart wishes it had
no memory of you.
I'm amazed at how many likes, loves and reposts this got. Its just a couple of throw away lines that I stuck together. Still, thank you everyone.
2.0k · Feb 2018
Late Afternoon Light
In the lazy
late afternoon light
when everything seems dreamlike
she comes to me.
Smiling coyly she undoes a clasp,
her robe slips off the shoulder.
I watch the fabric water like
flow over her body.
Hanging on her *******;
heavy with the ripeness of youth,
it pauses
then slips over her ***** brown *******...
One bouncing, then the other.
Following her curves,
past the hollow of her navel...
exposing her crowning glory,
her woman's furry triangle
so warm and moist and welcoming.
Like an admiring hand,
the falling cloth
traces the wonderful curve of her ***,
and down her long, smooth legs
to pool languidly at her feet.
She undoes her dark hair
shakes her head and lets it fall.
In all her glory she stands before me
eyeing me hungrily...
No seducer but prey am I.
This is my take on Ovid's Amores 1.5
2.0k · Apr 2018
Of all the addictions...
Chocolate is how
lust should be.
1.9k · Sep 2011
Eye to Eye
Your eyes lowered
look bashfully
at me...
My eyes amazed
at your beauty,
trying to find
words to say.

Your eyes full of longing
whisper take me
I'm yours...
My eyes hungry
explore your body
just where to begin.

Your eyes happy
sigh hold me...
my eyes sated;
close as I pull
you to me.
- From Songs for my Lovers
1.9k · Sep 2011
Gently, slowly
fingers trace the spine.
Soft hair drapes down...
- From Songs for my Lovers
1.7k · Sep 2011
Spring Comes to Maine
Spring’s beautiful down south
but brash and sudden.
Up north she tiptoes up
and peeks through the window
then timidly taps on the door to see if she’s welcome
(still easily intimidated by winter)
before settling down for a spell.
When spring arrives in Maine
we cautiously peel off our outer garments
like the petals of an artichoke braised and well seasoned
savoring each discarded layer
until we reach the delicious, tender heart
and discover once more
we’re not just a pile of animate clothes
but bodies,
sensuous, delectable, playful bodies
full of trembles, shudders and precious sighs.
Down south
it’s jackets to tee shirts overnight;
no luscious dropping of winter clothes
one by one
into seductive piles on the floor,
no ******* gasp
as the first warm breeze gently caresses bare skin,
scarce any renewal.
But then,
subtlety has never been
a southern trait.
Another piece from "New England Love Song" that stands by itself. And going through spring in Virginia right now I can say honestly the poem is right on the money.- From Poetry Jam (on Toast)
1.6k · Sep 2011
Baucus & Philemon
How can heaven
be home for us now
when our hearth’s ashes are cold?
Stoke the fire and fix a meal,
the stranger at our door
holds our hearts in his hand.
Hermes and Zeus were visiting earth in disguise. They went to a village seeking shelter and a meal. Everyone turned them away except for an elderly couple named Baucus & Philemon who had next to nothing yet they were made welcome and shared whatever they had. The gods revealed themselves and told the couple that they would grant whatever they wished. So Baucus & Philemon requested that they pass on at the same time. The gods said fine then flooded the village leaving only the couples hovel. Awhile later the couple were walking along the new lake and they slowly turned into Lindon trees...their branches entwined.- From Poetry Jam (on Toast)
1.5k · Sep 2011
Your Dress
Your dress cascades
down your body
like a waterfall.

You invite me in,
I fall into your arms
like waters cascading.

Your dress
like a puddle of color
reflects our passion.
- From Songs for my Lovers
1.5k · Oct 2013
Smokey Jazz
Low lights, harsh light...
air thick with smoke,
alcohol, perfume
sweat and the scent of ***.
Some guy on a saxophone
wails the blues, baring his soul.
A snare drum,  a piano
a bass keeping time.
Written at midnight
with breath and a backbeat...
what it means to be alive...
Do you need more?
Smokey Jazz.
1.4k · Sep 2011
Summer Peaches
She slowly bites
into a ripe
summer peach.
I watch its nectar run
over the chin;
and down her neck,
between her *******.
I stifle a gasp
and bite
my lip.
- From Songs for my Lovers
1.4k · Sep 2011
The gravity of your *******
hypnotize me.
I am enraptured.
- From Songs for my Lovers
1.4k · Apr 2010
Dripping Purple
Cut Irises
fresh from the spring
dripping purple
on the kitchen table
as they die.
Its true they do.
1.3k · Sep 2011
New England Love Song
Sweet New England;
its where my heart is, and where I belong.
I know,
the day I left I buried it deep
on the western prom of Portland Maine
to call me back someday
though I may be old and frail
when that times comes.
And though I am southern born
it’s scents, moods, colors and cold
have etched themselves like scrimshaw onto my soul.
I now want my bones shattered by frost,
not left to mildew in the humid southern heat.

For me New England’s like warm light
shining through frost covered windows,
or a cozy, cluttered old room
filled with the bric brac of a life long well lived,
an attic garret maybe,
confined yet comfortable.
The rest of the country’s expansive and open
except parts of the south
where the heat & humidity will smother you in your sleep;
then hide the evidence
in swamps of ancient illusion like southern hospitality,
smiling to your face while sharpening the knife.
Offering another helping
while grandpa finishes the grave.
Ya’ll come back now ya hear.
Give me the hidden heart of New England any day;
chilly and cool outside
but warm as a glowing wood stove.

While memory tends to shade everything
in afternoon’s golden light or midnight blue and gray,
I’d rather hard scrabble times up north
than easy living in a place that says nothing to me
even if this place is home.

I miss Maine so very much,
I taste her like a lover in October air
rich with the season’s smells
of apples, leaves, sea, smoke and pine.

Sweet New England;
where I belong is where my heart is.
And though I wasn’t born there
I’ve walked that land as a pilgrim
singing its songs as my song
until they became my own.
My heart reaches out now
longing to return,
to the place I called home,
until the end of days.
And my bones not left to mildew
in the humid southern heat,
shatter with the frost.
This is perpetually a work in progress in which I try and express what my life in  New England and especially in Maine came to mean to me.

"Spring Comes to Maine", "In the Birches", "Southern Summers and "Yankee Lasses" were all originally part of this much longer piece.- From Poetry Jam (on Toast)
1.1k · Sep 2011
Rain Fall Down
The rain taps against the window
an old soft shoe.
The air rich
with the damp earth smell of spring.
Street lights are fractured
by droplets on the glass.
I take a sip of wine
and think of you.

There was that camping trip
I watched you dance naked with the moonlight.
You were so full of life,
and a joy to be with.
Rain woke us up pattering against the tent,
I don't think we got dressed at all that day.
We stayed in each others arms
and fell in love that weekend.

A warm June morning
of drizzling spring showers.
As you slept, I went out
and stole flowers from the parks.
Lilac's purple and white; Tulips and Daffodils,
filled the house when you opened your eyes.
As we said our vows
the rain gently offered applause.

Ten years on
a cold bitter rain of winter falls.
I beg you to stay,
to give us one more chance.
I walked alone for the first time in years,
grim and soaked.
I'd left the umbrella behind
along with my heart and pride.

October rain runs like tears down my window,
the phone rings, I answer.
An old friend informs me that you are gone
tears like rain run down my face.
I don't know what to say...
I loved you, I held you, our bodies joined as one.
I cannot imagine the world without you
even if you were no longer mine.

Now many years on
I am long past young.
Still the rain falls down
and whispers memories to me.
I finish the wine, put on my coat
and walk out into the night.
Rain and spring like love renew,
rain fall down and cleanse my soul.
- From Songs for my Lovers

This poem which is about the arc of my marriage came to me almost whole cloth to me as I drifted into sleep. The structure and most of the words were all there so all I had to do is fine tune it into six segments with eight lines each.
1.1k · May 2010
I Win
Every time we argue

you're wrong...

and I'm always right.

You don't cook like mama did,

and you can’t keep house.

As for ***,
you can't ****
 worth ****.

I never do anything wrong...

and I know what I'm talking about.

I don't need to know how to cook or clean

that's what women are for.

And as for ***...I'm the best you ever had.

Don't give me that hurt look,

or threaten to leave.

Its so quiet around here

these days...

I'm getting hungry

and the house is *****.

I've got to ******* to get off

but hey...

I won.
But did he?

This poem is based on an over heard conversation on the bus. This guy was bragging about keeping his woman in line.

The guy was an idiot.
1.1k · Sep 2011
Played Backward
and punch the wall.
I cry out her name sobbing...
she's gone
slamming the door.
she storms out
my face stings
Hurt expression...rage
wounded hearts.
Angry words, petty jealousies
my insecurities her indignation...
Confrontation, accusation.
Where have you been?
She comes home.
This is an experiment in progress- From Poetry Jam (on Toast)
1.1k · May 2010
For Maggie
I have a memory of your smile…
so warm and inviting.

I have a memory of your eyes...
pools of blue deep as forever.

I have a memory of your sway...
the way you glanced over your shoulder.

I have a memory of you...
ageless that time will not erase.
She was never a lover but a delightful friend.
A great expanse of northern sky;
Cirrus clouds,
faux marble blue and white.
Late afternoon’s golden sun;
red autumn leaves,
fire on fire it seems to me.
Tall, silent, Mast Pine forests
haunted by Owls,
ancient Indian spirits
and dreams of sailing ships
on wild Gulf Stream rides
across the sea.
Waist high fields of Ragweed and Clover
rippling with the wind.
Clear, crisp days
geese in flight.
Iridescent dragonflies zigzagging overhead
like jet-fighters
hunting mosquitoes.
Noisy crows squawking the news,
people in the back forty.
A deep blue, Lapis sea
sparkling in the breeze
just beginning to chill.
Ohh…what a feeling;
these late summer
just a blush of autumn
cool New England days.
Mackworth island is right off the coast of Portland Maine and it is a park. Access is by a long causeway. When I was younger I used to bicycle out there as often as I could and I consider it one of my spiritual homes. I haunted that place and came to know it like the back of my hand.- From Poetry Jam (on Toast)
1.1k · Sep 2011
Fingers Tracing
Written on the flesh
soft to the touch.
Gentle fingers tracing
I love you
on your thigh.
- From Songs for my Lovers
1.1k · Sep 2011
Late Summer's Morning
This morning’s dawn
had a hint; a tease,
like barely touching lips
of autumn to the air.
It tickled the skin
like a cool breeze
on warm inner thighs;
or the goose bumps
on *******,
at first caress.
The grass was damp
like the commingled glistening dew
of lover’s passion spent.
I love the fall
from grace from summer
to the meditation
at season’s end.
I wait the blushing trees
like my lover’s first unveiling
before the bold nakedness
of November’s knowing wind.
I thought of you this morning
as I walked
into the day.
- From Songs for my Lovers
1.0k · Apr 2010
Sure as Shanghaied
Women are a gateway;
a path and goal unto themselves,
you know this as I.
The­y are our way into this world
and out of ourselves.
If you are no­t careful
some pretty eyes and a tempting form
will sweep you up;
sure as shangh­aied,
to worlds and lives
you never dreamed.
After its over
you w­ill pick yourself up;
and withdraw inside,
to lick your wounds an­d cry.
Then one day...maybe while you're gardening
you will look ­up and think...
What was that all about?
And get on with your lif­e.
But then a pretty smile and a tempting form
will beckon and of­f we go again,
sure as shanghaied.
Every man knows this is true even if we don't wanna admit it to ourselves.- From Poetry Jam (on Toast)
1.0k · Sep 2011
Poetry Jam (on toast)
Coffee and words,
always more words.
Lost between youth & mid-life
listening to others read their work
applauding quietly while
muttering about doing it better yourself.
Dribbling words like splattering coffee
on empty pages,
stains on the sheets.
How do you **** your muse?
I like ****** notebooks
This is the oldest poem I have...was written in the late 80's at a poetry jam put on by my favorite coffee house at the time...the Cafe No in Portland Maine. I had been writing poetry long before this one...its just the oldest one I have now.- From Poetry Jam (on Toast)
1.0k · Jun 2013
In Winter, Yet My Own
Already darkness comes sooner,
and the days pass so quickly.
Nights last forever
in the coming winter, yet my own.

Old friends and acquaintances fall behind me
to disappear in fading dreams.
Others will long endure this journey
towards the westering sun.

I feel the approaching winter,
in the biting wind,
the taste of snow
bitter on the tongue.

Passages and transitions;
the seeds of tomorrow
lay deep in summer's ruin,
while New Years day may find me...

...soaring in the sun.
Maybe New Years day will find me
waiting for the dawn
maybe, maybe not... in winter, yet my own.
985 · Jun 2010
Fundamental Realities
There is but one God
the paths to Its door are many.
There is but one people...
one race...the human race.
There is but one planet
we all share.
Nations are a lie...
there are no borders
seen from space.
These are fundamental realities.

We spread hate...
its what we receive.
Pollute our home...
and we poison ourselves.
Dividing the world
into ever smaller pieces
does nothing but impoverish
us all.
The night sky
belongs to no one.

The seas are not mine
nor the Earth a possession.
Life and love we all share.
God is infinite,
no religion can claim.
Division is a lie.
There is a oneness
at the heart of creation,
so profound no words
can express.
The moon last night
with clouds for veils
dancing like a gypsy maiden;
moving cross the waters deep,
Salome never looked so fine.
I composed this one night sitting on my porch watching the moon after a bottle of red wine.- From Poetry Jam (on Toast)
Footprints in the sand
wandering like ripples on a pond.
or skipping stones across the water
like dancing or a life.
Sing to me songs of moonlight and madness,
of a lover’s waltz spinning;
going nowhere
but for the dancing
like footprints in the sand...
but ahh...
the dancing.
Back in the late 70's I composed a poem that is long lost and this is an attempt to recreate it. I have no idea if I came close or not but it did have the footprints in the sand image in it.- From Poetry Jam (on Toast)
956 · May 2013
No Longer Yours
Is there anything
more heartbreakingly ****
as a lover walking away?

The way they sway,
your knowledge of their loving
their moans no longer yours.

Is there anything
so heartbreakingly ****
as a lover walking away?

Their morning smiles
and rumpled hair...
tears and stares no longer yours.
944 · Jul 2010
After Rain
Pale light shimmering
through summer's trees
onto damp grass.
Dawn after the rain.
891 · Aug 2010
And in the End
So, it came to pass in those days
the last of the wild things crept
into their dens, caves, nests and burrows,
and passed from the knowledge of man.
The fish stopped swimming
and the birds...stopped flying,
the flowers stopped blooming
and man noticed not.
In those days,
the sea died
and the land became sterile
except for the places kept alive by force.
And all that remained living,
was suffered to exist
in order to feed,
or amuse mankind.
Their abodes spread like a blight
across the surface of the earth
and the light from their habitations
blotted out the stars
but no one looked skywards.
And in those days,
God bowed his head and disowned his creation
but man ignored his orphanage.
There was nothing left divine,
just profits and loss
and everything had a price
but nothing value.

Then one night a freak accident happened
the lights went out
and the stars appeared.
Great men ran in the streets
weeping in fear at the unknown sky.
They were certain that the end had come.
Slack jawed they stood there staring,
until they realized
that their all powerful machines had fallen silent
and the world was quiet.
No breeze caressed their cheek.
No wind rustled through the trees
for there were no trees,
and no birds sang,
not even a funeral dirge.
There were no ripples on the pond
or waves upon the sea,
just the silence of the dead.
And in that time, man understood
what he had done
and understood he was alone.
He hung his head to cry
and none were there to sympathize.
His heart ached at the knowledge of his fate.
So it came to pass in those days
that the ***** of man failed and lust died.
And mankind, shamed before his own eyes
bowed his head and walked into the void
860 · May 2013
Parallel Worlds
In a parallel world
we're still together...
hand in hand;
we never walked apart...
and you never died.

But there are no parallel worlds
and you're gone,
ashes to ashes
my hand swings empty,
living devoid of light.
849 · Nov 2012
Let my eye
linger on you...
taking in your beauty,
your form,
tracing every curve
peak and hollow.

Let my eye
linger on you...
the color and shape
of your eyes
and the moist curve
of your lips.

Let my eye
linger on you...
your turn, your glance
lingering on me
like a deer in a headlight
caught by your eye.
846 · Apr 2015
Fevered Dreams
We are little more
than the fevered dreams of atoms,
you and I.
828 · Sep 2011
Dancing in the Ruins
I love and haunt the wastelands,
the rundown, out of the way lands;
down by the docks and abandoned piers,
out on a lonesome, windswept jetty;
warehouse row or the rail yards
and ruins of every type.
I know these places for what they are,
forgotten by some
but never empty.
Always full of dreams and memories past,
of what was wrought by man.
There you will find me
walking and thinking,
sometimes drinking
communing with the wind
that blows through my soul,
like a stiff November breeze.
So it is with my heart;
I love the forsaken,
the lost and alone
trembling unfulfilled,
aching for that gentle touch.
They make the best lover’s,
struggling to release their inner flame.
Can you see them?
I can hear them
singing their own songs
with rough and ready voices,
fading in the distance
until only the melody remains.
I like to think this poem speaks for itself. When I was younger and more agile I would seek out the wastelands on the edges of town for places of my meditations (and sometimes drinking) so I use it as a metaphor for my spiritual quest as well.- From Poetry Jam (on Toast)
825 · Mar 2010
Southern Summers
Southern summers are so ****** hot,
its sound is the drip, drip, drip
of condensation from the air conditioner,
and of sweat off the tip of your nose.
Each year I ask...
which is worse;
the long, cold, brutal Maine winters,
or the long, hot, humid Virginia summers?
The summers are worse.
You can always put on more clothes
but can only take off so many
before you’re arrested for indecent exposure;
or worse, nobody notices.
I’d rather be arrested.
There are days when flesh on the bone
is too much to wear.
Another piece taken from the original New England Love Song that can stand alone.- From Poetry Jam (on Toast)
824 · Sep 2011
Silence is a poem unspoken,
a song unsung.
Like a passionate groping
with the inexpressible.
Like a lover not taken when offered,
preferring to hold instead.
Let’s not tease the moth
with flame tonight;
but in your arms hold me,
my head resting on your breast.
Let our unacted passion
like a poem unspoken
speak for us until the dawn.
- From Songs for my Lovers
815 · Jan 2014
Winter Light
I love the light of winter days...
shadows are never so crisp,
and the sunlight... sharp and relentless
refuses to warm.
812 · Dec 2018
A Newborn Saves the World
Every year this time
at the ending cycle of the sun...
hope walks again
along pathways of the heart.

An ancient dream
roots unknown...
a newborn
shall save the world.

The sun arcs south,
the bottom of the year...
a mother heavy with child
seeks her shed, a manger on high.

Three wise ones, three kings
brush the dust of long lost history off
its that time of year again...
time to rise and follow the star.

Shepherds alone on the hillside
sheep bleat, angels sing
forever witnesses to a miracle or a dream
a newborn saves the world.
805 · Apr 2010
The Gray Green Mist
March began with snow on the mountains
winter's remnant of bitter white.
Yet just a months passing
and all the world is new.

Down by the river
the air seems like
a gray green mist
of new leaves just sprouting.

Some birds…I've never seen them
have moved into the air conditioner,
their babies squawk and scream
for their dinner like all babies do.

I sit and watch the gray green mist
ascend up the mountains,
and sure as season's turning
I'll watch the autumn colors descend.

As I get older that cycle;
the living and the dying,
gives me all the meaning I need,
but aren't beginnings lovely?
I remember one autumn in Maine when I was young. The weather perfect, the air cool and crisp and the leaves were magnificent. I was waxing poetic about it to an old fisherman. He looked at me and said yep...gonna be winter soon. I was stunned. I had forgotten all about winter in the beauty of the season.- From Poetry Jam (on Toast)
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