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May 2024 · 64
I like my coffee hot,
I like my coffee cold.
I like my coffee fresh.
I like my coffee a day old.
I like my coffee strong.
Black and bitter,
is how I do it.
I love gourmet coffees.
Hell, I'll even drink instant.
Just don't give me
no ****** decaf.
if you want to be
my friend.
Nov 2023 · 111
The Dragons Get You
"Sail away over the horizon
and either the dragons get you,
or you drop off the edge of the world.
Or, maybe, just maybe,
mast bound,
eyes wide,
and Siren haunted...
You come home
from around the other side."
This is the versification of a bit of evocative prose from my unpublished novel, Ancient Lies.
Mar 2023 · 154
Here Let Me Show You
Pique my Interest.
Tickle my fancy. Lead me astray...
And, if you don't know how to do that,
here let me show you.
Nov 2022 · 179
A Devil's Wager
Be whatever you dream yourself to be,
but be honest about it...
It's a Devil's wager.
The price of dreams are the dreams themselves.
May 2022 · 180
The Most Beautiful Thing
The world *****
It's full of evil and violence…
The world is the most beautiful thing
We will ever experience.
Feb 2022 · 169
Later Meeting
If there is a meeting later,
I want it to be
with you.
We all bear witness to our times...
At its darkest,
Jesus too
latched the door
to the gas chambers shut.
Dec 2021 · 152
It's There
It's there.
Right underneath your feet.
Between the cells of your body
indeed between your atoms as well.
The Universe.
Oct 2021 · 261
The great planes roll past,
airport windows.
Their tall fantails
like the dorsal fins of giant orcas.
Aug 2021 · 145
Welcoming Eyes
when the night long,
and sleep short...
Old ghosts gather
close around me.
Of them all
the one
I always look for
among old lovers
and lost friends,
are your
welcoming eyes.
Jun 2021 · 119
Hell Reeks Like a Bar
Heaven smells like a hospital
Clean and sterile like Sunday morning.
Hell reeks like a bar
after a sweaty Saturday night.
Jun 2021 · 116
The Churning Nitty Gritty
Oh Goddess, Mother Earth
Madonna of the squirming world.
Yours is of the soil.
The stench of life... ****, ****, ***
and dirt.
The churning nitty gritty.
In the garden,
behind the barnyard...
in the wreckage of a bed
bent over the kitchen table.
Goddess, Life.
I worship you
In all
your sweaty glory.
Mar 2021 · 468
Yeah, you're special.
So am I.
So is everybody.
So what?
Feb 2021 · 336
Somewhere is the future
we would have had,
Jan 2021 · 250
A Heavy Load
We hang so much
on the desire for love.
Its too heavy a load
for any emotion
to carry.
Jan 2021 · 147
At Peace
My favorite memory,
us lying there
still coupled...
At peace.
Dec 2020 · 133
All Happening Now
If Quantum mechanics is right
All that has been,
all that is
and all that will
or might be...
All exist at the same time.
If so somewhere
in time/space
the stars are campfires of the ancestors.
Ancient rituals are performed at Stonehenge.
Three wise men brush off the dust of ages
to follow a star.
the deadly ovens still burn.
All that is happening now
in real time,
and every potential future,
from a cinder of an earth
to paradise
is all happening
at once.
Nov 2020 · 145
Chasing Clouds
The moon soars across the sky,
chasing clouds
behind the stars.
Oct 2020 · 142
The First Caller
Free to the first caller,
one set of dreams,
another of hopes.
No longer needed...
Oct 2020 · 126
Created by Their Dancing
There are three souls
in every relationship.
The two...
And the one created
by their dancing.
Oct 2020 · 95
The morning after love,
stains on the sheets.

The morning after love,
tears on the pillow.
Sep 2020 · 83
Your fingerprints
are all over my heart.
No matter
how hard I try,
They will not come off.
Sep 2020 · 149
We never
walked together
beneath the falling leaves.
We never
made love
in the evening dew.
Now... We
never will.
Sep 2020 · 93
Picking at Sores
Time heals
all wounds
they say...
time takes time.
the broken hearted,
at their
Sep 2020 · 106
Ghosts Scurry
The ghosts of dearly loved,
long dead pets
scurry about my feet.
Sep 2020 · 138
Between eternity
and eternity,
Always with the barkers voice.
Don't take it personally kid,
that's just the way of the world.

Its a suckers game.
You'll never know all the rules
and Mephistopheles holds all the cards.

You're going to lose everything you love
and we're all going to die.
Step right up. Roll the dice.

Jun 2020 · 111
Wiggle Those Toes
We were dead matter
for so very long
its a pleasure just
to wiggle ones toes in the sand.
May 2020 · 126
Pay, Pay, Pay
Pay to be born.
Pay to live.
Pay to die.
***** that.
No matter what
the ******* say or do,
no one owns your body,
nobody owns your soul.
They did not say Be
and it was.
We are free.
Mar 2020 · 123
For Sale
For sale...
one bouquet of roses,
never given.
The poem is not about me or a relationship. I came across a photo of a bouquet of roses on the ground and this immediately came to mind.
Mar 2020 · 113
Toward the Light
We are spirits of this world,
its fate and ours, inexorably bound.
Every day that passes,
we hurl faster toward the light.
Jan 2020 · 98
Shaggy Dog
Oh Dear, dear Shaggy,
your time with us was brief.
But you will live on with us,
etched upon our hearts,
so long as we both
shall live.
It took me two years to write a eulogy and poem for Shaggy Dog. He was only with us for three out of his four years. He deserved more.
Jul 2019 · 227
We Nod
I have but a passing acquaintance
with normalcy.
Its a nod when we see each other on the streets
kind of thing.
Jun 2019 · 263
The Instant
That moment,
when the light in her eyes
becomes a fire.
May 2019 · 232
Right There
You know the spot.
Where the flesh
curves downward, up
and in...
Yeah, right there.
May 2019 · 208
Later Myths
As we age,
and with distance...
Memories become dreams
and later myths.
Apr 2019 · 214
Mobius Strip
The infinitesimally small
becomes the infinitely big.
The Universe seamless,
like a Mobius strip.
Apr 2019 · 176
And No One May Enter
Somewhere deep
in the chambers of my heart
is a space with your name on it,
and no one may enter
except you and I.
Mar 2019 · 193
Here There be Dragons
My lust for you is chronic,
a deep ache I cannot resist.
No ******* can express
What its like between your thighs.
The look, the feel, the smell, the taste...
Words fail me.
Here there be dragons.
Mar 2019 · 179
Caught in a puddle of sunlight,
unable to move...
I sip my tea
and watch the moon.
Jan 2019 · 260
Go Dig
Go deep.
Dig deeper.
Deeper still.
Jan 2019 · 274
Isn't She?
She was a delightful mix
of sweetness and insanity.
I'm not saying she was crazy,
her acquaintance with reality
was a passing one.
She lived in her own little world
and if she liked you
she'd invite you in.
Her heart was pure,
her body less so.
She embraces the world...
and would you too
should she take
the fancy.
Dec 2018 · 810
A Newborn Saves the World
Every year this time
at the ending cycle of the sun...
hope walks again
along pathways of the heart.

An ancient dream
roots unknown...
a newborn
shall save the world.

The sun arcs south,
the bottom of the year...
a mother heavy with child
seeks her shed, a manger on high.

Three wise ones, three kings
brush the dust of long lost history off
its that time of year again...
time to rise and follow the star.

Shepherds alone on the hillside
sheep bleat, angels sing
forever witnesses to a miracle or a dream
a newborn saves the world.
Dec 2018 · 170
No Goddess This
Her thoughts were on eternity
as she took me softly, warmly
between her thighs.
No goddess this
but a woman in her hour.
Dec 2018 · 495
Reality is...
You really don't think
you're just your ego,
do you?
Reality isn't very solid.
just a mist of atoms,
themselves mostly empty space.
Reality is what we think it is.
At one time,
the stars were the campfires
of the ancestors.
Dec 2018 · 348
Their Sting
Out of lust...
Out of desire,
Carefully, lovingly  
she chose the finest,
most supple leathers.
Length and width she measured them...
to size each finished braid.
Four she made, each stitched
with tearing eyes.
Weaving them together
she bit her lip imagining...
their sting on her buttocks.
Dec 2018 · 285
Make her Cry
She was a universe all her own...
self contained, alone.
She needed no man (or woman)
to make her whole...
Then why does he make her cry?
Oct 2018 · 272
Vaguely Remembered
I have never been tempted
down the primrose path of reality.
In the back of an old wardrobe
is a lamp post in the woods...
along an ancient path
vaguely remembered.
Oct 2018 · 353
Chronic Pain
Chronic pain's a bear,
the agony no one ever sees...
Looked at with doubtful eyes
no one knows the torture.

Chronic pain's a bear,
worse is the depression and the knowledge...
In the medicine cabinet are pills
that can end the pain or end it all.
Over the past month I have been tormented with a bad right knee, bursitis in my right hip and a pinched nerve in my lower back. All related I am sure. The pain is exhausting. I have indeed been depressed, just not that depressed. I am familiar with the territory.
Oct 2018 · 2.1k
No Memory of You
like a black cat in a dark alley,
my heart wishes it had
no memory of you.
I'm amazed at how many likes, loves and reposts this got. Its just a couple of throw away lines that I stuck together. Still, thank you everyone.
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