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The glaring orange and red vermillion rays stretched over the mountain top and city skyline in the humbling spectacle of nature’s dawn...
Lifting away the frightful, cold and deathly nuances of the city by night...
The dull glaze of the concrete motorways,
Spun and circled around the growing organism of steel suburbia...
Filled with a meandering stream of colourful cars
Feats of engineering beauty
The blaring noise of traffic drowned out the natural stillness of nature’s beauty...
In the peak rush hour of a Cape Town mourning....

To the left of me...
Stood the deathly profile of a street urchin...
The little lady...
Body thin and frail, hands out-stretched in a sinewy leather grasp...
Warn and tattered rags for clothes...
Burnt and ***** face....
Yet still able to muster a look of hope....

I lifted my fingers to my mouth
And let out a shrill and deafening whistle
Drowned away by hooting and the hum of the engines, spurting noxious fumes,
Defiling the air....
She turned with a vigorous jolt
Raised eyebrows and a head turning smile...
I ushered her towards me with my outstretched hand, well manicured nails
Not a wrinkle of hardship characterising the clean skin
In the burning rays of yet another hopeful morning...
At least for me.

As her body was moving, all I could see were her eyes...
They pierced me, danced for and contorted the world around me....
A hazelnut brown painting, embedded in a small circular hole in the skull...
A gateway to the emotions
Connecting everyone, regardless of age, race or even stature...
As I gazed, captivated.
I saw compassion, longing, loss, warmth and passion in her eyes – the whole spectrum of humanity
In two small but infinitely deep pools
Cascading into a never ending abyss of emotions
Of pain, suffering, a little joy and infinite hurt....
Then I blinked...
And all those emotions, those connections and our future...
Were gone in the simple gesture of a fluttering eyelash
As she looked the other way...

The car lurched forward yet again...
With the flash of a green light and safety of movement
To the other side of the intersection
My hand still outstretched holding the crumpled buffalo note
My contribution to a severely needing hand
Lost with the bustle of life continuing, and leaving behind all too weak to keep up....
She began to scurry away, back to her pavement

I looked back...
The little lady gone.
Lost forever
Watching the hours past,
Time replays in my head.
Nothing changes; we have been here before.
Because time had no beginning, but ends at forever
We are left with the uncertainty of living.
Living in the time of what we call today.
Lightness is upon us, gently it deceives me and for once its winning.
The placidity of his smile seeps through the darkness
Just letting it escape.

The days apart answered the incomplete, yet the questions never fully

The link will never be solved but merely assumed by whom who share it and
the nameless lack the desire of what we Know.
The unwritten cannot be solved for it is undying.

Ill be yours and you’ll me mine.
I burn within the confines of my own personal hell.
I built up the walls and I created the rules,
Each and every torture is one of my own creation,
Hand-picked and prepped for maximum potency,
And after so long and becoming so familiar with all that I've made here,
I've become too comfortable to leave,
Too complacent to venture out and see
What the world might hold in store,
Afraid that it could well be everything I need,
Afraid it will render this extravagant prison of mine useless to me.
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