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Avia Stone Mar 2021
The dark may be scary
But once you’re there for awhile
It just gets comfortable

Looking in the dark
Just makes it look bright
Staying in the dark
Keeps me alright

If you stay
You may find yourself

Just knowing that
There is always a little bit
Of light
Invading the shadows

Just knowing that
There is always a little bit
Of shadows
Invading the light
Avia Stone Mar 2021
My thoughts
Are pounding
Inside my mind

Im trapped
And drowned
Inside my mind

I need to hurt
To see
To feel
The pain

So I look at my wrists
They look so bare
So I create the pain
And just leave it there

They don’t look so bare anymore
As it comes out my slits
And down my wrists
And down
It goes

My happiness
My joy
My hope

All gone

And now I’m stuck
Imprisoned in my own
Despair and solitude
No one
To turn to now

I’m stuck
Inside my mind
Avia Stone Mar 2021
What a sad color
Some may say
The blue sky might not be that happy in the end
But a blue sky
Means clouds don’t cry

What a dark time
Some may say
The night sky might be scary in the end
But a night sky
Means stars don’t hide

The blue sky
Has many shades of blue
The night sky
Has many bright stars

Then there was something
Something that was
So captivating
Yet so dangerous
So sea like blue
Yet so calming
Eyes of mystery

Then there was something
Something that was
So dark
Yet so illuminating
So tranquil
Stars of night

The stars and the eyes
So unique
They’re just the thing I desire
To keep me at peace
Yet to keep me mesmerized
Those darling sea like blue
Pools of the night sky
All in one

Looking into the night sky
Reminds me of looking into you light blue eyes
Avia Stone Aug 2020
It’s gone..
My hope
My voice
My imagination
All it took was one mistake
HIS mistake
But yet
It still feels like
It was

The way that he took my imagination
Took my voice
Took my hope

That way that he hurt me
Used me
Made me hide who I am

It made my bright days go dark
And the darkness kept creeping in
Closer and closer
Making me want to scream

But he managed to take my voice
My only hope left
Was gone
Not a way to yell for help
To just say “I’m hurt”

He took it away
My voice
My strength
My hope
My imagination

How could he do this
Why did he do this
I was so little
So vulnerable
So gullible
So intrigued in life

But it all changed
And now
I’m left
Not a single word
Not a single sound
Could escape
My forever lost voice
Avia Stone Apr 2020
How many disasters you left, I say many
Graduation down the drain
And now it feels like I’m on a wrecked train
First you took the prom
And now I’m left to zoom
Next you took the memories
And now I’m left with worries
You cast me out the window and now I’m left to blow
But did you know
Stars can’t shine without darkness
So don’t stand around being cautious
You my darling is what makes the world bright
Don’t be afraid to show your light
Because no matter how you feel
Don’t conceal
Just get up
Dress up
And never give up
You are the class of 2020
And how many disasters did you leave, I say not any
This is for the class of 2020 and I, myself is included in that. Sorry that your senior class when down the drain but we’ll make it through this!!!
Avia Stone Apr 2020
We used to go out and play
But now we have to stay
Stay in these walls
And it calls
Calls me to the dark of the room
And all I want to do is bloom
Bloom out into the great outdoors
But the little voice in my head roars
Roars at me to stay
Instead of play
Quarantine edition ✌🏻
Avia Stone Jan 2020
To the one fellow
Standing in the corner
Watching as if
No one knew they existed

The follower of the group
The drooping rose
The one that thinks they aren’t beautiful
But even a broken, drooping rose
Has beauty within them

To the one broken heart
Who thinks they will never find love
The people who broke them
Used the acetone that
Stripped the inner character
they used to be

The broken heart of the group
The broken stem
The one that thinks they can’t be loved
But even someone as “broken” as them
Can still find love and make it last
I want to continue this but I don't know how to... someone give me some ideas??
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