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Avia Stone Jan 2020
Slowly dying
In the dark abyss
Of fallen rose petals
Slowly fading
Into the decaying
Earth and soon
The forever blooming
Rose was nothing
More than
A broken stem
Avia Stone Nov 2019
Have you ever thought about
What it would feel like
To be happy
The mystery stays mysterious
To me

I do not recall
That word to be
Within my vocabulary

I wish
That I had
The defintion
To such a…
Such as

One like myself
Cannot obtain
Such information
For such an
Unusual word

To describe
I would not know
Where to begin
Where to end
Or even where to think

Is an emotion
I do not feel

Happy smiles
Turn this
Happy (a spin off a spell from Harry Potter)

And I’m sure that
When you saw
The title “Happiness”
This probably
Wasn’t what you thought
Would come about
In a poem
Like this

But then again
Nothing is what it seems
In a society
Like today’s

Magic is only a
trick on the eyes
Just like happiness
Is only a trick
On the heart
On the emotions

Such an
Word I may
Come across

But yet
Here I am
Writing about it
Not feeling it
Kinda did a thing
Avia Stone Nov 2019
they trickle down our cheeks
when we least expect them to
they may be sleek
and make us blue
but if our words won’t speak
maybe it’s the tears that are the issue
but if there is anything that must be seen
for they make us feel the pain today
then let it be our tears for they help us feel the pain
but still makes us stronger than yesterday
we cry
for those emotions but we don’t know why
for when we cry we find
the ones who we need most
who leads us to kind
and who keep us close
to their hearts and to their minds
for tears that trickle downs our face
do not be the one who is blind
and give the people who come into your life a chance
And Let Your Tears Be Seen

...keep crying and everything will be fine in the end…
wrote this after a breakup but oh well guys **** anyway...
Avia Stone Sep 2019
Love… noun. An intense feeling of a deep affection.
Love is a dangerous game
Let’s take a minute…
Let’s say that I am in the perspective of a guy…
Let’s take a moment and see how their perspective on love…

Love to the mind of a guy… let’s see
Love is like a game. For example... football
Love is like a football that the players pass to one player to the next
But instead of the players passing to the players
It’s the guys passing it onto one girl then the next
And the love that the guys pass around
They treat it as if it were a touchdown
A win for the week... if the girl is lucky enough
The plays that they plan out
Could get ******* up in an instant
One mistake and it’s over
Not like they care
There’s always plenty of fish in the sea for them
Usually if they have a pulse and have a ******
Then they’ll go with it
It’s usually about the catch of the game
Especially when it’s the girl that everyone wants
But only he has… For like a week
Cause he’s known as a player
If you want to know why guys are douches... this is my opinion on them
Avia Stone Feb 2019
O’ Captain! My Captain!
You are always there for me.
O’ Captain! My Captain!
As loyal as can be.

Although you can’t talk back
I still go to you
Even our “conversations” are never on track
I still end up going to you.

You are only 6 but you always tend to help me
With your laugh, to your silliness, to your smiles
It helps me smile
I realized that I don’t need someone to talk to
All I need is for someone to just make me smile

O’ Captain! My Sister!
How would I get through my day
Without you right by my side
O’ Sister! My Captain!
You are always there for me.

O’ Sister! I love you!!
With each passing day
I love you more and more
And realized that I would be lost without you!

O’ Sister! My adorable, crazy sister!
Thank you!!
Thank you for being there for me
To make me smile, to make me laugh
When all I want to do is cry

O’ Sassy! My little Sister!
Sisters are by chance but by chance comes love! <3
O’ Sister! My Captain!
I will always be there for you!!
I Love you Sassy!! <3

To my dearest Sister, thanks for putting up with me.
I will forever love you! And forever be by your side!
Avia Stone Feb 2019
It’s not the way you look, or if you are beautiful or not,
It’s everything that is within someone
It’s who they are, it’s who they are inspired by, and it’s who they inspire
The beauty on the outside is only what you look like
That part of you may tell a story by the way you present yourself
Or the scars or bruises that you show
The person on the inside, beneath all of the scars or bruises, tells a better story
You tell us how it is to be yourself, you show us who you really are,
You tell us about your past and anything else you trust us with
Because we are here for you
Every step of the way
The beauty within someone is a better person than who they try to be
Some people act fake to get the attention of others
While other people just try to be themselves
Cause they know that the right person will come along eventually to listen to them
Beauty within is what I love to see from people
That’s the importance to me when I meet someone
Not their appearance or their fake side
I love the beauty within someone

— The End —