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Stephen Walter Jun 2014
My head is full
But this bottle's gone
And my heart is barely
Hangin on

So don't let go
I'll be okay
It's just another
Emo day

Please don't let me go
Don't run away
I'm just a little
Emo today

Just another
Emo day....
Stephen Walter May 2014
With all these rivers left to cross
And all these bridges that I've burned
I have no way across
The hardest lesson learned

So I'll sit here and wait
For those fires to fade

It's lonely on this shore
And I can't wait anymore
For you to come around
Gonna find your bridge and burn it down

And through the tears I'll pray
Your fire burns away
And I'll just sit and wait
For this love to fade

Some I've burned for light
On these long, dark, empty nights
And some I've burned in fear
But most to dry these tears

So I just sit and wait
For those fires to fade
Regret builds like a storm
Cause I'm burning all my bridges to stay warm

I'm burning all my bridges to stay warm
Stephen Walter Apr 2014
I must step away for a few days, unplug myself from the grid. I have asked another question that I really don’t want to know the answer to. I will most likely not read it but instead, delete the entire thread when I do decide to rejoin the 21st century.
I do not plan on being absent for long. The modern world is far too demanding of our time, but I will be remain silent until then. I do not wish to leave you. This is something that I feel must be done. I believe you will understand.
It is not my intent to cause you pain but I know that may happen anyway. For the sting, I am sorry, but I cannot apologize for the action. Take comfort in knowing that I will return.
The truth is, you have become the reason that I get out of bed in the morning. That one thing that gets me through the day. Your words, sparse or otherwise, have become the air in my lungs, your smiles the blood in my veins. I have come to a point where I can barely function in your absence. I must find a way to sleep at night.
Please do not let your love turn to hate. I will not, nor could I ever. Instead, know that I will still wish you good morning every day and the sweetest of dreams every night. I will miss you deeply. And I’ll be here. Always.
Sleep sweet, my Love.
Stephen Walter Apr 2014
How can I let you go? You inspire me.
Can I give you up without a fight?
But the only weapon with which I have to fight is my heart, and the words that come from it.
I have no sword and no mace; no axe and no bow.
I have a lute and these words.
Will they ever be enough to conquer in your name?
Will they ever win your heart?
Stephen Walter Apr 2014
I'm the idiot...
I'm the Bard...
I'm the dreamer...
And all of them want you.
Stephen Walter Apr 2014
Hey, what's the deal
With my heart?
I keep on lettin this love inside and it
Keeps on tearin me apart

Hey, what's the deal
With my mind?
I only want this pain to go but it
Keeps on takin its sweet time...

Hey what's the deal
With my eyes?
These tears just keep on comin and I
Don't see no end in sight....

...Say you wanna help
Well I hope that's true but
The only thing
I'm dealin with is you.

Hey, what's the deal
With my hand?
This bottle can't tell me where to go
Or even remind me who I am...

Hey, what's the deal
With my brains?
I know enough to see the light but
Can't find a way to make it change...

Hey, what's the deal
You know it ain't a shame.
I may not know which way is up but
I know I know my name...

Say you wanna help;
I hope that's true but
The only thing
I'm dealin with is you...
Stephen Walter Mar 2014
Mother, do you think she's good enough.... for me?
And Mother, do you think she's dangerous.... to me?
And Mother, will she tear your little boy apart?
Oooooh ah, Mother will she break my heart?

(Pink Floyd - Mother)
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