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Stephen Paige Aug 2014
I wish you would just come at me *******.
You'll beg and plead.
The same way you made that poor defenseless disabled teen.
His cries haunt me and they make me wish I knew you.
So his tears would not be in vain.
You ******* bully.
How do you feel.
I hope your world crumbles down.
And I hope they find you beaten crippled to the ground.

I just wish you would come at me *******.
Be real
Be sincere
Your ******* apology is falling on deaf ears.
Is your ego deflated now?
How did it feel to seem to be in control that night?
Well now your not
And i wish you would careen down my road.
So I could push and I could pull and ask you how your teeth feel against the curb.
Oh god the red I see will match the sight of your mouth.
Choking on your own teeth I hope its the last thing you eat.
I want to give you what you deserve.
Take the life you took for granted and watch your eyes lose they're light.
Stephen Paige Jul 2014
There is nothing for me here.
Just the constant reminder.
I'm alone in a house of strangers.
You don't know me.
I don't want to call this a home.
I just want to be on my way to being alone.
But I can't leave you.
I'm never comfortable with the yelling or constant worry of what I will see.
I just wish you knew for a second what it's like here for me.
But you won't take me seriously.
Making jokes about it doesn't make it better for me.

I can't hold a candle to most men. I'm trying to keep burn free but this hurts me.
I can't keep composure when there's nothing keeping me sane. The same sad face you make just makes me crazy.
Living here day by day seems
Not done.
Stephen Paige Jul 2014
My pain is real and never ending it seems.
I've been drowning in my own malcontent. 364 days behind me and today I'm calling it quits.
No you won't miss me.

I'm coming to terms. I'll get what I deserve. I can't handle myself when I act like this. Every single mistake and every memory is clouding my judgement.
This is something that I can't take away.
There is a void I can't fill.
I thought I had your heart but now I'm filled with guilt.
I'm not who I should be.
Step up and leave.
But I'm so sorry that i can't be the man you need.

Your leaning on me but I'm crumbling.
Your counting on me but I'm still stumbling.
I can't be your anchor.
There's no wind left in my sails.
I won't make it too far.
I'm no longer your guiding star.
I'm busy trying to be a ship able to bring you to sea.
But I'll never be worthy.
I just can't be the man you need.
Stephen Paige Jul 2014
As we grow up, we learn that even the one person that wasn't supposed to ever let you down... probably will. You will have your heart broken probably more than once and it's harder every time. You'll break hearts too, so remember how it felt when yours was broken. You'll fight with your best friend. You'll blame a new love for things an old one did. You'll cry because time is passing too fast and you'll eventually lose someone you love. So take too many pictures, laugh too much, and love like you have never been hurt because every sixty seconds you spend upset is a minute of happiness you'll never get back
Stephen Paige Jun 2014
I have an extreme hatred towards my body, and even losing weight I still despise it so much. I had this idea in my mind that once I lose the weight I want to I will love my body and love myself but I seem to hate myself and my body more as time goes on and the more weight I lose. I still can't compare to all of the attractive men in the world. There are so many men without ANY sagging skin or any stretchmarks or any love handles and I will never, ever be one of those people no matter how much weight I lose and it depresses me so much to the point where I now avoid as many social situations as I can so I don't have to look at the beautiful women in this world and want to cry because I'll never be one of them. Sometimes I wonder why I even bother. Even though I'm at a healthy weight now and I have a really good BMI, I feel like I'll never be happy.  I disgust myself

Stephen Paige Jun 2014
I wouldn't mind if my world came crashing down. Nothing matters and there isn't anything for me in this run down town.
If this is the epitome of my life.
Then I don't find it ironic that living is making me die.
Waking up with too much weighing on my mind.
I wouldn't mind if I stopped breathing tonight.

I'm dying to hear your voice.
Don't answer your phone because I might be saying goodbye.
Rope on a ceiling fan.
Feet on a steady chair.
Close my eyes.
Sudden stop.
This is the last Goodbye.
I swear.
I'm just not alright.

I know
It seems at times that I'm fine
I'm fighting demons.
Hands tied tight.
I'm losing this fight.
No one at my side.
Please just let me die in my sleep tonight.
Something's not right.
I've been hating myself lately.
Stephen Paige Jun 2014
I wish i never let these small things get to me.
Like every cute picture you post is attention seeking.

You deserve more.
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