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Jun 2014 · 1.2k
The Murderous "I Love You"
each night I'm slowly dying
chocking on words I can’t say
racing from my brain
through my body until
they reach the edges of my fingers
the bottoms of my feet
the tip of my tongue
only to stay there and linger
unable to escape
unable to disappear from within
Feb 2013 · 674
To Grow Young
"It takes a long time to grow young" - Pablo Picasso

Another birthday here, how time does pass.
This year came quicker than the last.
How the mind deceives the hands of time,
taking in the moments and robbing us blind
so all that’s left are the songs we've sung,
it takes a long time to grow young.

Birthdays come, and birthdays go.
Tall we stand, but short we grow.
With expressions of wisdom that help us so
and wrinkles from kisses that have touched our nose
so only elders who many songs have sung,
know it takes a long time to grow young.

Songs of love, songs of pain
some of passion, others of rain.
In the end there’s always an umbrella to hold
and a hand to help you out of the cold.
A blessing is a birthday, as pure as a dove.
A blessing is a birthday as old as love.
The music guides our soul as lyrics shape who we become
it takes a long time to grow young.
Oct 2012 · 1.6k
Scared of the future
knowing I’m a good swimmer
I will ride its waves

This is who I am
moments pass, I have changed
she is gone forever

You’re out of my reach
under my feet lies thin air
rather fly than land

I watch the birds fly
buzzing breaks my distraction
distract me again

Complex words to fix
what simple minds do lack
illusions of depth

Age, just a number
we can manipulate it
how far apart now?

That feeling again,
this time different than before
the cocoons have hatched

The honeymoon stage
we should stay here forever
passports thrown away
Oct 2012 · 685
Thinking back to a couple years ago
(when all I wanted to do was walk next to you
even though you walked too fast
and refused to slow down)
I begin to run faster than my thoughts of you
Oct 2012 · 1.3k
The Muse
I tried to write a poem
about something else but you
all I write about is love
not a single more would do.

I started thinking elsewhere
peering to the corners of my mind
it’s been so long since I’ve been here
and so cobwebs I did find.

Then I looked around my room
at my books and at my bed
I drift to a time I wish was now
holding hands, under covers while we read.

I flip on the blank television
to try and find me something new
but when I see two lovers kiss
it only brings me back to you.

I go outside in hopes to find
a gust of wind to ******* back
but all I feel is the pouring rain
and some lightning trying to crack

So now I sit here staring
at my paper and at my pen
after all that I should have known
it’d be about you in the end.
Oct 2012 · 1.1k
Wuthering Heights
You remind me of myself
I’ve always wanted someone to share my soul
like Catharine and Heathcliff
no matter where we came from,
our senses magnify when we’re together
and when apart, may you always haunt me
Oct 2012 · 28.5k
Motivated by the light
I sit in the darkness and plan my escape,
the lighter reminds me of the sun.
I drift off to a faraway land,
it is always sunny here.
Oct 2012 · 585
Comfortably Numb
Intoxicated writing always sounds better
than sober words that fall on pages
and break bones
from stiff landing
Oct 2012 · 1.6k
Junkie Love Poem
You, to me, are the drugs I need
Planted inside me like a seed
A constant thought circling my head
You fill my habits up with lead

You are the ******* in my brain
My heart races faster than this train
Beating louder than metal against its frame
Just one more bump might keep me sane

You are the acid under my tongue
As slowly my imagination comes undone
Together we take two trips as one
And when we get home, a changed me I’ve be come

You are the ecstasy making my sweat
That thought I keep getting that’s making me wet
Sleeping all day till the sun is set
The we’re up all night like we just met

You are the **** smoke in my chest
Taking me higher than all the rest
To fly with you I will do my best
To be with you I will fail every drug test.

— The End —