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 Aug 2014 lunarr
Tee Jay
Three words
 Aug 2014 lunarr
Tee Jay
There are three simple words
that can make me,
that can break me.
Three words that
anyone can say.
The speaker of those words
immediately has power over me
as soon as the words
leave their lips.
The words are not
I love you,
**** your self.
three words; **** your self.
two words; **** yourself.
an acronym; kys.
Six months ago,
you could've said that to me
and I would have been
I would cry
and scream
and maybe even try.
Today, however,
you could say those words to me,
and I will smile.
I will smile with confidence.
I will smile with sadness,
because you think it is a joke.
For you cannot tell me what to do.
You cannot bring
me down that easily.
I will laugh
because you think
you can hurt me.
Your petty little words
will not even phase me.
Go ahead and joke,
but I will never
say those words to anyone.
You never know
when someone will
take you seriously.
idk where that was going...just feel strong today :))))))
 Aug 2014 lunarr
Maybe if I step on
enough flowers
or break
I just might forget
I'm made of broken parts
my fave piece </3
The buttercup is like a golden cup,
  The marigold is like a golden frill,
The daisy with a golden eye looks up,
  And golden spreads the flag beside the rill,
  And gay and golden nods the daffodil,
The gorsey common swells a golden sea,
  The cowslip hangs a head of golden tips,
And golden drips the honey which the bee
  ***** from sweet hearts of flowers and stores and sips.

— The End —