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i used to love...
but now i grouse about it
i stammer in the wake of my oblivion and suffer bliss no more.
i'm grounded. you are far  too keen a villain.
you are dead last in haste
to revenge my unkempt village.
i hate your name
but praise it.
at least
i use

now watch my heart unclaim it.
You see me
I look straight at you
Then I fall
Laying on the ground
You run over
Leaving her side
The blood drains out of my body
As you start to cry
Yelling "look at you!! Look what you've done!!"
I'm slipping fast
She starts to scream
Saying you never loved her
I can't lift my head
You put it in your lap
Tears running down your face
I miss what you tell her
But she runs, almost crying
I hear the screams of the sirens
Helps almost here
I won't make it
I look up and see your face
It gives it away, you know It
The tears I always held back start to form
You kiss me, one last time
My eyes slowly close
And with my last fading breath
I whisper
" I Love You"
After you died
She brought your clothes
In a black bag
Saying maybe I could use them

I took them out
And you were there
I held them to my face
And breathed you into me

I put on your coat
And felt its arms
Holding me in
A warm embrace

Your strength and comfort
There for a moment
And then gone.
I ran, eyes shut, into the mist.
I did not mind the shots, they hissed
past me, as I ran to the haze.
The suffering that comes with love,
Left me defeated, broken, and dazed.

Those thoughts of battle stay with me,
leaving me blind, as I can only see
the fallen heroes, I can only smell
the scent of death, I can never quite forget
That sweet taste on your breath.

The only thing I have to fear
is that which makes my mind unclear,
the worry that I’ve not moved on,
the feeling that I’m doomed to stay here.
This one is about how hard it is to move on, no matter how painful it is.
I couldn’t stop my hands from shaking,
Imagining the path we were taking,
I leant in close, I kissed your lips
I had my hands around your hips.
I believed we loved each other
Then again, you had another.
I would not let the thought of him disgrace
What would quite soon be our embrace.

But it wasn’t very long
Until our guilt became strong.
We began to wonder whether
Both of us were changed forever,
We were shocked at what we’d done
We thought it just a bit of fun.
But it was soon that I realised
A dearest part of me had died.

I felt like a different person,
Like some kind of weak impression.
I felt ***** and obscene,
I was washed but never  clean.
I told myself “She wanted it too”,
But mere excuses wouldn’t do.
I could not defend my actions,
I was a slave to my attractions.

I never meant to tear you both apart,
I was trying to piece together
The fragments of my broken heart.
This is about a man who is in love with a woman, who is already in a relationship.
They come together because they both love each other, but the man grows to hate himself for what he's done.
will distort this moment—

(an oasis
in the desert of memory)

the simple
wonder of the instant diminished

as gemstones
depreciated by display upon

a gold band.

Focus fades
in inching instants

(a shutter
slowly closing over a lens)

and we
imperceptibly surrender

to these evanescing essences of

youth and reminiscence.
She spilled lengthy prose,
      believing words would
bandage her inadequacies.

   I tussled
loose threads
     of her rhetoric
in a feeble attempt at intimacy–

not realizing
   Andromeda would love anyone
     who had pried her free from the rock.
Wake me up
Like you used to
When you'd struggle to leave
Knowing I'd be
Wrapped naked

Wake me up
Like you used to do
When my hair was crazy
My smile was lazy and
My eyes had

Wake me up
Like you use to
When you'd pull me to your chest
How you'd kiss my head
And call me
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