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  Nov 2014 Thalia
Am I turning into one of those girls?
You know the ones I'm talking about―
The ones who make excuses for their bruises,
And hide the marks on their neck with pretty scarves?

Am I becoming the girl who I always said I'd never be?
I watched my mom growing up, strong and independent.
She always said "You know, you're a lot like me."
But am I really? I'm not sure anymore..

Oh look, a new one. My first thought
Is how to hide it from sight.
The second is what I'll say
If somehow my sweater rides up too high.

And the third is what will happen
If they don't believe my lie?
What will I tell them then?
Whatever happens, I mustn't cry.

No, I can't cry.
If I do, everyone will know
Know what I'm hiding
Behind all the baggy clothes

Secrets so dark, Monsters are scared;
Scratches so deep, no doctor would dare;
Black and blue bruises― my permanent paint,
Stained to my skin, forever more shall be taint.

And yet..
After this horrifying discovery
I still love him, don't I?
Of course I do..

And still..
I'll cover my body with his sweatshirt,
Not uttering a single word.
Because I can't lose you..
Thalia Nov 2014
One dreamy night filled with tears and sorrow,
We found our place in each others eyes.

A pair of honey brown eyes met another,
And just like that we found ourselves lost in them.
Feelings came back.
Butterflies piled into empty stomachs.
Bringing us back to the first time we met.

The wet and foggy atmosphere surrounding us
the same as it had in the midst of September 2013.  
Our bodies underneath a thin umbrella.
Trying to protect ourselves from the world around us.

The crack in our voice as we said each others name.
Almost like a secret that you were dared not to speak.
And in that wonderful moment I knew.
Meeting you under that dreary rain
was one of my best and worst thing that
had ever happened to me.

Underneath that foggy sky I found something
I've never witnessed before.
Under your foolish smile and dreamy eyes
were good intentions.
You changed my life.
For the best. And the worst.

One dreamy night filled with tears and sorrow,
We found our place in each others eyes.

A pair of honey brown eyes met another,
And just like that we found ourselves to be
in love. A moment we would never get sick of
Slowly traveling our way back into each others
arms, once again.
Something I wrote for my Creative Writing class.

— The End —