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"You came," her voice floated in the white
"Of course I came," I knew she was behind me
But I couldn't turn, only feel her hair touching my back
"It's a good sign." Her voice was a million echoing silver bells
"I guess I've started to realize..."
Her fingertips brushed my palm, light as wind.
"I have realized that it wasn't my fault"
"I told you it was a good sign"
In the corner of my eye, I saw strands of her hair, fluttering
"I miss you." I wanted see her, see her smile, white teeth and dimple
"I miss you too," her silver bell voice rung out sadly
"I can never forgive myself," my voice shook, my eyes burned
"Don't say that, it's not true"
Flowers underneath us were red, yellow and sky blue
"I should have been there, I should have always been with you"
My every atom ached for her, to turn and see her
I could remember the smell of waking up beside her
Starting my day with a wonder by my side
"Forgive yourself please, for me"
A flower was slipped into my hand, it was yellow
I turned and I saw her, she wore the garb of an angel
She smiled before she disappeared
Leaving me crying in the red, yellow and sky blue.
I walk the world with thoughts of you
In every place I go
Your voice is on the winter wind
Your footprints in the snow
And every tool I try to use to scrape you from my mind
Cuts your name onto my tongue
And beats me till I'm blind
I layed my head upon your knees and breathed the air you breathed
I cut myself when you were cut to know just how you bleed
Now as I walk this empty earth with nothing but a face
To breathe me and to bleed me
Until I leave this place
Stop showing
You love me
A little at a time.

Stop saying
You care
Bit by bit.

Stop keeping
Me here
For tiny pieces of time.

Because I need
All of you
Not piece by piece.

I love
All of you
Not just some parts of you.

So love all of me
All the way
All the time.

Or let all of me go
All at once
For good.
If you crack open the door
To another’s world
You peer into their eyes
Scavenge around their brain
You discover a fortress of darkness
A collection of horrific events
Confined only by the fear of destruction
Huddling together
To defend themselves against the ways of the good
Slowly recruiting more witnesses of unforgettable misery
Surrounding the wicked, a new substance forms
Brilliant memories
Those which sparks fly
Emotions collide
Becoming uncontrollable happiness
Happiness so vibrant it blinds all the evil that gazes upon it
Its depth created an abyss
So those who crashed to its bottom
Were overwhelmed with laughter
Venturing on,
Rolling hills of sweet dreams
Seep imagination into souls
Inspiring a few to sprout wings
And soar
But most stayed grounded
And stumbled into unsuspected pleasures
Miniature eruptions of perfect bliss
That flowed into a mellow harmony
Soon they realized the bittersweet feeling
Of an incomplete catastrophe
Of remaining inside artificial boundaries
However, they discover the interpretation of life
And how it can all be summed
In the look of an eye
For the universe,
Is only found within
Just take my hands,
They are held out for you.
My shoulders are small,
But you can cry on them to.

We may grow apart,
But believe me this is true..
We may be just friends,
But I'll always love you.
This came to me at midnight.. I just had to write it down.

— The End —