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Stacey Ann Sep 2010
Your angel was a fighter,
Your angel was so sweet...
Your angel used to believe in oh so many things.
Your angel never thought the world could hurt so much...
Your angel had the world come and knock her on her ****.

Your angel was your future...
So innocent and pure...
You said she was your angel...
Now suddenly you aren't so sure.
She gave you everything she had...
And now she'd give you more...
Just to keep you from walking away...
Like the ones that came before.

But you broke your angel's heart...
Just like you said you'd never do.
And now she's sitting in the corner.
She's mourning the loss of you.
Her wings are withered...
Feathers falling to the ground...
The beauty that once became her...
Has been replaced by pain...
And her tears...
They fall just like the rain.
Your angel is no more...
She's been broken deep inside.
And nothing short of God himself can heal this precious child.
Stacey Ann Sep 2010
I've never wanted anything so badly...
I've never hurt this much.
I've given up my heart...
I thought you said it was safe enough.
I guess you were wrong...
The tears stain my cheeks.

Did you know it would come to this?
Did you know how it would hurt?
Please let me let go of you...
You know I'll always love you...
But I can't live like this.
Hearts weren't meant to suffer...
They were meant to love.

And if you only knew...
That it was into your open arms I'd like to run...
Would you be waiting?
Or would be still be here staring...
Looking into each other's pain filled eyes...
Just so you know...
Our goodbye is my demise...
I'll never really live again.
But I can't pretend I have a mother
When you can't be my friend.

Please believe me...
I don't want this to end...
I want my Mommy...
But my Mommy is dead.
She left me when I was a little girl.
And I've been wrong to try and find her.
Mother's aren't found...
They're gifts from God...
My gift was never given...
I wasn't deserving...
But I never wanted to let you go...
And I still don't want to walk away...
But it's better for you...
I can't hurt you this way.
Stacey Ann Sep 2010
The wind hits my face...
I'm running some kind of race.
I know it's one that I can't win...

Everyone thinks that I'm so strong...
What everyone doesn't know is that everyone is wrong.
I'm falling faster than I can fly...

My wings won't carry me much farther...
I can almost touch the ground...
Am I going to break without a sound?

How am I going to keep going on...
I can't keep up the act...
I don't even know who I am anymore...

An angel? Not quite...
A devil...on days...
A disappointment...for sure...

The sad thing is that anymore...
Falling doesn't seem so bad...
It's living that causes distress...
Stacey Ann Sep 2010
Do you realize you're breaking my heart?
Slowly, Painfully...
I feel the agony.
I'm trapped...
In tears.
In my head I hear your voice.
I close my eyes...
I see your face.
My only thoughts.
You, My tragedy ...
My love,
Lost to you.
Yet a love so irreplaceable...
I just want to forget.
I want to forget it all...
But I cant...
And I never will...
Take my hand...
Like you once did.
Tell me it will be okay.
Say you're sorry...
Make it all better .
Love me the way you once did.
Save my soul from shattering...
Save my heart from breaking...

Save my world from falling apart...
Stacey Ann Sep 2010
I thought you loved me,
I thought you cared,
I thought you'd be there when I was scared.
Now I know that I was wrong.
You weren't who I thought you were.
I was just a distraction for your heart.
You never gave a **** from the start.
But I would have died for you.
I took down all my walls...
I let you in...
And now I'm the one that is broken and alone.
You lied to me...
you played on my broken spirit.
And I found you out....
You took the very best of me...
And now I'm dying...
And I need to feel something...
But I'm not what you really wanted...
So just walk away...
I've never felt so hurt...
Never felt so bruised...
I adored you...
This isn't the ending...
This isn't an "I love you"
Did you know what you were doing?
Did you know how it would end?
Do you know that my heart is never going to mend?
I've been hurt before...
I've been lied to...
But I've never died for anyone...
I've never lived for anyone...
And you're killing me...
This is the rainy ending to the perfect day.
Stacey Ann Sep 2010
I don't want you back...
Don't bother coming home.
The feelings that I had for you...
They've only grown cold.
You broke my heart...
You made me feel used and cheap.
I don't want to see you again...
You're nothing to me.
The tears I cry...
They're nothing too...
The blood running down my arms...
Just a reminder of the pain...
Just a memory...
Caused by you.
I wanted to feel until my heart exploded...
And it did...
From hurt.
I'll never trust.
I'll never love.
I don't want you...
And I'm not what you wanted.
Let's stop pretending.
I've never been as hurt as I am by you.
Don't look at me.
Don't reach out your hand...
Don't touch me.
I'll always love you.
But I'll never come near you again.
Let me run away...
I'll never trust you.
You should've let me go...
You can't tame the wild.
You can only break it's spirit...
And treat it like a hurt child.
But the child's more damaged than you thought...
And now she's more so...
Because you took everything you gave her and threw it away.
You caught her once,
But it'll never happen twice.
She won't let you hurt her again...
She'd rather die...
And chances are she will...
Because you didn't just break her heart.
You broke her spirit...
Her hope, and her will...
Stacey Ann Sep 2010
Lost, broken and afraid…who thought that I'd turn out this way?

The child no one wanted…the little girl who talked way too much.

Now I'm the woman…the one no one gets to love.

I don't let anyone in…no one can ever see…

The pain, distress and devastation you have brought to me.

Some say I'm strong…others say I'm blind.

Yet still…they weren't there at night when I cried.

No one knows how weak I really am…

No one knows how hard I had to fight…

Just so I could live…and for what?  Is this really life?

I'm not sure it's worth it…maybe she should have won.

Looking back…the damage has already been done.

Bruises may fade…but the pain remains the same.

Scars will last a lifetime along with the memories that will never fade away.

I can't go on… I can't go back.

I can't change the past…

But I keep on living…

Keep on pretending to be…this strong woman everyone wants me to be.

Everyone thinks I'm so full of love…they have no idea what I'm full of.

But I'll smile just the same…hide all the pain.

No one has to know…and I can just keep playing my game.
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