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Srijit Panja Oct 2017
one day
i will be so good.
that the stars i look upon
this night. will descend to
my hands themselves.
and in the distance they cross.
to reach me. i will expand to
a height gracefully.
i have always dreamt of.

there will be stories
behind each inch of those
height and distance.
which i will never confide.

instead i would just smile.
like i have always done.
and finally say to myself
'you have reached. congrats.'

--- happiness. of their descent.
Srijit Panja Oct 2017
my poems
are illegal children
of a science student.

--- physics. but poems.
Srijit Panja Oct 2017
i smell of roses
in my wasteland.

--- hope
Srijit Panja Oct 2017
there is a gulit.
of not doing the thing
you never wanted to do.

and doing the thing
with which this soul
sleeps as lovers.

--- of confused choices.
Srijit Panja Oct 2017
there's a hill. in you.
of wastes of your life.
of deeds and dreams.
and talent so sharp.

you know.
in building a mountain.
you built an wasteland
out of yourself.

--- wasteland
Srijit Panja Oct 2017
i hate to see hills falling.
they signify. my best days.

--- drowning.
Srijit Panja Oct 2017
in the moment
of my sliding into sleep.
the half closed eyes
rise to look at your beauty.
uncensored. innocent. and calm.
like the days, i loved you
in present tense.

--- you. a dream.
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