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Sridevi Oct 2010
Step out of my dreams
If only
To catch a fragment of my broken self
Always lost in endless thoughts of you.

Step out of my dreams
If only
To hold a thread of my tattered soul
Stubbornly clinging on to you.

Step out of my dreams
If only
To hear a rustle of my tuneless sigh
Singing mirthless songs of you .

Step out of my dreams
If only
To steal the dew drop on my palm
Preserved exclusively for you.

Step out of my dreams
If only
To awaken my solitary self
Once again dreaming ceaselessly of you.
Sridevi Oct 2010
A tiny raindrop
her wet wings fluttering
...braving deafening thunder
dazzled streaks of lightening...

...her dreams at the mercy
of a larger cosmic plan
plops on my naked palm
blends with the tear drop
resting there
waiting me to grasp it all...
the illusion ...the real
and the truth

emerging ... fading...and re-emerging
with the shadows...

...shrouded in a scented dusk.
Sridevi Oct 2010
Mounting her white steed,
sword held aloft
donning the
dazzled armor
she rides
to the labyrinth
of ****** destruction
leaving a
wounded trail behind

poisoned arrows
... brandishing
her blazing sword
she humbles
all her foes...

...but one...

...the single drop...
in her eye...

..before whom she...
...bows in defeat.
Sridevi Oct 2010
Welcome to this world
my world...
where dreams co exist
on the same level
as illusions
and mirages

Welcome to this world
where your feet
tread transitory sands
smiles are nothing
but fistfuls of oblivion sands

Want an armful of rainbow hues?
Just chase that mirage
down the vaccum's undisturbed path
and embrace it to your hollowed heart

Welcome to this world... world...
built on the foundations
of illusive dreams
where gleaming mirages
are nothing but smiles...

...your smiles...
Sridevi Oct 2010

Framed within
its deceitful frame
time stood still
undecided... between...

these tear drops
flowing within its
raged hollow corridors

... melting that frozen rage
into countless tears.

The defunct hands
stood still...

...a mute testimony... Kala's timeless dilemma..

Kala - time
Sridevi Oct 2010
AaAH !!!In this ecstatic fusion of
sighs,whispers and breaths
raising to wild decibels
in the aura surrounding US...

do you fail to just
see how my eyes well up
the instant
your gaze morphs
into that one touch

so what...
if your eyes fail to
see the invisible tear
in my heart as
...I trace those lines
in my silences where your
kiss lingered just a moment ago

How I wish
it was your soul
which lingered there instead...

*in all its vulnerable wholesomeness
Sridevi Oct 2010
Sometimes epiphany comes at unexpected places*

Her spirits take off on
unprecedented flight
as each sensuous
raindrop kisses...
...her parted lips.

The sleepy puddles
on the wet alley
beckon her playful feet
to tickle the ripples
on their dormant...still surface.

Hugging the wet sky,
she whispers into
the wild wind's ear:
I love him not...*

...and With that... once more she
becomes the rain's own child
embracing the earth with
a ferocity hitherto unknown...
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