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9.1k · Feb 2013
Sprishya Feb 2013
The door is now open
But are you ready to step out?
To take on life on your own
Define yourself
Realize your presence, Exist!!

You've been following their rules
Climbing the ladder one step at a time
The society's way, you know
You're born
You'll die
In between you earn
Money, fame and the need to succeed

Wow, I wish I was like you
I wish I could follow rules
Live to your expectation
Be 'Successful'

But I choose to step out the door
Embrace the sun, breathe in the air
End this pretentious living you call life
and exist instead of survive
Unlike you and your society
Just myself: a disappointment.

3.9k · Sep 2013
Gloomy Day
Sprishya Sep 2013
The burning cigarette and a cup of coffee
My companions again
Gloomy day
Loud traffic
Not a single pretty girl in sight
Kathmandu afternoon at its finest
Nothing to do but smoke a joint
And write this poem
My attempt at creativity
With a mind under influence
Thoughts running wild
I could start a religion
But I'll just sleep instead.

(Kathmandu, Nepal 9/1/2013)
3.7k · Aug 2017
Sprishya Aug 2017
It has to be better than this
The lemonades are turning to dust
Silverlinings have all rained down
Life's got to be bigger than this
The flower that once was
Now a thorn sharper than dead dreams
Stabbing all hope
This dark vacuum is ******* me in
I'm holding on to the last beam of light
But my grip is slipping and I'm scared
Aren't things supposed to work out?
Well begun is now all undone
(Los Angeles, Aug 22 2017)
1.9k · Oct 2012
I Am You
Sprishya Oct 2012
I saw the world in your eyes,
Those dreamy perfect eyes,
Soothing like the rainfall,
Yet so seductive,
Ah! Those eyes

I wasn’t me,
For you lived in me,
Running wild in my veins,
Not like a river,
But lava,
Deadly yet divine,
You could **** me,
Yet I would be saved

Don’t go away just yet,
Not until you see me,
The way I see you,
Till I run in you,
With every single breath,
Till every part of you
Is a part of me,
Till the world disappears,
Till you are me,
The way I am you.

1.8k · Oct 2014
Sprishya Oct 2014
12 a.m. November 1, 2014
starry night, ticking clock
nothing's changed really!!
the hookers are helping desperate men find love
One ***** at a time
making money
a man jumps off a bridge
**** life right?
Lonely ******* jerking off
while a beautiful young **** makes love
a mother's breastfeeding her baby
who's gonna grow up to end human race
while i sit on my chair
reading Bukowski
"there are times when insanity becomes so real that it isn't insanity anymore"
I guess I am no different!!

(11/01/2014 Kathmandu, Nepal)
Sprishya Jul 2012
I hear it outside,
Falling on the tin roof,
People running from it trying to hide,
Panicking, wishing everything they owned was waterproof

Oh yes! now I know,
It's not themselves they worry for,
It's money, the riches that their expensive possessions show,
Worried, those might get ruined in this downpour

Have they forgotten i wonder,
The joy that the monsoon rain use to bring,
The goosebumps with every loud thunder,
Awaiting next morning like the first day of spring

Oh how much I wish they could see the rain,
The way I see it,  full of freedom and love,
A rhythm so soothing it heals all your pain,
Makes me feel the paradise I can otherwise only dream of

Oh rain please don't go away,
**** 'em if they hate you, I want you to stay,
Don't stop singing, keep the beat up and make us sway,
Tell us tales and keep us cool in this hot hell of a day.

Sprishya Jul 2012
East 4th street heading towards 6th Avenue,
The streets more confusing than ever,
High rise buildings, the top floor i hear has a nice view,
Take the B train or D, trying hard to remember.

I see these people, they don't notice me walking around,
I wonder if they even acknowledge my presence,
Just another victim that this city has now found,
Holding back my dreams with its large fence

Let me be free my friend, let me soar up high,
I have my wings spread out all i am waiting for is a sign,
Oh beautiful city lift me up and teach me how to fly,
Just help me takeoff and i'll make sure everything else goes fine

My friend you've shown me lives, some beautiful; others amazing,
You've shown me success, prosperity and the sadness that follows,
You've shown me darkness, pain and how bad they sting,
Now show me happiness and take my dreams to where freedom flows

Those penthouses and the expensive cars,
Oh big city, I want those thing that everyone wishes for,
But more that anything I want you to heal these scars,
Soothe my pain and wash those years with a downpour

I want to be me again, you know the way I had always been,
Free of these emotions, this ******* pain that I always feel,
If you can oh city give me a beautiful dream,
So the drunken me can succeed, no matter how hard it may seem.
                                                                ­                                  -Sprishya
1.5k · Nov 2012
Sprishya Nov 2012
I want to be
Surrounded by you,
From all horizons,
Touched by you,
Feel you,
With all my senses,
Soar up high,
With you in my arms,
And stop the time,
Where I have everything,
You and Nothingness.

1.4k · Mar 2013
Sprishya Mar 2013
Let me tell you about heartbreak,
The drinking, the drugs, the promiscuity
My heartbreak,
The love I lost,
The love she found
My troubled days,
The day I found myself
Lost in this vicious circle
There’s no getting out
Take my hand and pull me out
Only you can save me now
Only you can cure this heart
For now,
Till you decide to follow
Her steps,
And I’ll find another her
Another you
To tell a tale
About my heartbreak

1.3k · Aug 2013
One Kiss
Sprishya Aug 2013
Your kiss would do it
Just one
Is that too much?
It's all I've been waiting for
All my life
The softest touch of your soft lips
The feel of your tongue
What the universe was made for
Your kiss
Your lips pressed against mine
Ten seconds to define our entire existence
Is that too much?
Let me slow down
Forget the universe
Lets rediscover ourselves
I belong with you
You belong with me
And everything else that follows
Does that work instead?
Now about that kiss
I've craved it to a point where I ache for it
Is that too much??
Ok then let me come out straight
I think we are at a point
Where kissing is the only thing
Only sane thing that would lead to my insanity
Get me drunk enough to be sober again
Hear me out love
One kiss
That's all I ask
One kiss to save the world
For I might just lose it
But if you feel it's impossible
Then just say it's too much
And I''ll go kiss her instead.

(Kathmandu, Nepal 7/5/2013)
Sprishya Jun 2014
Alcohol helps
But I need you
To cure this pain  

(Kathmandu, Nepal 06/05/2014)
1.3k · Aug 2013
Sprishya Aug 2013
Here we are again
Same place
And you are starting to haunt me
Talking about love lost
Love not found
But It feels like it's staring at me
Like that cat from the other night
Like it can see right through me
My inside's imploding
With an urge
An urge to defy our truth
The truth that I don't want to believe
But again we create our own truth
When your lips open to speak
All I can think of is my open lips
Pressed against yours
When you talk about your past
All I can do is pretend to care
Honestly love
I think I am falling for you
I wont say forever
But for tonight
I want you more than this drink
Begging me to finish it
Or the lines of *******
Be my drug tonight
Even if you give a bad hangover
I want to get drunk
Drinking you
All night
And pass out in your heaven
You can leave in the morning
I prefer to watch the sunrise alone.

(Kathmandu, Nepal 8/15/13)
1.2k · Nov 2014
Sprishya Nov 2014
I'll make you my muse one last time
I'll dedicate myself to you just this night
Come tomorrow I know you'll be gone
And all I'll be left with is just another sad song

But the days will go by love
I know i'll be fine
I'll learn to deal with this
Just drink my sorrow away with time

Stay happy!!

(11/18/2014 Kathmandu, Nepal)
1.2k · Sep 2013
Feeling The Blues!!
Sprishya Sep 2013
The world seems strange
They wont get what I feel
Honestly love, I don’t care
I swear this is real

Time just flew by
But you seem the same to me
I’ve fallen for every inch of you
Fallen deeper than the deepest sea

I wish you were all mine
All mine till the end of time
You give life to my sad existence
This worthless life of mine

Please tell me you feel it too
The chills to the bone, the highest of highs
Your touch could just **** me
You kiss could make me fly

Please tell me you feel this too
I don’t care if it’s just a lie
For your touch could light all darkness
One touch and I could die.

(Kathmandu, Nepal, 9/18/13)
1.2k · Feb 2013
Sprishya Feb 2013
Have you found yourself yet?
The quest of defining yourself
Pondering on this ever puzzling existence
The want to be different yet fall unconsciously
Into a stereotypical group of foolish individuals,
Disregarding the simplest act of living
to master the act of solving the enigma that doesn’t exist

Have you completely ignored the certainty?
For a possibility that there is more
More to this than what already is?
Why are you hiding in the shadow?
This is it, you exist now make the most of it
Go out, live, define your own existence!
What is this desperation to belong?
Yet be different from the mass
Do you now feel cool enough?
To tag yourself as unique, educated, ENLIGHTENED!!

But hey, who am I?
Just another foolish ****
that doesn’t fit your definition of elite
Since I don’t go after the meaning,
Since I don’t think there is a greater plan
And am defining life in my own terms,
Not unique, just crazy!

1.2k · Jul 2012
Life: An Irony
Sprishya Jul 2012
Surprises and challenges,
Experience that comes with your age,
Fear and laughter, Love and hate,
Other sweet contradictions called life,
Oh beautiful life!

More unpredictable in every bend,
Yet comes with a certainty to end,
Gives you wings to soar up high,
And laughs at you when you fail to fly

Becomes that helping hand in need,
Is humble, yet so full of greed,
Gives you dreams and goals you want to achieve,
Yet teaches you to accept every kind of defeat

Survival! is that really life's key?
Or is the key whatever you want your life to be?
Makes promises and gives hope that end in a strife,
Teaches you to say '**** it!' and move on with your life

A hallucinogen so intense that you actually believe,
The lies it throws at you as an excuse to live,
Oh life so beautiful, call it divine if you will,
It teaches you creation but also teaches you *******.

                                                                ­               -Sprishya
1.2k · Sep 2013
Somewhere In You
Sprishya Sep 2013
Somewhere in you I see the love I lost
Somewhere in you I see the love I've been aching to find
Somewhere in you I see myself happy
Free from the emotional trauma I go through everyday
A release I've been waiting for
Somewhere in you lies that touch that could make me forget
That the world exists
Where people stab each other's back just to be more comfortable
Somewhere in you I see salvation
A door into heaven where i see myself holding the hand of god
While kissing the lips of angels for eternity
Somewhere in you I see me loving you
With all my heart, caring for you
Growing old with you
Taking my last breath right next to you

Somewhere in you I see a darkness
So deep that it frightens me to explore
Somewhere in you lies the hell where I know i'll end up
Somewhere in you I see my heart destined to break again    
A painful journey that I know I'll take again
A withered tree refusing to bloom again
Somewhere in you is a knife ready to stab me
While my heart screams " no more"
Please no more
I am better off lonely
Looking at the stars and reminiscing what could've been
Somewhere in you I see a pool of tears
That I know you're gonna drown me in
While I fight for each breath,  refusing to give up
Though I might already be dead
Somewhere in you lies my deepest fear that I refuse to face
Yet every inch of me craves to be
Somewhere in you.

(Kathmandu, Nepal 9/27/13)
1.2k · Aug 2012
Sprishya Aug 2012
A place filled with good vibes
People singing dancing, enjoying their lives
There i am standing amongst them,
One of them, free of worries and care

Friends and family celebrating life,
Singing, dancing, clapping their hands,
Happy with me, happy for me,
The way I am happy for them

A beautiful girl almost an angel,
Bright blue eyes looking right through me,
A touch so divine feels like heaven,
Truthful words filled with beautiful lies

I take a sip from my glass,
I follow her towards a light,
I hear a bell ring, sounds like reality,
I wake up.

1.1k · Sep 2013
Without You
Sprishya Sep 2013
A sad tune in an empty bar
That's what my life has become
People may surround me
But I feel alone
Being without you
Is like being without me
I am here but lost somewhere
In the days when you were around
Now it doesn't even feel like home
I am hoping for better days
Living in the past
I've tried to pick myself up
Put back the pieces
But I keep falling apart.

(Kathmandu, Nepal 9/16/13)
1.1k · Feb 2016
Life 101
Sprishya Feb 2016
It's never too late
It's never too early
That's the thing about life
It's never that easy
You've got to push yourself
The next milestone's not too far
You're gonna fall along the way
Just get up and cherish those scars
Things will fall into pieces
It will tear your soul apart
But as long as you've got a soul to lose
All you've got to do is hit restart
It will not be easy love
The devil will always be on your back
But as long as you've got your friends and family
Let's face it...
Life is not that sad!!!
(Kathmandu, Nepal 07/10/2015)
1.1k · Aug 2013
No Need For Words
Sprishya Aug 2013
Your look says it all
There's no need for words
I feel it too
I know it burns
Screaming to come out
Simple words would set it free
But it's better this way
There's no need for words

Your smile says it all
There's no need for words
The doorway to your innermost secrets
I want to know it all
Those words would be heaven
Coming out of you
But it's better this way
There's no need for words.

(Kathmandu, Nepal 8/8/2013)
982 · Nov 2012
Sweet Deception
Sprishya Nov 2012
Her love
Was like cheating death
An exciting achievement
A reminder
How beautiful life is
To live with no fear
On the edge
Like you've never lived before

What are you worried about
She asks
Are you alive?
She disappears
Must have been a dream
The end.

950 · Aug 2012
Sprishya Aug 2012
It feels like I’m drowning,
The surface seems far away,
I see flash backs,
Flash backs of you,
You holding that blue umbrella,
That flowery yellow dress,
The day I died,
The day you brought me back to life

Here I am,
Wishing you would save me again,
Reach out your hands,
Pull me out to safety,
Take me to the paradise in your eyes,
To the sanctuary in your heart,
The comfort of your touch,

942 · May 2014
Come Back
Sprishya May 2014
Please stop the time
Come back
Tell me it was a lie
Come back
Kiss me again
Come back
Save this heart that you have slain

My heart feels like it crumbling
Come back
Make it sing again
Come back
Let it know that it'll be fine again
Come back
Assure me that I'll see the sun shine

(Kathmandu, Nepal 5/15/2014)
936 · Aug 2013
The Evening News
Sprishya Aug 2013
She mutes the TV
"What the **** is happening to the world"
I wish you could get in my head
And just hear the thoughts that play around
There’s a lot happening in there
Or better yet, just give me head
The news lady on the TV is quite hot
I bet she gives amazing head too
If only you could learn that
From all the news you watch
Make CNN more interesting
Then maybe I’d care
About the world news

(Kathmandu, Nepal 8/29/13)
932 · Jul 2014
You And A French Press
Sprishya Jul 2014
The moon casts a spotlight
On your face I see
Everynight in my dreams
Yet I cant wait to wake up
For reality brings you
Right in front of me      
And who needs the moon
Or the stars of my fate
While you're sitting there
Glowing even brighter
More beautiful than all of them               
And when you smile  
It feels like I am seeing for the first time      
And this reality feels like heaven
Every single time

(Kathmandu, Nepal 7/14/2014)
918 · Nov 2013
Drunkenness Justified
Sprishya Nov 2013
When my mind feels like someone else's
When my brain ceases to think
When my thoughts only lead me towards the end of the tunnel
Where I see everything else but a light
That's when the bottle comes out
It listens to me without interrupting
It understands that I don't need to be happy
I just need to not be sad

(Kathmandu, Nepal  11/22/13)
917 · Dec 2013
For You
Sprishya Dec 2013
If I told you I wrote this poem for you
Would you start loving me?
Craving me the way I crave you
Go insane
Live in a world where nothing else exists
Do everything to make me understand
Fail but keep trying
If I told you I wrote this poem for you
Would you instantly run into my arms?
Kiss my lips and stare at the stars
Forget the world
Forget yourself
Yet somehow remember
What I was wearing the first day we met
If I told you I wrote this poem for you
Would you spend your days thinking about me?
Coming up with excuses just to see my face
Go to the same coffee shop
Hoping for me to show up
Note down ‘Spiced latte, no sugar’
Just so if the day comes
You know what I would order
If I told you I wrote this poem for you
Would you start dreaming of the future?
A small chapel by the sea
Gathered friends and family
Vows and bells
Our kid’s show and tell
A family portrait hung on the wall
If I told you I wrote this poem for you
Would you be mine forever?
Let me die in your arms
Happy and loved
If you would
Then my love
I wrote this poem for you

(Kathmandu, Nepal 12/22/2013)
876 · Aug 2013
Penn Station and Beer
Sprishya Aug 2013
A group of girls pass me by
Dressed in their fancy dresses
Talking about some guy
Long island  girls I think
Do they know a different world exists
I'd rather listen to the hobo
Strumming his guitar
Singing  about his sorrows
I give him a beer to forget life
As I try to forget mine

Amtrak to philadelphia departs at 730
Platform 4 says the screen
Where are all these people traveling to?
Am I drunk?
I've only had few
What happened to the days I could drink
Am I old?
Now I'm just thinking too much
Time for another beer
"That'll be 5 bucks!"

(New York City, 6/30/2012)
Found this on my phone 8/7/13
855 · Oct 2013
Why I Write
Sprishya Oct 2013
I write
Because it's the only sanity I know
I lost my mind a long time ago
Between the heartbreaks and one night stands
Somewhere in those drunken nights
I've been trying to find myself
With a drug induced consciousness
And alcohol infused serenity
And the words
The words that forever battle in my head
To just come out raw
The way they are
No sweetness added
Unrefined thoughts
Like **** the world, **** humanity
**** everyone
But then I take a deep breath
Regather my thoughts
Add a little sweetness to it
Then my mind comes up with words
But they're not mine
I lost my mind a long time ago
Back when I was taught to deal with good people
When in reality I was surrounded by none
When I was taught to succeed in life
But not how to deal with failure
About love and happiness
But never about heartbreak and distress
I write
To teach myself
Experiences that I was never taught
Love that I found and lost
To find the sanity that I misplaced
While figuring out the curve ***** life threw at me
When time took away everything that was offered to me
I write
To feel again
What it was like to be me.

(Kathmandu, Nepal 10/15/2013)
851 · Nov 2012
Would you die for me?
Sprishya Nov 2012
A girl he adored
His heated passion
Her licentious eyes
Devilish stare
Sin filled mind
A sin he yearned for
If this took him to hell,
He wanted to get
On the fast lane

Do you love me?
Define love he says
Would you die for me?
Aren’t we dead already?
I would live for you
Make you,
More alive than you will ever be
Lets take this trip babe
Filled with debauchery
She lies down
He proceeds.

807 · Feb 2016
Failure To Move On
Sprishya Feb 2016
My mind is a tangled string that has lost its tone
No matter what note I try to play
It resonates a sad,  dark tune that only you can take away
It keeps wandering in the hopes of falling back into the simpler blissful times when the entire world existed in the cocooned comfort of your stretched arms,
Sanity lied in the pillow of your soft *****
When I found God somewhere deep in the paradise between your legs Creating waves that our entire existence depended on
Every inch of your body was poetry
The subtle curves of your waist that put every piece of art to shame
The music with every word that came out of your angelic lips that still plays in my ears sometimes,
My mind is a tangled string
No matter which end I pull it leads to a painful knot that binds me to the memories we shared
The ones we swore would always last
Time has moved on
You have moved on
But my tangled heart refuses to let go
It keeps dragging me back
To our tangled up past
(2/16/2016, Buffalo, NY)
792 · Nov 2012
Pinot Noir (Haiku)
Sprishya Nov 2012
Rising Confidence
A glass of Pinot Noir
In my drunken bliss
781 · Feb 2014
I Miss You
Sprishya Feb 2014
You weren’t just a lover
You were the one
A reflection of my entire existence
In the most enigmatic eyes
A purpose
The purpose
Not an answer
Not a question
Just you
In your form
The best one
The only one
My absolute life
Yet now a memory
A dream like last night’s
A worry stricken mind
Realizing it has nothing
Just emptiness the next morning
I hope you are ok……..

(Kathmandu, Nepal 02/06/2013)
768 · Jun 2014
Trouble Sleeping
Sprishya Jun 2014
The day you told me it was over
I should’ve taken the sharp knife of your words
and slit my throat to bleed out
every drop of blood that had you in it
and let it flow
like freedom
that my heart is begging for right now
Love had to hurt
How else would I feel the pain
of a million souls that have died
for that one love they believed in
to start ancient wars
the cries of which we hear till date
but my cries just disappeared somewhere
And time doesn't heal love
My tomorrows are all stuck in the yesterdays
the dreams that were so beautiful
I never wanted to wake up
I still dont,
Except this time I just want to sleep
Dreams shattered like a glass that fell from a thousand feet
I desperately tried to collect the pieces and put them back together
but a tiny speck of glass pierced through my skin and vanished
and my dreams are now forever incomplete
Leaving me with a sting everytime I touch that spot
Just hoping someone will help me take that glass out
But no one seems to be good enough
There has to be a way
There has to be a way!!!

(Kathmandu, Nepal 06/05/2014)
712 · Aug 2012
Haiku (angel)
Sprishya Aug 2012
I just fell in love,
With a pair of light brown eyes,
She is an angel

709 · Nov 2012
Sprishya Nov 2012
Our father who art in heaven
I want to confess
I am not me anymore
Your life has taken toll on me
This is not the life i  yearned for
I know i was meant to be different
Destined for greatness
Hatred has taken over me
Darkness is now my escape
Forgive me
For i now believe in me
A greater being
I see in me,
The devil in me has risen
The angels are not giving a fight
I've chosen my path
I am going to be me
I leave the world behind me
For i know it will follow
I found heaven
In my sins..
709 · Aug 2013
Sprishya Aug 2013
Good night she says
The silence of the night
No people around,
No one to deal with
Just me, myself and my thoughts
I wonder if the people I saw today
Will all be alive tomorrow
Its weird this life
Unpredictably predictable
Death that is
Or life
Is death a part of life
Or life just a part of the grand finale
Now I'm just tripping
I love the silence,
I love nights
I think I need a cigarette
"Good night love!!"
Please be alive tomorrow.

(Kahmandu, Nepal 8/19/13)
657 · Oct 2012
I've Lost My Muse
Sprishya Oct 2012
I used to look at the world in a different way,
I heard music in every sound,
I saw colors even in the deepest black,
Happiness surrounded me,
I was convinced everyone was enjoying life,
Why wouldn’t they life was beautiful,
So I wrote about happiness and life

Now I sit blankly staring at the world,
What happened to the sweet music?
For all I hear is noise,
Everything around me has been painted black,
I see people suffer; Life is now their biggest fear,
Now I sit to write unable to come up with words,
I’ve lost my muse.

654 · Dec 2012
Sprishya Dec 2012
Let's leave babe
Shoot off to the moon
In a sin filled ride
Heaven awaits us
Just this night
Thats all i need
Thats all you get
Let our souls unite
As i discover you
Discovering me
Experience death
And come back to life.
642 · May 2014
Heartbreak Revisited
Sprishya May 2014
Everytime I give it all
To a girl
When I feel like I’ve fallen in love
And when I feel like she feels it too
I manage to drive them away
And find myself lost
In the thought of you

The cool breeze hits directly at my heart
Its so cold in there
I’m not sure if it’s alive at all
But I tell myself it’ll be ok
While listening to a beatle’s song
It’s all lies
You have managed to change my world

Music sends a shiver down my spine
I know I’m a coward
I know I cant do things right
You’d ask ‘what would you do without me?’
I didn’t think I ‘d pick a fight
With life
And now I’m losing
But knowing that you’re happy
Still keeps me alive

(Kathmandu, Nepal 05/18/2014)
634 · Oct 2015
Sprishya Oct 2015
The lights burn brighter when it’s dark out
The birds stop chirping
People stop existing
And all I hear are my thoughts and the ticking of a clock
Tick-tock Tick-tock
The sound of life passing by
But I’m not ready
I still have half a bottle of consciousness
And a burning cigarette
Defining my destiny
The flowers of sanity blossom
With every sip I take
While I lose myself in the oblivion of being
Trying to define each moment
With the right combination of words in the wrong time
Surely, I must be heading somewhere
Towards the “goals” forced into me
Like a nail hammered into a wall
but I’m not a poster or a frame
I am an entire wall where murals are drawn
Where the children of today
See the prophecies of tomorrow
A rain in the drought of imaginations
That once turned the key
To wind-up birds that flew
To a faraway land we heard about
In the sweet lullabies
That made all the monsters under our beds disappear
A place where dreams weren’t defined
By the fame and the fortune that has taken over
Happiness and creativity
A rare phenomenon in the world today
Surely, there must be a way out of the cycle we call “success”
And into the free flowing waters of righteousness that we all lack
Surely, there must be a way of redefining the impeding norms we live by
Surely, there must be a way!!!

(Buffalo, NY 10/22/2015 1:40 am)
604 · Sep 2014
Happy Birthday
Sprishya Sep 2014
The dark clouds never left
I cant seem to get rid of their shadows
A sunny day will burn my insides
With the scorching light of your memories
All I'm hoping for is a downpour
Till it floods and sweeps away the photograph
Hidden in the drawer of my heart
I close my eyes and see the smile it has captured
I smile right back
And wonder if I were to keep them shut forever
Maybe, just maybe I'd be back to those bright days
But now the flowers are all dead
the park doesn't smell of roses anymore
The soft luscious grass have turned to thorns
I still walk on it, bleeding
Tracing back my steps one ***** at a time
Hopelessly hoping that it could lead me back to you
But it won't and I know that
Do you??

(09/04/2014 Kathmandu, Nepal)
601 · Aug 2012
Sprishya Aug 2012
Sometimes i wish u were here,
Helping me see things clear,
Holding my hand, encouraging me,
Kissing me, setting me free

Oh how much I wish u were here,
I used to be fearless but suddenly i am full of fear,
I feel empty inside I am not thinking straight,
I guess I'll just have to blame it on my fate

Time heals all they say,
But I'd much rather have your memories stay,
You were the best dream I ever saw,
But reality got me, grabbed me with its piercing claw.
586 · Jan 2015
Sprishya Jan 2015
The cigarettes keep burning
The drinks keep pouring
And my thoughts keep racing
Your eyes and your smile
Your promises and deception
My hopes and my heartbreak
Would I have been happier?
Insane enough to be myself
Perhaps the whiskey would be a friend
Perhaps I'd see my dreams carried out
In the cigarette smoke I inhale
To **** the sorrow that's been growing inside
I could stop it all
Believe me I want to
But every time I do
You come back
I'd rather have sorrow
I'd rather be dead
I'm burning inside my love!!

(Kathmandu, Nepal 01/02/2015)
580 · Apr 2013
Forever Tomorrow
Sprishya Apr 2013
That time yesterday
A different time today
Awaiting a better time tomorrow
Time forever
While I live
After I am dead
Its significance swallowing
The insignificance that is
My life and being,
The only significance that defines me
And yet time takes control
Leads me to this path unknown
Leaves me helpless
To figure out
If it’s time that’s destroying me
Or leaving me to shape
My future
My time
The better time that awaits
Forever in my tomorrow.

558 · Apr 2013
I'm Going Insane
Sprishya Apr 2013
Thoughts cross my mind
Good or bad
I cannot make the call
I want to change
Take control and break my fall
**** all my problems
Leave all my concerns
Set the world on fire
Sit back and watch it burn!!

542 · Oct 2012
Just Live
Sprishya Oct 2012
Walking around with your head held high,
Taking punches as they come,
Forgetting, letting go,
Striving to achieve your dream,
Don’t make that dream your life,
For dreams will come a many,
But life, life there is just one,
Enjoy the fall and hit rock bottom,
It’s darkest before dawn,
Try to succeed or try and fail,
But try! Trying keeps you alive,
For life is not about success,
Although success would be sweet,
But failure isn’t always bitter my friend,
For that failure becomes your comfort,
A comfort that you have faced worst days,
A reminder that there will be better days,
A reminder to just live,
To enjoy your journey to the end,
As things will fall into place,
The way they’re meant to,
So go ahead and just live your life.

517 · Jul 2013
A 60 of Johnnie
Sprishya Jul 2013
I don’t even care about your ******* anymore
A 60 of Johnnie is all I want
In fact it’s all I ever wanted
All I needed
Your love?
Everything’s love after a few drinks
Your love, her love, my love
Love for my dog and love for that rock
A 60 of johnnie is all I want
**** your problems and your concerns
If it’s not me you’re getting with tonight
Then ******* too
Take a knife and cut me open
I want to see myself bleed
Just a thought when my mind lacks
The 60 of Johnnie that it so craves
Set this mind at ease
Come up to me slowly,
Touch me in the places your mother wouldn’t approve
Do things your father would **** me for
I’m going to commit a sin
Your eyes are to blame
Things I would do to that body
The most beautiful girl in the world tonight
And yet my love
A 60 of Johnnie is all I want.

(Los Angeles , CA 7/21/13 1:21 AM)
510 · Aug 2012
2 bottles of wine
Sprishya Aug 2012
I thought of you,
I thought of us,
Things we could've done,
Places we could've gone,
It's only a thought.

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