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480 · May 2013
May 9th (haiku)
Sprishya May 2013
The sun is shining
Birds chirping their way to joy
I wish I could fly.

(May 9 2013, Los Angeles)
473 · Aug 2014
Sprishya Aug 2014
If every drink led to a poem
I'd write you an epic
to show how drunk I am
lost in the thought of you
But alcohol doesn't cut it anymore love
Your lips are more intoxicating
the only drug that can make me sane
Fly high enough to touch the stars
Yet grounded enough to know this is real
If only I were a *****
I'd go that extra mile for the drug in your eyes
But I'm only a coward doing cowardly things
Finishing this whisky
Hoping you were here
This time for sure I tell myself
This time for sure!!
470 · May 2015
HOPE (tremors)
Sprishya May 2015
It’s ok Ma,
I’m just bleeding
But I’ve got my soul intact
I’ve got your hands to hold on to
I’ll just sleep on your lap

Ma can you see them?
It seems they’re hurt real bad
The sky fell on them
Life gave up on them
Their hopes for heaven have now all crashed

It’s ok Ma,
I don’t mind bleeding
Maybe if I bleed some more
Some of them will start breathing,
Create happiness and make memories
Instead of being on board a boat that’s sinking

But I see hope Ma
Dreams will stand
Taller than the buildings that have collapsed
Children will sleep to the sound of sweet lullabies
The cries we hear will be of joy
We’ll celebrate life again
Even in the midst of sad goodbyes

It’s not too far Ma
I can already see the sunrise
Flowers will bloom, birds will chirp
The moon will bring hope and not fear
Just sit back and be patient Ma
I promise you I’ll take us there!

(Kathmandu, Nepal 5/30/2015)
466 · Feb 2016
Leaving Home 2016
Sprishya Feb 2016
I’ve done this a million times
But it all still seems a little strange
The grass isn’t greener on the other side
Yet something green calls this greed filled grim heart
Away from everything that I have ever loved
It’s funny how ambitions change
Now the heroes from our childhood lie
Somewhere in the depths of the dark closet
Where we have thrown our imaginations
And settled for making a living
Whatever happened to the bluebird that once sang those sweet tunes in our heads?
On our efforts to fly high, we’ve taken up a burden
A burden worth our entire life
Creativity now lies in finding a way
Not paving new paths
Caught in the middle of being “Creative”
I find myself leaving home again
I’ve done this a million times
But it all still seems a little strange
All this traveling has taken its toll on me
All the excitement is now just a pain
But I promise the next time I’m back,
I will never leave home again!!

(Shanghai, 1/15/2016)
451 · Apr 2014
Sprishya Apr 2014
I finally believe in god
I'm praying for his grace
I would die if i couldn't have you
Although I know it's cliched
I want to tell you my heart beats your name
My breath only lasts as long as I see your face
But I'm scared
A thousand other boys must have told you that
That you mean the world to them
But the world has lost its meaning
All the world is right now
Is one text saying good night
To know that you really care
One smile when I'm with you
Or your voice that overshadows music
You are my music
Touching the deepest corner of my soul
And I want to write you a song
But the words don't come out
And my voice disappears
'I love you'
Every inch of you
Every thought, every breath,
Ever sound you make
Your thought and your dreams
I'd die to know
If you feel the same
I'd be in heaven if we kissed
449 · Nov 2012
The End
Sprishya Nov 2012
She embraced death like her first lover
This was daunting yet captivating
A door to different dimension
All enigmas now solved

Aren’t we all preparing for this
Her mind working wonders
The end of the journey
The journey to the end
End of being
A world that didn’t exist
Her journey
To a tainted manifestation

This must be it
The unknown that knew us
Before we knew ourselves
Our life’s destiny
The dark side
Filled with glaring light
"Are you god?"

427 · Apr 2014
Sprishya Apr 2014
your heart's been asking you to follow it
it says forget the light
forget the darkness
define yourself in her
her eyes and  her breath
the soul that grabs your hands
pulls you into yourself
the sun fades away
all the warmth the world needs
is in her
no life
no death
all you really need is her
the idea of her
her perfect self
bringing out the perfect you
the women you've had so far
suddenly become dust
and she becomes the universe
your satan
your god
your only salvation
your life
your existence

(Kathmandu 4/11/2013... in love)
408 · Mar 2013
Sprishya Mar 2013
I'm not a poet
I'm a thinker
I write down my thoughts
The bad days that are over
The good days to come
The love on its way
And lovers dead and gone

400 · Mar 2016
21st Century
Sprishya Mar 2016
Alcoholic insanity rules the youth
Music is now on the background
A way to grind their nights away
To get ***** and ***** to define their existence
Love is dead
Love lives in the acid tripped minds
That groove to the beat that some ***** created
An attempt to distort reality
Laying on a ground somewhere, abused
***** by the society's perfection that they crave to achieve
'ACCEPTABILITY' has taken over individuality
Money has taken over minds
Conversations dont exist
A drunken blur hovers around
People are not themselves anymore
They love their pride too much to let go
They love themselves too much to care
Pockets define the soul
Humanity disappeared somewhere
Between the whiskey filled bottles
And ******* filled minds
People are not themselves anymore
They'd rather be someone else
Just to stay relevant!!
367 · Apr 2019
Sprishya Apr 2019
In another life
Maybe you'll be mine
Maybe our stars will allign
Maybe the moon will shine
Its light on what's always been there
But we could never find
Maybe the universe will guide us
Through our paths so intertwined
That we meet each other in every bend
Yet be so blind
To the signs
That we've always pushed aside
With all the excuses and the lies
That we've told the world
That we're just friends
And our friendship
Is of a different kind
Maybe at a different place
And a different time
We could fathom the possibility
Of our unity
A love so divine
It breaks all structure
Our knowledge of space and time
The society will forget
Romeo and juliet
Or Bonnie and clyde
because our love
Is more than just a cliche
We don't need to be remembered
Till the end of time
But while we're alive
We'd have each other
Through thick and thin
Through our climbs and our decline
But things don't always work out
That's just life
And in this lifetime
I couldn't be yours
But in another life
Maybe you'll be mine.
(Dallas, TX 04/21/2019)
341 · Nov 2014
Tuesday Night
Sprishya Nov 2014
The beers come out as usual
I pour it down
Like I am trying to put off
The fire that's been burning me
A drag of cigarette
Inhale... exhale
Take a gulp
Pretend like i care
Constantly wonder what you might be up to
Close my eyes
See your face
Open my eyes
Shake my head
"I think I'll have one more!!"
Friends talk, I listen
Inhale.... Exhale
Take a huge gulp
"HAHAHA, no way!! you serious??"
Few more glasses down
Light a cigarette
Drunk enough to not notice that I miss you
Now I think I'm ready for bed
321 · Sep 2014
In Need
Sprishya Sep 2014
Trying hard to fall asleep
With your picture engraved in my mind
Digging down deep to save myself
Yet willingly drowning in you
I am not looking for help
Just a way to die
With you lying by my side
280 · Jan 2019
To My Niece
Sprishya Jan 2019
Dear Maargi,
Be the music people pain to listen to
When they discover the voice within that tells them life is so much more
Be the music that lifts hopes in the darkest of times
Not as a cry for help
But a wave that makes them fly
Be the words they pain to read
Trapped somewhere deep in them
But didnt have the courage to let out
Not words of hate, petty, or remorse
But love, valor, and justice
Be the colors they pain to see
The ones they wanted to paint
But got lost in the pallet of misunderstandings and differences
Be the light that shines the path
The path they've so longed to take
Not as the star that lights their way
But one that lights their conciousness
Be you, be you all the way
Not the character they want you to be
But the character your heart tells you to play
(Fort Worth, TX 12/23/2018)
236 · Oct 2017
Sprishya Oct 2017
It's like turning the lights on
On a gloomy Sunday evening
Things will **** tomorrow
But right now it's beautiful
That's what you are
With your white tee
Black skinny jeans
Black chucks
Tattooed arm
And a smile that has somehow
Escaped all the injustices in the world
And remains as innocent
As a veiled fantasy for him
But the horses are dead
And the prince has lost his charm
Making you settle for a bearded idea of a man
Who thinks veganism is the answer to the the world’s problems
Highlighting the soy bacon in his snap story
That runs his life
Fascinated with a make pretend world
With the skinny lattes and almond milk
An anti establishment who sees a difference
Between shopping in Walmart and Wholefoods
Points his phone to the sunset to prove
How much of an artist he is
Is art gluten free?
Or his pretentious gluten allergy
May **** him,
Maybe that's what you're into
Or maybe you've stopped looking
Maybe if you open your eyes wide enough
You'd see someone much better
I'm not saying me,
But you know,
Someone exactly like me
(Los Angeles, CA 09/30/2017)
198 · Dec 2018
The Kind (of asshole)
Sprishya Dec 2018
Don't let me be the kind of *******
Who hides behind the facade of fake morals
Blinded by the who's and what's of the society
To carefully navigate into the spectrum of likability
Murdering ideas
Shepherded by the popular beliefs that the self proclaimed "ubermensch" with values smaller than the faith of a mother consoling her dying child propagates
Don't let me be the kind of *******
Blindly seeing the disarray of colors and beliefs
Waving divisive flags of identity
While failing to identify the core of what makes us humans in the first place
Erasing the tiniest sketch of personality
To enjoy the recognition that comes with society's impeccably placed self serving values
Foolish enough to think that they're smarter than the rest
Smart enough to recognise the falacies that dont serve their interest
Don't let me be the kind of *******
Bayoneting the rights of others to exists
Carrying big guns
Compensating for the personality they lack
Their inability to break the circuit
Their brains programmed to applaud
The orange bleep on their screens that rule their lives
Their messiah
Don't let me be the kind of *******
Pretentiously answeing to a higher cause
While dismissing the cries that really need answering
Leading life one line at time
From a forged manuscript
Playing my part just right to be recognised at the pearly gates
While closing my doors to the here and now
To the damaged
To the rejects who dont see the white and gold
Or the the blue and black
But simply crave the warmth of the fabric
Of a touch, of a hug
Maybe a warm cup of humanity
Not the body or the blood of
A humanbeing just like the rest of us
We're all capable of miracles
Not a trick like walking on water
Bur changing the world one life at a time
Not as gods
But humans, in our truest forms
(Fort Worth, TX 12/02/2018)
182 · Mar 2019
On Your 1st Birthday
Sprishya Mar 2019
Though always a baby girl in my eyes,
You're going to be a woman soon
People will implicate, being a woman connotates certain social structure
Know that you can break them
Infact, make sure you break them
Don't let the brackets society puts you in,
In terms of you race, gender, religion
Ever define you
You are singular
More than just flesh and bones
A conciousness as unique as any other
The emotions you feel, the troubles you may go through
Regardless of how mundane and common it may seem
Know that it's yours.... Own it!!!
Know that it is okay to cry sometimes
Let your emotions out
Don't bottle them up,
As you go through life
There will be dark times,
Don't lose hope
That darkness is where art comes from
Always make art
Through colors,
Through words,
Through music,
Through movements,
Or sometimes just your presence
Always aim to make art
And fall in love
Get your heart broken
Embrace it
Then fall in love again,
And again
Love so ferociously
Even the sun's light may seem dim
Spill that love over to everything
And everyone
Let that love be the guiding light
To everything you ever do
I know you are just turning one
But time flies
In a blink of an eye, you'll be two
Although always a baby girl in my eyes
Darling, you'll be an incredible woman soon
(Fort Worth, TX 3/4/2019)
149 · Oct 2019
The Routine Life
Sprishya Oct 2019
The fall leaves
Cool breeze
Pink evening sky
A patch of cloud
Creeping loneliness
Wet, slippery road
Open door to a dark void
my apartment
Self doubt
Anxiety stricken loathing
Open the cap of a dark bottle
Potion defining sad attempt at happiness
Bukowski, Rumi, Nietzsche
Occasional Larry David
Some chocolates, maybe icecream
Guitar and ukulele
Facetime with the family
Sweet music in my ears
Realization that life isn't that sad
Soft pillow, firm bed
Sweet dreams
Wake up,
(Minneapolis, MN 10/15/19)
137 · Jun 2021
For You
Sprishya Jun 2021
If I told you I wrote this poem for you
Would you start loving me?
Craving me the way I crave you
Go insane
Live in a world where nothing else exists
Do everything to make me understand
Fail but keep trying
If I told you I wrote this poem for you
Would you instantly run into my arms?
Kiss my lips and stare at the stars
Forget the world
Forget yourself
Yet somehow remember
What I was wearing the first day we met
If I told you I wrote this poem for you
Would you spend your days thinking about me?
Coming up with excuses just to see my face
Go to the same coffee shop
Hoping for me to show up
Note down ‘dark roast, french pressed, no sugar’
Just so if the day comes
You know what I would order
If I told you I wrote this poem for you
Would you start dreaming of the future?
You know,
A small chapel by the sea
Gathered friends and family
Vows and bells
Our kid’s show and tell
A family portrait hung on the wall
If I told you I wrote this poem for you
Would you be mine forever?
And let me die in your arms
Happy and loved
If you would
Then my love
I wrote this poem for you

(Kathmandu, Nepal 12/22/2013)
121 · Aug 2021
Sprishya Aug 2021
Hope you’re missing me
As much as I’m dreaming of you
Your sweet sounds
Your misty warm caress
I love you too!

(Minneapolis 7/31/2021)
115 · Jun 2021
Summer 2021 (so far...)
Sprishya Jun 2021
Have I stopped feeling?
The words don't come as easy
Have I stopped feeling?
The tears don't come as easy
Or laughter...
      Or pain....
      Or love.....
But mostly love
Hatred, I feel
Or stagnant
Or hurt
(Minneapolis, MN 6/17/21)

— The End —