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Garrett Nov 2013
With the base of your thumb
On the nape of my neck
You place a whisper in my ear
You register as a hum

... ... ...

The lean in to succumb
Ambitious nerve endings
Peakless addiction
Such ecstacy, so numb
Garrett Nov 2013
The Autumn air always grew stale
Until unseasoned bloom
Pluck the last leaf from the tree
Just as my new plants hue
Were sun shone locks of you
This was a song before I got rid of all the crap and took my best quatrain out of it.
Garrett Oct 2013
Racing off the beaten path
Praising love through natures wrath
Pluck the last grape from the vine
Crossed legs trace lips
With a mountains forest, pine.

And pine I did for life last Spring
Pining nature be you it bring
The foliage grows upwards in spry
Towards grey sky, against the lie
That we were born to die

That we're always the cabin
We're always the paper
We're always the leaves
We make up the fire
If we aren't the trees.

Two trees grow together
Two trees brace the weather
We grow to touch the clouds
We burn the same fire
You're the Pine this tree needs
In this Forest Crowd
Garrett Oct 2013
Your Unrequited Skin
From My Sovereign Starving Hand
With A Staggered Solemn Mind
Just How Much Can One Man Stand
I can stand a lot. A lot a lot. I just really really need a job and a passport...
Garrett Oct 2013
The textual
Nourishes the soul
Within, a mind echoed  
Who repeated the words
And which washed over
The sandbed of tired eyes
And which filled lungs
With a promised eased breath
You've never more here than not
When you words are under softened skin
When you  dig your deepest
To cast my hungry bones.
Garrett Sep 2013
I've never spent more time with my thoughts
Than when I'm spending my thoughts with you

No daydream was ever more fantastic
Than when it was a night on the couch for two

I've never laid awake so much
Yet slept so comfortably
To think you could be in a dream
Can put the mind at ease

I've never felt so starved
I've never felt so secure
I've never felt so many things
Of that you know, I'm sure.

But when we're on the other side
And we can then embrace
We'll thank each others tenfold for when
Only laptops we could trace
Garrett Sep 2013
You're 538 kilometres away
That's 334 miles
Is 3 miles per hour
10740 minutes
179 hours
7 Days and 11 hours

Every day I think about dropping everything
And making this trip
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